[Nl] Wat is Indymedia ? // Don't hate the media: be the media Niet de media haten, maar het gewoon zelf doen. Iedereen is journalist. Wie beter dan een stake kan uitleggen waarom hij/zij staakt; een betoger waarom hij/zij betoogt, een organisatie waarom zij iets organiseert? // Wat is Indymedia? Indymedia is een collectief van media-activisten en geëngageerde journalisten, die de verspreiding van informatie, ideeënn, debatten en culturen wil promoten. Indymedia doet ook aan mediakritiek en organiseert soms media-vormingen. // Waarom is Indymedia noodzakelijk? De media verspreiden een specifiek wereldbeeld. De dominante commerciële en publieke media zijn een instrument van zij die de wereld domineren. Indymedia wil hier een tegenwicht bieden door andere visies aan bod te laten komen. // Andere informatie is mogelijk Indymedia wil een stem zijn van de onderdrukten en de uitgebuiten. Het wil een stem geven aan zij die tegen de kapitalistische globalisering vechten en deze realiteit ook zichtbaar maken. Indymedia wil een participatieve en kritische geest aanmoedigen. // Wat is het doel van Indymedia? Indymedia wil een alternatief massamedium worden via de website. Maar we willen ons ook beter ontwikkelen rond de meer toegankelijke media zoals video, een gedrukt krantje, radio, enz. // Wat vind je op www.indymedia.be? Indymedia heeft dagelijks een gratis aanbod van artikels, audio, foto`s en video in het Nederlands, Frans en het Engels. Op de website vind je ook dossiers, een interactieve agenda, een zoekrobot en linken naar het wereldwijde Indymedia netwerk. // Wie publiceert er op www.indymedia.be? IEDEREEN kan publiceren. Het volstaat om op de 'PUBLICEER' knop te drukken, de aanwijzingen te volgen en je artikel verschijnt onmiddellijk op de website, zichtbaar voor iedereen. // Kan ik eender wat publiceren? De website staat open voor alle artikels die binnen de doelstelling van Indymedia vallen, zolang ze niet racistisch, seksistisch, homofoob, discriminerend, ronduit beledigend of leugenachtig zijn. Een redactieteam verzorgt de site. Iedereen heeft de mogelijkheid te reageren op de gepubliceerde artikels. // Hoe functioneert Indymedia? Indymedia is een collectief van vrijwillige medewerkers. Verschillende groepen werken rond projecten en communiceren hoofdzakelijk via emaillijsten. Elke eerste vrijdag van de maand houdt Indymedia een algemene vergadering die open is voor iedereen. // Hoe wordt Indymedia gefinancierd en hoe blijft het onafhankelijk? Indymedia weigert commerciële advertenties. Indymedia werkt dankzij het enthousiasme van haar vele medewerkers en de logistieke en financiële steun van haar sympathisanten. Je hebt het begrepen, Indymedia heeft jouw steun ook hard nodig. // En wat kan ik doen? Indymedia werkt enkel door de deelname van individuen en organisaties. Iedereen is uitgenodigd om artikels te publiceren, te vertalen, evenementen in de agenda te zetten, reportages te maken, mee te helpen aan de promotie en financiering van onze projecten, mee te helpen aan de onderhoud van de website, enzovoort. [Fr] Qu'est-ce que Indymedia ? // Don't hate the media: be the media NE PAS HAÏR LES MÉDIAS, MAIS ÊTRE LES MÉDIAS. Nous sommes toutes et tous journalistes: qui mieux qu'un gréviste sait raconter pourquoi il fait grève, une manifestante pourquoi elle manifeste, une organisation ce qu'elle organise? // Qu'est-ce que indymedia? Indymedia est un collectif de media-activistes et de journalistes engagés dont le but est la production, la diffusion et la promotion d'informations, d'idées, de débats et de culture, ainsi que la critique et la formation aux médias. // Pourqoui indymedia est nécessaire? Les médias reflètent et diffusent une vision du monde. Les médias dominants, commerciaux et institutionnels sont les instruments de propagande de ceux qui dominent le monde. // Une autre info est possible! Indymedia veut refléter la vision du monde des opprimés, des exploités et des exclus, donner la parole à ceux qui luttent contre la mondialisation capitaliste, rendre cette réalité visible. Indymedia veut encourager la participation et l'esprit critique. // Quel est le but d'indymedia? Indymedia a pour objectif de construire un média collectif de masse, grâce à son site web, mais veut également se développer autour de médias plus accessibles, comme la vidéo, des journaux imprimés, la radio, etc... // Que trouve-t-on sur www.indymedia.be? Indymedia offre quotidiennement et gratuitement de l'information écrite, audio, photo et vidéo, en français, néerlandais et anglais. Le site propose aussi des dossiers, un agenda interactif, un moteur de recherche, des liens vers tous les sites Indymedia à travers le monde, etc... // Qui publie des articles sur www.indymedia.be? TOUT LE MONDE peut publier, il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton 'PUBLIER', de suivre les instructions, et l'article est immédiatement visible en ligne, accessible à tous. // Peut-on publier n'importe quoi? Le site est ouvert à tous les articles qui participent aux objectifs d'Indymedia.be, tant qu'ils ne sont pas racistes, sexistes, homophobes, discriminatoires, franchement insultants ou mensongers. Une équipe éditoriale prend soin du site et tout le monde a la possibilité de commenter chaque article publié. // Comment fonctionne indymedia? Indymedia est un collectif, se basant sur des bénévoles. Différentes équipes travaillent autour de projets, et communiquent principalement via des mailing lists. Chaque premier vendredi du mois, Indymedia tient son assemblée générale, ouverte à toutes et tous. // Comment se finance l'imc tout en restand indépendant? Indymedia refuse les publicités commerciales et fonctionne grâce à l'enthousiasme de ses nombreux collaborateurs, au soutien matériel et financier de ses sympathisants. Vous l'aurez compris, nous avons grand besoin de votre soutien. // Et moi dans tout ça? Indymedia ne peut fonctionner qu'avec la participation de chacun/e. Vous êtes toutes et tous invité/e/s à publier des articles, les traduire, inscrire les évènements à l'agenda, réaliser des reportages, participer à la promotion ou le financement, à la gestion du site, etc... Indymedia's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiled by Indymedia volunteers on many IMC working group lists. Send questions or corrections to help@indymedia.org. