PALESTINIANS - HOLD TIGHT TO A VISION THAT THE MADNESS OF ISRAELI AGGRESSION - WILL SOON END - THAT THE SHAME AND FOLLY OF TEN DECADES WASTED IN PURSUIT OF A ZIONIST DREAM FOR TAKING LAND WITHOUT PEOPLE WILL SOON FALL INTO THE DUSTBIN OF HISTORY AS THE WORLD AT LAST COMES TO REALISE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PEOPLE DRIVEN TO REVOLUTION AND A ROGUE STATE POLICY OF APARTHEID - THE STATE TERRORISM NOW UNDERWAY Growing up in the Diaspora of Brooklyn, New York comfortable with friends and neighbors from the four corners of the earth , I was delighted with the diversity of people and free exchange of ideas, with a tradition that democracy and progress required dissent, debate, and a free press. Words and song were for play and discourse, communication and blasphemy, used freely on the street and stage, all in good humor, not demonized as heretical, impolite or politically incorrect. With that introduction I'll change a few words to recall a classic song of my youth (understanding that "shrimpers" here refers to "pea brained") as a reflection of my reaction to raunchy comments on world events broadcast a day ago from Texas. "Hold tight - hold tight, rudyackiesackie baby, 'want some sea food Momma, - shrimpers and Rice - ain't very nice!" Where oh where are you getting advice, and who is writing your script my president - time perhaps to go back to the "barbie" and give Middle-East policy over to Colin Powell, who attended City College in NYC, I believe, likely read a book or two, and with his comprehensive experience in government and the military should be well able to find the best timely analysis and optimum initiatives for the USA to play a meaningful constructive role that addresses the long term interest and influence of the USA, and helps bring peace to the region. My Secretary of State - Colin Powell - kindly thoroughly evaluate the long term interest of the USA in the Middle-East, the history of Israeli and USA policies, the dispossession of the Palestinian people, the reaction of the Arab Street, and also the latest initiatives for "normalization" of State to State relations based on an outline of a comprehensive plan for peace after (repeat- after) agreement by the Israelis and Palestinians, as agreed by the Arab Summit - a most promising opportunity. Then consider strong timely USA initiatives in lieu of the "talkie-talkie" spin for the public venues for the past 18 months. On this past evening's MSNBC interview of three scholars speculating on Sharon's strategy we had Michael Hudson of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (turn off now if the connection frightens you), posit that Sharon may find a smoking gun in one of the neighboring Arab States, or invent a smoking gun, to provide justification for or perhaps mandate a "pre-emptive" extension of Israel's self declared war on terrorism outside it's borders ( in self defense of course to protect the Israeli people!). If the Israeli military mind set and war machine should be allowed by the USA, to undertake such an adventure, we could then expect the Palestinians from the occupied territories to be exported, into the neighboring Arab State, as a condition of withdrawal of Israeli tanks, thereby solving the Israeli "demographic challenge" to realize the Zionist dream of an exclusive Jewish State comprised of the entire former British Mandate of Palestine, and the Golan Heights, with an eye on Jordan and more than a tiny piece of Lebanon, to fall into place later.. Of course if events take such a turn I would expect the "blowback" would result in complete destruction of the State of Israel. Tuesday's Ha'aretz article. "Hanging hopes on the joker" (the USA), by Yoel Marcus suggests an "American- monitored intervention with a large peace keeping force that will bring about a cease-fire and restart dialogue, which is the only way of reaching an agreement (as) it seems doubtful that we will ever get out of this mess on our own." I'm pleased to find a growing local and world wide understanding of the folly of the current madness of Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian land, infrastructure, and people, with a focus on the critical need and urgency for international intervention. While I expect that the world's super power, the USA, must play a major role to help resolve the current crisis, I believe that USA domestic politics, and a history of collaboration with the elite and successive Israeli governments suggests a major supporting role for the USA, with the European Union the UN, possibly NATO and the Arab States as well as others who may wish to participate, taking the lead. I believe the most likely and pragmatic rout to success is for an INTERNATIONAL TEAM, to be established soonest with the announced mission to solicit inputs from all parties, and to create a comprehensive plan in considerable detail, covering all (repeat all) critical issues, then to be submitted in a referendum to the Israeli and Palestinian people, and we would then expect the acceptance with signed agreements by the Israeli and Palestinian elite then in control of their respective governments, and treaties with the neighboring States to follow. I believe the INTERNATIONAL TEAM"S announced mission with troops and other specialists on the ground soonest will inspire confidence that will eliminate the violence (call it terrorism, or freedom fighters as you will), except for a few extremists from different venues in both the Israeli and Palestinian camps who can best be identified by a cooperating people and dealt with by conventional police action and the courts - not targeted assassination Events of the past ten years as well as the last eighteen months, clearly demonstrate the folly of seeking a cessation of hostility without a vision and promise of soon to be achieved political resolution of Statehood for the Palestinian people, reflecting the recent Arab Summit resolution, in turn strongly tied to the UN Resolutions 181, 242 etc. Also I believe there is no utility for comprehensive political dialog, with the present Israeli government, unable to abandon it's Zionist dream depending on dispossession of the indigenous Palestinian people, with demonizing rhetoric, myths, and dissembling versions of history as well as current events. While my inclination is for candor (and possibly humor or satire) rather than diplomacy, I would like to inspire Secretary Colin Powell, Kofi Annan, Javir Solana and or others and their staff who surely have an interest in meaningful policy initiatives, to consider what has been suggested here. Some earlier articles of mine, and many relevant comments and critiques by journalists, scholars and historians may be found on the imc site and elsewhere on the internet. Thank you R.M. SACHERE