“Man’s of Honor”


‘Politic & Crime.’

‘100 Million a minute ...........’

‘European Candy-striper Attaché Case Couriers.’

‘Germany’s brash new import - dirt money.’


E-mail: news@factbooks.fr.st


Title: The History of Money Laundering


Summary: Money Laundering is not only actual because of Bon Laden’s Money trail, but Money Laundering or the ‘research and acceptance of any kind of findings’ is today a ‘Gentleman’ act. No one really will believe that Money Laundering will be eliminated after Bin Laden, if the World leading Banks, a hell of acting Presidents and Prime Ministers including a large group of private citizen are on the run to hide or find any kind of funds. This funding automatically includes funds from drugs, prostitutes, heroin, arms and other dark sources. The author has been working on this fact finding book for over 9 years and this publication is nothing else then facts and not one word of fictions. Money laundering, peoples involved direct or indirect, already the willingness to accept funds from any sources is one of the biggest crime of our century, but still considerate as a ’Gentleman’ delinquency. It is time that the world understand that money laundering and only the acceptance of such a business is the main source of drugs, heroin, illegal business of all kinds, including children prostitution, flesh and arm trade. Not one crime includes and covers more other horrible crimes then money laundering and peoples involved direct or indirectly.






“Man’s of Honor”


‘Politic & Crime.’

‘100 Million a minute ...........’

‘European Candy-striper Attaché Case Couriers.’

‘Germany’s brash new import - dirt money.’









“The Power Brokers...”



“Money Laundering, Conman’s AND GOVERNMENTS are always one Family.”


“His name was Death, and Hell followed with him.”  Revelation 6:8

... And if anyone wants to harm them, fire pours from their mouths and consumes their foes.”















‘Shocking Publication’! Far East Revue





Published by New Media Network SA


E-mail: info@newbooksrelease.fr.st

All rights reserved by New Media Network

First Published 2000





Contents (Names)


Dr. Helmuth Kohl, German’s ‘Black-out’ Chancellor and Euro Illusionist....

E. Balladour, (Ex) French Prime Minister,

V. Giscard d’Estaing-Ex French President (L’Affaire de Diamond e.g.)

J. Chirac, Ex Prime Minister,

(French President since 1995)

Max Hageman, Editor Munich National Zeitung

Guiseppe Zigiotti, Italian Fascist National Association

Carlo d’Amelio, Attorney, representing the financial holdings of the House of Savoy and the House of Pallaviciny.

Lois Mortimer Bloomfield

European “fondi”

International Monetary Fund

Credit Agricole et Indosuez

European Development and Reconstruction Bank

Schroeder Bank

Barclay’s  Bank Bad Muenster

Kuhn Loeb, Partner of Otto Kahn, his granddaughter is  the spouse of Earl of  Airlie, the family of Winston Churchill, whose mother-in-law is an Airlie.

The Lazard Group.

Lazard controls the London Financial Times, the Economist, Pinguin-Books.

NATWEST Bank - National  West Minster Bank, Eagle Star Insurance Company (management is British intelligence, by an arrangement that traces back to World War II.

Hongkong-Shanghai Bank

Midland Bank

Lord Carrington

Kissinger Associates

Hambro’s Bank

Assicurazioni Generali

Barclay’s Bank

Warburg -- Mercury Securities

Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas

American Express International Bank - Geneva

Edmund Safra - Carl Lindner

The Golden Triangle Funds

SAFRA - Syrian-Jewish Banking

Safra’s Republic National Bank of New York in merger with:

Trade Development Bank of Geneva

Credit Agricole  -’The Bank serving Banks’

...and CA ‘Cash-Letters’.

Allianz Versicherungen of  Munich, and the

Deutsche Bank - Bank Politic

Dresdner Bank

Deutsche Bank

Arab Bureau, Genoud’s KGB Islamic Division

Dusseldorf Global Bank - Tabatai - Son in Law

of Khomenie’s

Swiss Bank Corporation

Verger, French apocalypse Lawyer

Banque Lois - Dreyfus of Paris

Paribas is the major stockholder of the Assicurazioni Generali of Venice

Paripas is the major stockholder of the Assicurazioni of Venice


KKB Bank Germany

Banka Baltija


Hoechst (Germany)

N. M. Rothschild  

Robert Meyjes, now based at CitiBank’s Office in Paris

Drexel - Burnham Lambert, the Belgium Cousin of the Rothschild family.