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is Indymedia? How did the IMC project get started? What are Indymedia's long-term goals? How is Indymedia associated with the "anti-globalization" movement? If each IMC is autonomous how do you make global Indymedia decisions? Do you really organize via the Internet? What is the address/phone #/fax # of Indymedia’s office? What is the www.indymedia.org newswire?/Why are there right-wing and/or hate-filled articles on the newswire? Can you tell me more about "open publishing?" Will you post my article/story/etc.? Why isn’t Indymedia covering such and such event/issue/topic? Where do I send my press releases? How do I get something featured in the center column of the www.indymedia.org site? How do I search the Indymedia sites? Should I believe news I read on Indymedia? Of what are you "independent?" How do I form an IMC? Are you "activists" or "journalists?" There's a problem with my article/press release/story/etc. How do I fix it? How many hits do the Indymedia sites get? How do you pay for all this stuff? How do I donate money? How do I donate other things? I want to work for indymedia, where do I send my resume? I want to volunteer for indymedia, how do I get involved? How do I join/unsubscribe from Indymedia e-mail lists? How do I find technical help? How do I open an e-mail list on the indymedia server for my IMC to use? Where do I find published stories about Indymedia? I want to interview someone at Indymedia for an article/report/media piece/school paper. How do I find the right person? How can I get in touch with people in local IMCs? What languages does Indymedia.org use? I want to use this article for something. May I? I’m having problems listening to/viewing things posted on the Indymedia sites. How can I get help? Do you have tee shirts or other promotional materials? The site isn’t working/my article won’t publish/everything is really slow. How do I get help? Can I post to all the IMC newswires or e-mail lists with the touch of one button? What kind of audio/video/print projects do you have? How do I get footage from Seattle/Washington/Prague/Genoa? How do I get Indymedia news off the computer and into the hands of people in my community? When's the next protest? Can you link to us? Why is the background of the site is too dark? It hurts my eyes. What if the answer to my question isn’t in this document? What is Indymedia? Distilled from our mission statement: Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth. There are currently about over fifty Independent Media Centers around the world. Each IMC is an autonomous group that has its own mission statement, manages its own finances and makes its own decisions through its own processes. To learn more about each IMC, visit its web page. You will find links to IMC web sites on the left column of the main page Indymedia page (http://www.indymedia.org). Most of the below information answers questions that site visitors frequently ask about "Indymedia.org," an organization composed of independent media activists from around the world who are working to coordinate international independent media projects. The Indymedia.org group manages an international Indymedia page (http://www.indymedia.org) and coordinates technical and editorial policy issues that affect all IMCs that are associated with the Indymedia network. How did the IMC project get started? Indymedia is the collective effort of hundreds of independent media makers from around the world who are dedicated to providing a forum for independent reporting about important social and political issues. Several hundred media activists, many of whom have been working for years to develop an active independent media through their own organizations, came together in late November, 1999 in Seattle to create an Independent Media Center to cover protests against the World Trade Organization. The Seattle IMC provided coverage of the WTO through both a printed publication called “The Blind Spot” and the first IMC web site. The web site received almost 1.5 million hits during the WTO protests. In February of 2000 a small IMC formed in Boston to cover the Biodevestation Convergence, and a larger one came together in Washington D.C. to cover the A16 protests against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. After that request from local groups interested in forming their own IMCs started to pour in. There are now over fifty local Independent media centers around the world and more are on the way. You will find a list of local IMCs on the left column of the www.indymedia.org site. What are Indymedia’s long-term goals? That’s a big question, one that every Indymedia organizer would likely answer in a different way. Indymedia endeavors to empower people to become the media by present honest, accurate, powerful independent reports. One vague long-term goal would be to foster and facilitate the development of as much