Ci-joint la traduction d\'une invitation des anarchistes polonais et russes é un camp d\'action anti-frontiðres au mois de juillet, suivi d\'une invitation des \"Gardiens de l\'arc-en-ciel (Rainbow Keepers)\" ïcologistes radicaux russes é un camp d\'action anti-nuclïaire. CAMP CONTRE LES FRONTIERES - POLOGNE 2-15 JUILLET 2001 Nous, la campagne \"les illïgaux n\'existent pas\" organisons notre deuxiðme camp d\'action international contre les frontiðres. Il se dïroulera au croisement des frontiðres biïlorusse, polonaise, et lituanienne, non loin de la ville polonaise d\'Augustov. Nous nous y manifesterons contre la politique d\'immigration de l\'Union Europïenne, contre la fermeture des frontiðres de l\'Est aux non-citoyens (par le biais de la mise en place de rïgimes de visas, etc.), contre la dïportation des \"illïgaux\" et contre le nationalisme. Nous voulons associer l\'action politique é un intïressant programme culturel: concerts, hapenings de rue, manifestations. D\'autant plus que cette rïgion est un espace multi-culturel. L\'annïe derniðre, le camp d\'action contre les frontiðres s\'est dïroulï aux frontiðres polonaise-slovaque et ukrainienne et a rassemblï des participants d\'une dizaine de pays: Russie, Ukraine, Biïlorussie, Slovaquie, Allemagne, Autriche, Bulgarie, Suisse, Pays-Bas, Belgique et Finlande. S\'y sont dïroulïs toutes sortes d\'ïvïnements intïressants: manifestation devant les bêtiments des garde-frontiðres, marche dans les montagnes jusqu\'au lieu de rencontre des trois frontiðres, occupation d\'une nouvelle tour de surveillance, discussion, diffusion de films sur les actions de la \"Fïdïration Anarchiste de Pologne\", chants dans toutes les langues possibles,... Nous invitons é ce camp toutes les personnes d\'accord avec le slogan de la campagne \"Les illïgaux n\'existent pas\" Pour plus d\'informations, contactez nous aux adresses suivantes: Rozbrat LF-Maciej Roszak po box 5 60-966 Poznan 31 poland tel: 0048 (0) 603247245 e-mail: ACTION ANTI-NUCLEAIRE SUMMER PROTEST ACTION IN VOTKINSK, RUSSIA. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION- PLEASE PUBLISH AND DISTRIBUTE Votkinsk is a city of 100 000 inhabitants in the Udmurtian republic of the Russian Federation. It is now a site where it\'s planned to build a Russian-American plant that shoud process old heavy rocket fuel. In America, the first of such an experiment (process old heavy roket fuel) ended in a ban of the United states department of environment against the proposal that consisted of building a processing plant in the desert of the Nevada, where the closest human settlement was a community of 300 indians, situated 250 kilometres away. The plant was supposed to harm protected tortoises in the area. That\'s why, finally, US congress decided to finance such an experiment in Russia with 55 million US$ - in a scale 10 times bigger than the one planned in Nevada In Rusia, first planned site was the city of Perm near Ural mountains - after strong protests of local inhabitants Russian government decided to move project to a place 4 kilometres away from the city of Votkinsk. This because rocket manufacturing company Topol is the biggest employer of the city. The plan is that after 5 years of American governance, plant will be governed by local company. After tour of offers, US government decided to give subcontract to Lockheed Martin, biggest military-industrial transnational company in the world, and most important contractor of the US army and NASA. Lockheed Martin has also been strongly involved in privatization schemes of Russia. Lockheed Martin has also a record of scandals, both ecological and on breaking of arms export regulation. Russian government has made an ecological impact assesment of the project, as usual, not after their own laws. Result was that plant is good because will mean \"jobs\" (25 in the beginning). Known greenwash \"NGO\", Union for chemical security (against chemical pollutants) has been paid to promote the project in local mass media and to marginalize the resistance. Inhabitants of Votkinsk started resistance immediately when they learned about the plans. Local organised group has dozens of activists, and has organised public protests with 2000-3000 participants. Local movement also got a municipal referendum organised, in which majority opposed the project. This without any grants or finances whatsoever, while local government was putting lots of money and effort in counter-propaganda. Biggest employer of the city, company Topol forbid their employees to participate the referendum and watched people who went to vote. Administrative court nullified the referendum, which has become more like a routine in Russia where municipal and regional referendums are formally binding. There is also a strong movement in the city of Chaykovskiy near Votkins, which has organised mass meetings as well as car caravan to the city of Izhevsk, capital of the Udmurtian republic. Groups in both Votkinsk and Chaykovskiy have joined Socio-Ecological Union, umbrella of about 300 enviromental NGO\'s, and Union for chemical security. After lenghty court processes, local movement asked help from \"Rainbow Keepers\", radical social ecologist movement known for their direct actions. After two years of resistance, local people decided that new forms of resistance are necessary. Local people wanted to organise a protest camp, in the sort of those organised annually by the Rainbow Keepers since the beginning of the nineties. The camp is planned to start in the middle of the july - usually Rainbow Keepers camps last up to 6 weeks. More details about schedule and travel are not available yet Just write down the name Votkinsk and the date 15th of july. Local movement has not yet internet access, but you can contact organising group (Rainbow Keepers) in Moscow at the following adresses: - - - or Autonomous Action of Moscow (which also organise the anti-border action mentioned above) : See you in Votkinsk! Pour de l\'information é propos des groupes organisateurs des deux actions prïsentïes, vous pouvez aussi vous adresser é Nathalie Melis: Boæte de rïception Nouveau message Adresses Dossiers Options Messenger Calendrier Aide Recevez une notification lorsque vous avez un nouveau message Hotmail ou lorsque vos amis sont en ligne. Envoyez des messages instantanïs. Cliquez ici pour tïlïcharger gratuitement MSN Messenger Service ! Faites de nouvelles rencontres avec MSN Chat. (C) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits rïservïs. CONDITIONS D\'UTILISATION