Bayerische Landesbank

DG Bank

Hamburger Sparkasse

Suedwest LB

DSL Bank

SGZ Bank Frankfurt

WGZ Bank

Electro Banque

Audi Banque, Beirut

DSL Bank, Bonn

Bank Julius Baer

Kreissparkasse Koeln

Frankfurter Sparkasse

Stadtsparkasse Koeln


GZB Bank

Raiffaissenverband Innsbruck

Stadtsparkasse Dortmund

Credit Andorra

Sparkasse Aachen

Saudi International Bank, UK

Kreissparkasse Esslingen-Nuertingen

Kreissparkasse Garmisch

Kas Associe

Tiroler Sparkasse

Sparkasse Pforzheim

Stadtsparkasse Augsburg

Sparkasse Bonn

Friesland Bank

Sparkasse Ulm

Bankhaus Herman Lampe

Bank Linth

Banca Agricola, Bucarest

PARIBAS, create together Warburg-Becker-Paribas merged into Merill Lynch during 1984)

Bayerische Hypo & Wechsel Bank

The Bonn-Paris Euro, Inc. in Brussels”

Why Vichy and Hitler was not just a accident...

‘Two Knights and 13 servants.....’ (EU)

The ‘Private Economy’ and Bodyguards messenger of a Bavarian Minister

Germans ‘Frequent Travelers’....

Germany, the laundryman’s dreamland

Dr. H. Kohl, ex German Chancellor, ‘Man of many faces’.

Dr. Winfried Maier, ex Public Prosecutor in Augsburg, Germany.

The German counterpart of the Italian Prosecutor Signor ‘Mani Poluti’. (The case Berlusconi etc.)

‘Schmiergeldzahlungen’ with CDU arm deals

Holger Pfahl, ex State Secretary of Defense in Germany, wanted for arm dealing and supposed to be hidden in Singapore,

3, 8 Millions from Saudi Arabia to Germany for Fuchspanzer (Tanks)

The ‘executing Mastermind’ to protect Official Money Laundering in Germany:

Public Prosecutor and Chief Prosecutor  in Augsburg Mr. Nemetz.

Germanys Mastermind for Politic Money Laundering: General Prosecution Office in Munich

Dr. Maier statement: “ For ordered crime reports or investigation I am not willing to sign such documents.” (He lost is job as prosecutor and investigator and is now Family Judge)

‘Money  Laundering a la Germany”.

Only comments from Mr. Nemetz, Chief investigator in Augsburg: “ An hearing of the ex Chancellor Kohl would be a show and the office of the Public Prosecutor is not established for a show, but to ‘investigate in accordance with the German Law’!

How the Public Prosecution from Munich and Augsburg, Germany covers up Money Laundering to keep Germany International ‘face’ clean.

The German Public Prosecutor Dr. Maier , engaged in the case Kohl and why he lost his job?

German Public Prosecutors from Augsburg and the Philippine Marcos Funds,

The Author, Public Prosecutor Augsburg, Minister Tandler, the Hotel of the Bavarian Minister Tandlers spouse and his protection from the German, Bavarian Justice.

Kohl and Cie., Geneva Suicide 1, suicide 2, the secret accounts.

Schreiber the ex German Secret Agent turned arm dealer, exiled in Canada, Minister Schaeuble and the Bavarian final game a la Strauss…

Germanys Political Justice, Official Money Laundering Justice and the biggest arm deals during Kohl’s time as Chancellor.

Politic and Justice a la Germany

Karl-Heinz Schreiber, from ex German Secret Agent to Germanys ‘Super Arm Dealer’ and Financier of the political wing Christian Democratic Party and Christian Social Union.

Minister Schaeuble: The Scapegoat for Kohl,

Schreiber and the Political Arm in Augsburg.

The fake true Passport issued by an German Embassy to help to escape an ex German Secret Agent now International wanted Money Launderer and Arm dealer.

Werner Stoehlein, BND, Germanys International Information Service (like the NSA) old and good friend of Karl Heinz Schreiber.

The connection between the International wanted Arm dealer and Money Launderer K. Heinz Schreiber, financier of the CDU and Kohl has been well known in the circle of the German Government

Elf-Aquitaine, Leuna and why Kohl ordered the case to be dealed in his head office.