independent media as possible around the world. Some come to their Indymedia organizing with a deeper goal, to enable people, while they’re “becoming the media,” to realize they can take control of other aspects of their lives that they previously left up to “experts” or “professionals.” On a practical level, some who are involved with Indymedia are working toward the development of national and/or international television or radio networks, and others are working toward the establishment of an international independent regular newspaper and others projects that will assure the public has access to independent news reports. How is Indymedia associated with the “anti-globalization” movement? While Indymedia is not a conscious mouthpiece of any particular point of view, many Indymedia organizers and people who post to the Indymedia newswires are supporters of the “anti-globalization” (alternative globalization, anti-corporatization) movement. Corporate media often describe those who protest so-called “free trade” conferences and agreements as being "anti-globalization," ostensibly against the process of breaking down national borders to create what pro-globalization economists claim will be a more profitable world. This misrepresents the reality of the international movement for social justice, which advocates not the “free trade” of powerful governments (trade that allows goods and services to flow across national borders, often in a way that allows producers to move their manufacturing plants to countries where they can pay workers a pittance), but "fair trade" that opens borders to goods and people as a way of sharing the earth’s natural and manufactured resources in a way that will benefit all. Today’s social justice activists are not against globalization of community, justice and resources, they protest the economic globalization coordinated by the powerful few that results in their profiting from the work of the majority of the world’s population. They sometimes prefer to call themselves “alternative globalization” activists, or those who are against the increasing corporatization of society and culture. What draws many of these activists to Indymedia? Perhaps people who protest the power multinational corporations, faceless international financial institutions and inaccessible governments have over their lives find encouragement in Indymedia’s news wire, which encourages them to present their own account of what is happening in the world. People participating in protests that question the very tenets of corporate domination of their lives understand why their issues are unlikely to receive honest consideration in the corporate-owned media. Activists planning an alternative globalization/anti-corporatization event can assure a safe space for presenting non-corporate news by forming a local IMC to provide coverage of the event, or posting news to the site of a local IMC that currently exists. If each IMC is autonomous how do you make global Indymedia decisions? Indymedia is currently developing a global decision-making process that will enable all IMCs to make decisions that affect the whole network. The current proposal is for Indymedia to form a "global spokescouncil" that will confirm decisions on global Indymedia issues that local IMCs have made through their own decision-making processes. When this process develops, you will find information about it on the Indymedia sites. If you would like to be involved in developing the spokescouncil idea or working on other Indymedia process issues you may subscribe to the imc-process@indymedia.org e-mail list through the http://lists.indymedia.org page. If you've been involved in Indymedia for a while and would like to participate in the decision-making working group, the group that's focusing attention and work on developing the a global decision-making process, subscribe to imc-dmwg@indymedia.org through the lists page. Do you really organize via the Internet? Yes. While people in local IMCs organize face-to-face, many IMC projects have international involvement and discussion about them happens primarily through e-mail lists. You may view the archives of all Indymedia e-mail lists by going to http://lists.indymedia.org, clicking on the name of the list you would like to explore, and clicking on the link that takes you to the archive of that list. Sometimes people who are organizing Indymedia projects “meet” on-line in chat rooms on the Indymedia IRC (inter-relay chat) server (http://irc.indymedia.org) to communicate in real time. Some international IMC working groups, such as the Imc-Print team, have weekly IRC meetings. What is the address/phone #/fax # of Indymedia’s office? Believe it or not, the Indymedia has no central office, and therefore we have no address, phone number or fax. Some local IMCs have permanent or semi-permanent spaces at which they have meetings and produce media. Thank you if you want to send Indymedia examples of your publication or fax us a press release; please contact the local IMCs to see how they may to receive your information. What is the www.indymedia.org newswire?