During a demonstration organised by the AEL in Antwerp, a city not particularly plagued by urban mass inter-racial viloence since German occupation, some elements of the cortege decided to take their verbal action and turn it into physical violence against the symbols of Jewish presence in the City. I understand that the AEL who have so sweetly stated that they found this event 'regretful' do not understand why anymore demo's would not be held in the city of Antwerp. I find it somewhat disturbing that they do not want to take any kind of responsibility for what took place. Equally, demo's in Brussels have also turned from being vantonned by chants of death to Sharon to 'death to the Jews' anyone who claims this is untrue can just ask me to provide them with the audio, visual and written proof'. ( two years ago the deom in Brussels toison d'or, became violent and young demonstrators decided to vandalize cars prked in front of the Hilton Hotel which happened to belong to Arab Ministers residing at the hotel! So yes, let us face it, the AEL is not a peacful movement which holds no responsibility as to the actions of its members! This would be deemed as irresponsible and they want to be considered as responsible. Furthermore as the article below shows, the fact that the city of Antwerp decided not to allow this demonstration to go forward are directly linked to 'Zionist pressures', why not? For the AEL anything that they are not happy with is linked to Zionist Pressures or Zionist Conspiracies, to belice the AEL, the Jews control Belgium, oh sorry no the Zionists control Belgium , oh damn I made a slip of the tongur or a Freudian slip (Freud was a Jew so it was the Zionist Conspiracy that created this idea of a slip of the tongue..... Letus however not go totally insane. "And to the Zionists we have one message “ condemn Israel and denounce racism or be condemned”. Honestly what does this mean. Is the AEL referring to Zionists (who is a zionist' how do you identify him' or simply to the Jew, who is identifiable and an easy target. To me this sounds like hidden messages calling to 'street action' if you catch my drift. "Zionists and fascist alike did not spare any opportunity to stain the name of AEL." does the AEL spare any opportunity to spare the names of Zionists??? or Jews??? or Zionist-Facist Belgian Politicians???? Sounds like the AEL is a tad bit mixed up in its identification of culprits!!! "A demonstration that we were planing on Sunday the 21st was banned and a ban of all gatherings in the city of Antwerp on Sunday was declared." OH POOR AEL they'llhave to wait a bit longer to get their adrenaline kick... "But above all the city of Antwerp declared that it’s economy is linked to that of Israel and that it is opposed to sanctions against Israel and will lobby against it on the European level."Well economics is economics and money talks and bullshit walks in a Country with high unemployment going through a recession...(please don't hate me for this anti-capitalists and anti-globalists) "It is now a fact; the Zionist counter attack in Belgium has been unleashed." And what does the AEL think it should do about this? I think that there is an implicit message much like those passed through advertisemnts in hidden messages. Whatever the message, I leave that up to your own minds, but I think that the message is loud and clear and quite frankly a bit scary, for Jews that is! 64 members and sympathizers of the AEL were arrested during peaceful protest action in Antwerp The authorities showed once more a discriminatory behavior against Arabs and Moslems under combined Zionist and fascist pressure Press releases 22 April ž2002 Antwerp- While Jean-Marie Le Pen is celebrating his smashing victory in France where he won second place in the first round of presidential elections with an anti-Arab platform. And while Sharon continues to commit massacres against Arabs in Palestine, an alliance of fascists and Zionists excelled in oppressing the Arab community in the city of Antwerp. 64 members and sympathizers of the Arab European League (AEL) including AEL president Dyab Abou Jahjah, secretary general Khalid Arkob, and Antwerp regional chairman Ahmed Azzuz, were arrested today for holding a peaceful picket in support of the Palestinian people in front of the city hall. A campaign of intimidation and political manipulation is being waged on many levels aiming at isolating the AEL and preventing it from booking new success in its struggle against Zionism and racism in Belgium. It seems that the victories that we have helped achieving over the last two years in service of Arab causes in general and of the Palestinian case in particular have made the Zionist lobby determined to put an end to our activities. It all started with an extreme provocation the third of April that resulted in confrontations and regrettable riots, this has been used as a pretext to unleash a campaign of defamation against the community and the AEL by Zionist politicians and far-right demagogues. AEL have been portrayed as an organization of extremists and terrorists linked to al Qaeda and other obscure organizations. Zionists and fascist alike did not spare any opportunity to stain the name of AEL. A demonstration that we were planing on Sunday the 21st was banned and a ban of all gatherings in the city of Antwerp on Sunday was declared. But above all the city of Antwerp declared that it’s economy is linked to that of Israel and that it is opposed to sanctions against Israel and will lobby against it on the European level. It is now a fact; the Zionist counter attack in Belgium has been unleashed. The symbolic action of today was our way to say that even though we did not mobilize for a manifestation in order to avoid a dangerous confrontation, we do reject the decision of the mayor and denounce its political connotations. This is not only relevant to our implication in the Arab-Israeli conflict, but also to our status and position as a minority of citizens in this country. We can- and should- not separate the struggle for equal rights from our support to the Arab causes. One has to realize that we will be able to serve our causes only if we are enjoying and practicing our full rights as citizens in this country. Only when the civil rights battle is won, we can make a real difference on the other issues. Therefor the action of today had a double dimension, that of support of Palestinians and that of coming up for our rights as citizens, and both issues are crucial to the AEL. We are always open for dialogue but only with democratic forces (Zionists and fascists are undemocratic by nature). Today we’ve sent a signal of defiance to the far-right movement saying to them “ do not get blinded with what you are winning at the polls, Arabs in Europe will not present their necks to your knife peacefully and are able of shaking the ground under your feet”. And to the Zionists we have one message “ condemn Israel and denounce racism or be condemned”. To Belgian politicians we advise them to look farther than their noses and to realize that they have to deal with an organized and assertive Arab community knowing its rights and not prepared to compromise on them.