Is the BND (the German counterpart of NSA or the French DST) in the center of all Official German Money Laundering and arm deals?

CDU Leisler Kiep, Schreiber, Pfahl and even K. Heinz Schreiber all had the necessary connection to the BND.

Erisch Schmidt-Eenboon a German Secret Service Expert:” It is amazing and strange that a normal Landes Minister Leisler Kiep knows the BND Station Manager in Washington and get involved with his party to promote the German Secret Station Manager in Washington.

Minister Leisler Kieps intervention for the BND Collaborator Blum to arrange a promotion, classification A 6 trough the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Blum, firstly acting as BND Station Manager in Washington becomes later President of the well known BND.

A strange fact, that all persons involved in Money Laundering and arm dealing had connection with the BND, has been employed by the BND and placed via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs into top locations.

50 Million DEM a Dieter Holzer, to arranged the deal between Elf and Leuna. Dieter Holzer has been a BND Agent.

The International  Fraternity of Money Laundering.

Case 1.: ex-Germans Chancellors Kohl Black-out Case with Graf von Lambsdorff.

Case 2.: ex-Germans Chancellors Kohl’s Case 1991 with Leisler Kiep, treasurer of the Kohl’s party

Case 3.: ex-Germans Chancellors  Kohl’s Politic Justice Protection

Case 4.: ex-Germans Chancellors Word of Honor (Ehrenword) to protect the donators. Why? Because they never existed?

The system Kohl. ‘a German system’?

The suicide of CDU Finance Chief Mr. Wolfgang Huellen.

The suicide of Geneva. Fact are behind the walls of the investigation office.

The secrets of 1,2 millions disappeared files and documents from the ex-Chancellors Office.

Kohl’s standard comments on money laundering, bribery and other crimes investigated: “ I can not remember such things. I don’t know. Here, I can nothing say. This comments has been recorded 51 times since the beginning of investigation against Kohl.

Has Germany been ruled for 16 years by a ‘black-out’ Chancellor as H. Giessler mentioned?

The Author says no.

In contrary. Kohl politic is a mirror of the German political face after 1945.

A mirror of the existing virile society existing as later investigated in this book.

Three solution as K. Dreher the Kohl Biograph stated: “ Had Kohl a ‘black-out’?

Is he a layer? Can he not release the truth as a German?

CDU and Liechtenstein.

Germany is not a Banana Republic, but Kohl and Cie. are Planters, his Secret Service placed via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are the sellers and the political justice covers up.

Werner Stroehlein, BND Station Manager in Central America, later in charge at the Service Secret HQ Pullach, Ref. 11 A ‘against organized Criminality’. Werner Stroehlein is now on the run and certainly hidden somewhere in South America.

Kohl and Co. above the German Law, because Kohl is the German Law.

More then four year investigation from the public prosecutors in Augsburg against the son of the last Bavarian King: ‘ Max Strauss’ without results. Again the Chief Prosecutor Mr. Nemetz: “ We are at the beginning of the investigation….”

The ‘Octagon Trust’ in Liechtenstein, Schaan, exist since the Gestapo used the trust as arm dealing center. Later on, Millions from the profit has been delivered to the Christian Democratic Party and again the BND. (Germans Secret Service)

(IN -Konkret 03/2000)

The Octagon Trust and his private Bankers: J. Baer and ‘Von Tobel’

Rudolf Ruscheweyh and Hans Klein, the Money Launderer of Nazi Funds and Pierre Laval in Switzerland.

Ludwig Holger Pfahl: Prosecutor in Munich, Office manager of the late F. Joseph Strauss, one of the must known figure in Germanys after war history, President of the BFS, Secret Service for Internal Affairs, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, manager of Daimler Benz.

A modern R. Kimble. ‘Wanted’ by the German Justice for arm deals and money laundering, bribery and corruption, last time seen in ‘Taiwan’ is as fare the Author knows in Switzerland (1999) with a brand new passport delivered from a German Embassy in Far East.

Are German National the responsible of the Asia Monetary and  economic crisis?

Dr. M. President of Malaysia said yes, after the author presented documents not included in this publication after presenting other hidden documents, in case of a law suite.

The German Mules, the German Passports from the Embassies and the Borders at Thai - Malay Borders.

Germans, Medelin, Colombia and the Thai Bath History

What the ex-German Chancellor can do, normal German Citizen can do better.