/Why are there sometimes hate-filled articles on the newswire? The www.indymedia.org News Wire works on the principle of "open publishing," an essential element of the Indymedia project that allows independent journalists and publications to publish the news they gather instantaneously on a globally accessible web site. The Indymedia newswire encourages people to become the media by posting their own articles, analysis and information to the site. Anyone may publish to the newswire, from any computer that is connected to the Internet, by clicking the “publish” link on the www.indymedia.org page and following the easy instructions. Indymedia relies on the people who post to the Indymedia news wire to present their information in a thorough, honest, accurate manner. While Indymedia reserves the right to develop sections of the site that provide edited articles, there is no designated Indymedia editorial collective that edits articles posted to the www.Indymedia.org newswire. An Indymedia “Newswire Working Group” has formed to keep track of what's been posted and clear the newswire of duplicate posts, commercial messages, and other posts that don’t fit within Indymedia’s editorial guidelines. Soon you will be able to contact the Newswire Working Group via e-mail to voice your opinions about the articles it has chosen to remove from the front page of the newswire. All articles moved from the front of the newswire will continue to remain publicly accessible through the “editorial administration” and the "hidden articles" areas of the Indymedia site, which you can reach through the "publish" link. You will soon find the current Indymedia editorial guidelines at the top of the page you reach after clicking the "publish" link. If you disagree with the content of a particular article that someone has posted on Indymedia, you may comment on the article through the “add your own comments” link at the bottom of each post. Can you tell me more about "open publishing?" For more information about open publishing, check out Indymedia tech volunteer Matthew Arnison's essay on the topic at http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/~matthewa/catk/openpub.html. Will you post my article/story/etc.? If you are convinced your own story is of international relevance, then please publish your story to the Indymedia newswire by clicking on the "publish" link on the www.indymedia.org page and following the easy instructions. If you send your story to the imc-editorial list or any other e-mail list people on those lists will most likely ask you to post the story yourself. If you think your own story is more appropriate for residents of a city/region/country or people interested in that city/region/country, then it would be better to post to the appropriate local IMC newswire by going to the local site (click the local IMC’s link on the left column of the www.indymedia.org site to find it), pushing the "publish" button and following the instructions. This way people who live in the locality and can act on your information or agree or disagree with it are more likely to read your posting than if you post it at the www.indymedia.org newswire. Why isn’t Indymedia covering such and such event/issue/topic? Indymedia provides a public forum for independent journalists and media organizations to post their own articles about myriad issues, but doesn’t determine what those independent journalists cover. If you want to see more coverage of an issue, post more stories about the issue and encourage other newswire readers to do the same. Where do I send my press releases? Please e-mail press releases to pressreleases@indymedia.org. How do I get something featured in the center column of the www.indymedia.org site? If you think your article or issue has global relevance and would therefore be interesting for people to read as a feature on www.indymedia.org, please send your feature idea to the features working group at www-features@indymedia.org. Ideas sent to that group will most likely become features if you present them along with proposed text in the format of most www.indymedia.org features, with several suggested links, preferably to articles on Indymedia sites, and with an image to use with the feature. How do I search the Indymedia sites? You should be able to search the local IMC sites by using the search function found at the top left of every local IMC page. The search function on the www.indymedia.org page itself is often unbearably slow. One suggestion is to search the Indymedia site using an outside search engine such as Google.com. Use the advanced search function to search for articles only on the www.indymedia.org site. Should I believe news I read on Indymedia? Should you believe news you read on CNN.com? All reporters have their own biases; governments and massive for-profit corporations that own media entities have their own biases as well, and often impose their views on their reporters (or their reporters self-censor to conform their own biases to those of their employer). You should look at all reports you read on the Indymedia site with a critical eye, just as you should look at all media before you in a discerning manner. Of what are you "independent?" No corporation owns Indymedia, no government manages the organization, no single donor finances the project. Indymedia is not the mouthpiece of any political party or organization. People involved with Indymedia have a wide variety of political and personal viewpoints. Anyone may participate in Indymedia organizing and anyone may post to the Indymedia newswires. Political parties or organizations may choose to publish articles on the Indymedia newswires, but in doing so they invite public debate about their positions from any reader of the site; any reader may respond by publishing his/her comments alongside the post in question. True, many Indymedia organizers and people who post to the sites have political opinions that fall along the left side of the political spectrum, yet each individual chooses his/her own level of involvement; there’s nothing in any Indymedia mission statement that declares people