Dear brothers and sisters from Independent Media Center,
I beg your attention to an important fact.
A Non-Governmental Organization called "Children of Holocaust" is threatening IMC Switzerland with legal charges for publishing of material seem by them as "anti-Semitic", including my last cartoon series "We are all Palestinians".
This is the letter (in German) sent to IMC Switzerland by CoH spokesman Samuel Althof, where he points a link to my last cartoon from series (scene from Warsaw Ghetto):
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren von Indymedia-Switzerland
Immer wieder treffen bei uns Beschwerden über antisemitische Veröffentlichungen bei ein, so auch heute.
Wir bitten Sie dem Recht den nötigen Raum zu verschaffen und die entsprechenden Veröffentlichungen zu löschen und nicht bloss in den Zensurkübel ( ) zu verschieben.
Dieses Schreiben geht als Kopie an die entsprechende Polizeibehörde und ist eine Strafanzeige gegen
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Aktion Kinder des Holocaust, AKdH
Samuel Althof, Sprecher AKdH
CH-4142 Münchenstein 1
It's a reaction from conservative sectors from Swiss society that, certainly, are aligned with Israeli criminal policies and, as Israel and United States in World Conference Against Racism, do not accept any kind of criticism to massacre promoted by them against Palestinian people. Moreover, this threat has as goal to silence expressions of rejection to Israel on Swiss IMC and if they get succeed on this, other IMCs can be also targeted by such reactionary attacks.
We need to act right now! My suggestion is an article of support to CMI Switzerland on main page, as well as a net of support formed by other IMCs. Even disliking editorial staff from IMC Switzerland, my opinion is not what matters now. We need to fight hard for principles of free and REAL independent media. So, let's go to support IMC Switzerland and to refuse malicious allegations from CoH.
You can count on me for anything.
Sincerely yours,
Latuff - Image Maker
Rio de Janeiro