The German Government, his Servants, his Embassies, his secret service and the fake true passport of the Embassies for Germans must wanted persons.

(Like Pfahl - ex Director of…!)

This publication is based on facts no fiction and written from an exiled man forced into exile, to protect a German Minister and his helpers for eleven years.

Germans Secret Service in Switzerland

France internal scandals involving Money laundering up to the highest level.

Kohl, Mitterand and the Petrol.

France and Germany, the model of a modern European Union?


This is the first edition or first part of ‘Man of Honors’ Money laundering. However the second publication will be ready end of 2001 and will include updated information, facts and changes occurred in the European Union since ex German Chancellor Kohl lost the election and a new Government is in place.


However, the latest public release of EUROPOL, Interpol, and other Intelligence services shows that Money Laundering, Corruption is far from elimination and our daily news shows that more and more High level European and Western Head of States are involved in Corruption and Money Laundering using the Political Party System and their House Banks. The next report will show, why the World not only are in need of an International War Crime Tribunal but first of all of a new Law which place certain Citizen above the Law. Also the Justice needs to be cleaned up and any political justice must be removed. We have seen that the ex German Chancellor has been during 16 years above the law and he showed again that old connections remains valid even for a now private citizen. He recently has been found no guilty and all charges have been dismissed.


10 July 2001

The Professionals:


American Express

Allianz Versicherungen AG (Germany)

Algemene Bank Nederland

Banco Ambrosiano

Banco de Maracaibo

Banco de Occidente

Banco Internacional

Banco Provincial


Bank of America

Bank Atlantic

Bank Austria

Bank of Boston

Bank of England

Bank of Greece

Bank for International Settlements

Bank of Italy

Bank Leu International

Bank of Liechtenstein

Bank of New England

Bank of New York

Bank of Nova Scotia

Bank of Warsaw

Bankfinanz (Zurich)

Banque Brussels Lambert

Banque du Sued ( Tunis)

Banque National de Paris

Barclay (UK)

British Bank of Middle East

Capital Bank Miami

Central Bank of Lagos

Central Bank of  Seychelles

Charterhouse Japhet

Chase Manhattan

Chemical Bank

Commerz Bank (Koeln)

Credit Suisse

Caisse National du Credit Agricole

Deutsche Bank (Suisse) Ltd. (Montserrat)

Deutsche Bank International

Dresdner Bank

European Overseas Bank Ltd. Grenada

FinaBank (Geneva)

First American

First Bank and Trust Company (Florida)

First Interamericas Bank

First National Bank

Franklin National

Handels Bank

Hypo Bank

Hongkong Bank (Panama)

Independence Bank (Encino)

International Bank

IOR (Vatican Bank)

Keystone Bank Ltd. (Kitts & Nevis)

Manufacturers Hanover Bank of Canada

Mercantile Overseas Bank (IoM) (MANX)

Midland (UK)

Morgan Stanley

National Westminster

Nugan-Hand Bank

Panamanian National Bank

Prudential Bank & Trust Ltd. (Montserrat)

Royal Bank Of Canada

Royal Bank of Montreal

Royal Bank of Jersey

Southeast Bank

TSB (Trustee Savings Bank)

Union Bancaire Privee (Geneva)

Union Banque Suisse

United Bank Ltd. Pakistan

V & P Bank Liechtenstein

World Bank Ltd. (Montserrat)

Z - Laender Bank (Liechtenstein)

Zurich Overseas Bank (Montserrat)




CEP (Committee to Elect President)

Euro Arabian Jewellery Ltd.

Cambia Italia S.A. (Montevideo)

The Manaus - Santarem  MASA S.A.  Cartel &

IBG GmbH, Tomas B., Manager, frequent traveller between the Far East, Middle East and Manaus! ‘known Rapporteur and colaborator with the German Secret Service’… now hidden in Spain!

Budapest - Prague - Warsaw, Inc.

Deutsche Industrie Stiftung, fur

Deutsch- Arabische Freundschaftsverein

Geneva suicide and., the back ground...

The Schwabenland (Bavarian) ‘legal’ way as clearing house

Ministers, Ministers and a Landerjustice

Germany’s second largest economy

German’s Bavaria and his ‘Frei’ Maurer


Published by New Media Network SA


E-mail: news@factbooks.fr.st

All rights reserved by New Media Network

First Published 2000





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