who are involved must be of any particular mindset, as long as they do not work contrary to the values espoused in Indymedia’s mission statement. How do I form an IMC? You will find some information about how to form an IMC in your area on the http://newimc.indymedia.org. You will also find some advice about how to put together an IMC at the http://process.indymedia.org site. Indymedia is currently working to make its instructions for building an IMC and the information provided on the Process site more complete and explicit. Once you have read the information on those sites and explored the other Indymedia sites to get a good idea of what IMCs do, send an e-mail to the New-IMC working group (new-imc@indymedia.org) to tell the group about your interest in forming an IMC. Someone from the working group will contact you with detailed information about how to go about forming an IMC. Though each local IMC is an autonomous organization, there are several simple things each local IMC must do before the Indymedia global group opens its local indymedia.org domain, such as develop a mission statement and editorial policy and assure the Indymedia global group that it is ready to put substantial effort into building a sustainable independent media center. Are you "activists" or "journalists?" Some would say "activists," some would say "journalists," some would say both. Each Indymedia reporter/organizer must make this distinction for him/herself. Having a point of view does not preclude Indymedia reporters from delivering truthful, accurate, honest news. Most, if not all, local IMCs, have explicit policies to strongly deter reporters from participating in direct actions while reporting for Indymedia. There's a problem with my article/press release/story/etc. How do I fix it? When the Newswire working group is up and running, you will be able to e-mail them directly to assist in fixing your problem. Until then, please send an e-mail to imc-editorial@indymedia.org including the URL of the article in question. Because the IMC is a volunteer run organization, our volunteers work diligently to assist with hundreds of e-mail requests. We ask that you please only ask for assistance when there is a substantial problem. How many hits do the Indymedia sites get? That’s a difficult question to answer. Many Indymedia sites are hosted on a server for which some log information is available at http://logs.indymedia.org. Other local IMCs are hosted on their own servers and each maintains its own log information. During times of great traffic (for example, during the week surrounding the Genoa G8 protests, during which Indymedia sites received an estimated 5 million page views), various servers mirror Indymedia content and share traffic, making accurate statistics nearly impossible to accumulate. How do you pay for all this stuff? Indymedia funds all of its activities through donations from people like you. If you would like to support Indymedia financially you may do so through the web page you will find by clicking the “support indymedia” link at the top of the www.indymedia.org web page. Indymedia supports its entire technical structure on an incredibly minimal budget -- only a couple thousand US dollars so far, as opposed to the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars that power the corporate media. Loudeye.com donates substantial server space, especially for hosting multimedia files. How do I donate money? If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to Indymedia you may do so through our fiscal sponsor, Jam For Justice. You may send a check made payable to “Jam for Justice to: Independent Media Center 1415 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 Attn: Indymedia Network. Please write "Indymedia Network" in the memo area of your check. Indymedia can use all the financial help it can get. Right now we’re waiting to distribute all money donated to the global IMC until we develop a global decision-making process. Until we do so, donations sent explicitly for the global network will wait in our bank account until that happens. You may donate directly to local IMCs and/or IMC projects, each of which should have its own decision-making process and will therefore be able to use your money. How do I donate other things? If you’re interested in donating equipment or anything to a local IMC, please contact that IMC directly by pursuing the contact information you find through its web site. If you are interested in donating server space to the network please contact imc-tech@indymedia.org. If you are interested in donating anything else to the network, please e-mail us at donate@indymedia.org. I want to work for indymedia, where do I send my resume? Indymedia currently doesn’t have the money to pay anyone, even for the hundreds of hours of work they’ve done for the network. However, you may certainly be involved in organizing any of Indymedia’s associated IMCs and/or international projects. You may do so by communicating with the current organizing groups through e-mail lists you will find at http://lists.indymedia.org. I want to volunteer for indymedia, how do I get involved? First go to http://volunteer.indymedia.org and fill out the form. That will get a message to a local IMC about your intent to volunteer for them. You should also contact the follow the link on the left column of the www.indymedia.org site to get to the web site of the IMC closest to you and contact them directly just to be sure they know to contact you. If you would like to be involved with global indymedia efforts, you may do so by joining each project’s e-mail list through