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"Think universally. Act terrestrially."  
            Pip Wilson, dopeless hope fiend

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New! Click for Myths of the ‘War on Terrorism’
What CNN and Bush won't tell you.
Mega-page of resources to help you stop the war!
This article will help in those dinner-party debates about Iraq;
More than 85 footnotes and hundreds of links

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Click for info about the war and activism to prevent it
Saturday February 8, 2003, Australia
More than 750 women lie nude on a hillside at Byron Bayon, on the New South Wales north coast about 200 km ( miles) south of Brisbane, in the shape of a heart with "no war" spelled inside. The women are urging Australian Prime Minister John Howard not to follow US President George Bush into a war with Iraq.  
Click for more on the war and protests






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