the http://lists.indymedia.org page. For example: Indymedia process discussions: imc-process@indymedia.org Developing Indymedia editorial policy: imc-editorial@indymedia.org The Indymedia translation team: translation@indymedia.org The tech team: imc-tech@indymedia.org The print team: imc-print@indymedia.org You may also view the archives of each Indymedia e-mail list at http://lists.indymedia.org. If you would like to volunteer to work on a project that currently doesn’t have an e-mail list, please send an e-mail to help@indymedia.org to find out how to connect with people who are already working on that project, or to find out how to initiate the project yourself. How do I join/unsubscribe from Indymedia e-mail lists? You can join/unsubscribe to Indymedia e-mail lists through http://lists.indymedia.org. How do I find technical help? You may access the imc-tech FAQ at http://process.indymedia.org/tech/FAQ.php3. How do I open an e-mail list on the indymedia server for my IMC to use? If you’re interested in opening an e-mail list for your IMC project send your request to listwork@indymedia.org with a description of the list and why you want to set it up. You or someone else you know should be prepared to be the list administrator – don’t worry, it’s an easy thing to do. If you would like to open an e-mail list to facilitate organizing your group that’s discussing forming an IMC, e-mail new-imc@indymedia.org first to let the new-imc working group know your plan, then contact listwork@indymedia.org. Where do I find published stories about Indymedia? You may find some stories written about Indymedia at http://www.indymedia.org/stories_imc.php3. So many have been written lately that we’re losing track. A search through your favorite web search engine (using an “advanced search” function to tell the search engine not to return results from any indymedia.org domain), will yield a lot of exciting articles. I want to interview someone at Indymedia for an article/report/media piece/school paper. How do I find the right person? If you would like to interview someone from a local IMC or specific project please contact that IMC/project directly. If you would like to interview someone at IMC-global please e-mail help@indymedia.org. Please let us know your deadline. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Please understand that Indymedia is a volunteer-run organization and we have a hard time fulfilling all requests. How can I get in touch with people in local IMCs? Each IMC should have contact information available on its web site, though every IMC replies to e-mail at a different pace. You may contact the Indymedia tech team by sending an e-mail to imc-tech@indymedia.org. You may contact people who are working on Indymedia editorial issues by mailing imc-editorial@indymedia.org. You may contact the people working on Indymedia process issues by e-mailing imc-process@indymedia.org. You may contact the translation team by e-mailing translation@indymedia.org. You may contact the IMC print team through imc-print@indymedia.org. What languages does Indymedia.org use? There are local IMCs that publish, or are planning to publish, in languages such as English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Flemish, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Hebrew and Arabic. So far most global Indymedia discussions take place in English, but the Indymedia Translation Team is working to change that. If you would like to join the translation team to help make this possible, join the translation@indymedia.org e-mail list through the http://lists.indymedia.org page. We have also initiated discussions about facilitating international Indymedia communication by using Esperanto. I want to use this article for something. May I? All original content posted to Indymedia is free for reprint and rebroadcast, on the net and elsewhere, for non-commercial use, unless otherwise noted by author. If you have questions about whether you may publish a particular article please contact the article’s author directly. For more information about open content licenses visit: http://www.opencontent.org. I’m having problems listening to/viewing things posted on the Indymedia sites. How can I get help? Indymedia has provided links to some of the programs you can use to listen to/view things at http://www.indymedia.org/help.php3. Follow those links to receive support from the companies that produce the programs, as they will be able to answer specific questions much better than the Indymedia tech team. Do you have tee shirts or other promotional materials? Indymedia global doesn’t have tee shirts or other promotional material available right now. The Seattle (http://seattle.indymedia.org) and Washington DC (http://dc.indymedia.org) IMCs both apparently have tee shirts. Please contact them through their web sites. The site isn’t working/my article won’t publish/everything is really slow. How do I get help? Indymedia is a 100% volunteer network with few resources. Our tech volunteers do an extraordinary job keeping the technical aspects of the web sites flowing. Sometimes, especially during high traffic times, the site is not able to handle all the traffic. We wish we could suggest something other than “try back in a little while,” but unfortunately that’s all we can recommend. If you have technical abilities or server space to offer that would definitely help. Please contact the IMC tech team: imc-tech@indymedia.org. Can I post to all the IMC newswires or e-mail lists with the touch of one button? No. The site is set up to encourage you to post or e-mail your information to the specific newswire/e-mail list that it concerns. What kind of audio/video/print projects do you have? There are hundreds of videographers scurrying about the globe who currently take video for Indymedia sites and projects. Some of them communicate via the video@indymedia.org e-mail list. Every month FreeSpeech? TV (http://www.freespeech.org) collects video segments from Indymedia videographers around the world into the “Indymedia newsREAL.” You can find out more about that project through http://satellite.indymedia.org. Many IMCs have their own radio projects, and several of them broadcast regularly on the internet. Find out more about IMC radio projects through http://radio.indymedia.org and/or join the conversation at imc-audio@indymedia.org. Many IMCs have their own print publications, so check local IMC sites to follow along with their adventures in real life print. There is an international imc-print team; they organize via the imc-print@indymedia.org list and through the http://print.indymedia.org site. Every week the IMC-Print team produces a two page PDF (printable file) summary of Indymedia news, which you should print, copy and distribute in your community. How do I get footage from Seattle/Washington/Prague/Genoa? If you’re interested in the IMC videos from Seattle, Washington or Genoa, contact Seattle (seattle.indymedia.org), Washington D.C. (dc.indymedia.org) and Italy (italia.indymedia.org) respectively. If you’d like information about the Prague video you can find it at http://praguevideo.indymedia.org. How do I get Indymedia news off the computer and into the hands of people in my community? Print the Print team’s weekly PDF (http://print.indymedia.org), copy it and distribute it in your community. You may also print articles from the Indymedia site by clicking the “print this article” link at the top of the article. Encourage your community radio station to broadcast IMC audio project productions (http://radio.indymedia.org). Organize a screening of the Indymedia newsREAL (http://satellite.indymedia.org) and/or screen any Indymedia video. TELL PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT YOU SEE ON THE IMC SITES. When's the next protest? Though Indymedia itself doesn’t plan protests, Indymedia ally http://www.protest.net provides a calendar of upcoming protests and other events. Can you link to us? You may suggest your link to Indymedia through the http://www.indymedia.org/links.php3 page. Please understand that Indymedia volunteers are incredibly busy and haven’t been able to maintain our links page too well as of late. You may most definitely link to any Indymedia site from your web site. Why is the background of the site is too dark? It hurts my eyes. People on the imc-presentation@indymedia.org working group have heard many complaints that the black background and white text makes reading the site difficult for some people. They have also received many positive comments about the way the site looks. As of now they have made the decision to stay with the current look of the site. If you really have a hard time reading articles with the black background, try clicking the “print article” link at the top of each article. This will transform the article into a printable version – white background with black text – that should be easier to read. What if the answer to my question isn’t in this document? If the above frequently asked question file hasn’t answered your question, you may contact us at help@indymedia.org. Please understand that Indymedia is an all volunteer project and sometimes there are hundreds of messages to go through each day. We will try to get back to you as quickly as possible. Thank you. I N D Y M E D I A IMC-be / Independent Media Center - Belgium Lambert Crickxstraat 30 1070 Brussel Tel: +32 (0)2 521 17 20 bankrekening: 068-2227113-20 Rue Lambert Crickx 30 1070 Bruxelles Tel: +32 (0)2 521 17 20 compte en banque: 068-2227113-20 info@indymedia.be --contact-- 0476.53.31.88 (Han - nl/fr) 0474.89.66.53 (Mara - nl) 0479.88.86.56 (Tim - fr) --contacts regionales--regionale contacten-- Liège: 0486.18.03.84 (Arnaud) Kortrijk: 0498.53.32.12 (Joeri) Antwerpen: 0498.05.68.90 (Toon) IRC - CHAT Indymedia chat | Chat Indymedia | Indymedia irc server [Nl] Veel Belgische Indymedia medewerkers zijn vaak ingelogd op de indymedia chatserver in het kanaal #belgium. Hier vind je een beknopte uitleg van hoe je aan de indymedia irc kan deelnemen. [Fr] Un grand nombre de collaborateurs d'Indymedia sont régulièrement connectés sur le canal #belgium du serveur chat Indymedia. Vous trouverez Ici une explication succinte de la manière dont vous pouvez participer aux discussions irc d'Indymedia. [En] A lot of the Indymedia Belgium volunteers are a lot on the indymedia irc server in the channel #belgium. You can find a brief tutorial of how you can attend here M A I L I N G . L I S T S Communicatie Mailing Lijsten | Listes Mailing De Communication | Communication Mailing Lists [NL] Communicatie verloopt bij indymedia hoofdzakelijk via e-maillijsten. Hieronder staan de mailinglists van indymedia belgië, iedereen die dat kan er op inschrijven. De volledige lijst vind je op lists.indymedia.org Via deze site kan je ook inschrijven en de archieven bekijken. Als je inschijft bij een mailinglijst, stuur dan ook een korte introductie met wie je bent en wat je zoal bezighoudt. Al onze lijsten hebben open en doorzoekbare archieven (muv finance). Post dus GEEN gegevens die je liever privé wil houden [FR]Sur Indymedia, la communication se fait en général par moyen de listes e-mail. Vous trouverez les listes Indymedia Belgique ci dessous, tout le monde peut s? inscrire sur les listes. Vous trouverez une liste complète sur lists.indymedia.org. Vous pouvez y consulter les archives et vous y inscrire sur les listes aussi. Quand vous vous inscrivez sur une liste, on vous prie d?envoyer une introduction brève, nous racontant qui vous êtes et lesquelles sont vos préoccupations principales. Les archives de nos listes sont tous accessibles au public, alors, ne soumettez pas d?informations que vous voulez garder privés. [EN] Indymedia communications mainly happen through mailing lists. You can find the Indymedia ? Belgium mailing lists underneath, everybody can enrol. You can find the complete list at list.indymedia.org. You can also sign up through that site, as well as check the archives. When you join a mailing list, please sent a short introduction telling us who you are and what you are evolved in. All our mailing list archives are open to the public (except for the finance list), so please don?t post any information you want to keep private. Algemene lijst | Liste générale | Main list * imc-belgium@lists.indymedia.org [NL] Algemene mailinglijst. Aankondigingen, interessante voorstellen / informatie. Hier inschrijven | Archief [FR] Liste généraliste. Annonces, propositions intéressantes / informations. Inscrivez-vous ici | Archive [EN] General mailinglist. Announcements, interesting proposals/ information. Subscribe here | Archive Process * imc-belgium-process@lists.indymedia.org [NL] Lijst om a) beslissingen binnen indymedia-be te bediscussiëren en b) globale indymedia voorstellen te bespreken Om in te schrijven op de lijst, moet je eerst kort jezelf voorstellen. Hier inschrijven | Archief [FR] Liste pour a) discuter des décisions prises par indymedia-be et b) discuter les propositions indymedia global. Vous devez envoyer une brève présentation pour vous inscrire. Inscrivez-vous ici | Archive [EN] List to a) discuss decisions of imc-be and b) discuss global indymedia proposals. You need to do a roll call to subscribe. Subscribe here | Archive Finance * imc-belgium-finance@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Lijst om over financiële zaken te discussiëren en eraan te werken [En] List to discuss & work on financial issues [Fr] Liste de discussion et de travail pour les questions financières. Om in te schrijven op de lijst, moet je eerst kort jezelf voorstellen/You need to do a roll call to subscribe/Vous devez envoyer une brève présentation pour vous inscrire Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici * imc-belgium-news@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Wie hier op inschrijft ontvangt de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief [En] If you subscribe to this one you'll receive a weekly newsblast [Fr] Les inscrits reçoivent un newsblast hebdomadaire Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici - Archief/Archive * imc-belgium-edito@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Lijst van het edito-team. Het team dat de editoriale beslissingen neemt voor de site [En] List of the edito-team. The team that takes the editorial decisions of the site. [Fr] Liste de l'équipe éditoriale, qui prend les décisions éditoriales pour le site Om in te schrijven op de lijst, moet je eerst kort jezelf voorstellen/You need to do a roll call to subscribe/Vous devez envoyer une brève présentation pour vous inscrire Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici - Archief/Archive * mailto:imc-belgium-tech@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Lijst voor technische zaken. Zowel op software gebied als op hardware gebied & niet enkel voor computers. [En] Mailinglist for technical issues. Hard- en software and not only computer related [Fr] Liste pour les questions techniques. Hardware, software et questions pas uniquement sur les questions informatiques Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici - Archief/Archive * imc-belgium-files@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Lijst van het files team [En] List of the files team [Fr] Liste de l'équipe files Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici - Archief/Archive * imc-belgium-print@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Coördinatie en werklijst voor het maken van een tweemaandelijks tijdschrift [En] Coordination and worklist for making a bimonthly magazine [Fr] Liste de coordination et de travail pour la création d'un magazine bimestriel Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici - Archief/Archive * mailto:imc-belgium-video@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Lijst van het videoteam [En] List of the videoteam [Fr] Liste de l'équipe vidéo Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici - Archief/Archive * imc-belgium-audio@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Lijst van het audioteam [En] List of the audioteam [Fr] Liste de l'équipe audio Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici - Archief/Archive * imc-wvl@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Westvlaams indymediaproject Je moet van WVL zijn of er actief zijn om in te schrijven. Je moet een roll call doen voor je wordt ingeschreven Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here - Archief/Archive * imc-be-translation@lists.indymedia.org [Nl] Vertalingslijst van imc Belgium [En] Imc Belgium's translation list [Fr] Liste des traducteurs d'imc-be Om in te schrijven op de lijst, moet je eerst kort jezelf voorstellen/You need to do a roll call to subscribe/Vous devez envoyer une brève présentation pour vous inscrire Hier inschrijven/Subscribe here/Inscrivez-vous ici - Archief/Archive