"I wrote that Syria and Iran could not tolerate an American success in Iraq, because it would fatally undermine the authority of the tyrants in Damascus and Tehran."

Dit komt uit een tekst van een lid van het American Enterprise Institute. "Syria and Iran Must Get Their Turn" By Michael A. Ledeen

"Syria, a staunch opponent of the United States-led war on Iraq, has said that it would consider any post-war administration run by the United States military in Baghdad as an "occupation government."

Dit komt uit een artikel uit de Asian Times.

Syrië werd in het recente verleden als gewaarschuwd door Rumsfeld dat ze maar beter lessen konden trekken uit wat er gebeurd in Irak.

Rumsfeld: Syria moving military supplies to Iraq, March 29 Rumsfeld accuses Syria of aiding Saddam regime, 4/9/2003

Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz echoed those sentiments Thursday in an appearance before the Senate armed services committee.

"The Syrians are behaving badly," he told senators. "They need to be reminded of that and if they continue then we need to think about what our policy is with respect to a country that harbours terrorists, or harbours war criminals, or was in recent times shipping things to Iraq."U.S. forces trying to stop traffic between Iraq and Syria , 11-4

Bush waarschuwde Syrië gisteren nog eens terwijl hij op bezoek was bij in soldaten die in Irak gewond geraakt waren.

"Visiting Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland"

THE PRESIDENT: Syria just needs to know we expect full cooperation. And that we strongly urge them not to allow for Baath Party members or Saddam's families or generals on the run to seek safe haven and find safe haven there. We expect them to do everything they can to prevent people who should be held to account from escaping in their country. And if they are in their country, we expect the Syrian authorities to turn them over to the proper folks." President Visits Soldiers at Army and Navy Medical Centers

Het is natuurlijk heel gemakkelijk om te vragen aan Syrië dat ze geen leden van de Baath-partij zouden herbergen, als je het volgende leest:

"Syria, controlled since 1963 by a rival branch of the same Ba'ath Party that has been at the helm of affairs on Iraq under Saddam Hussein."Asian Times

Syrië was notabene één van die landen die de V.N.-resolutie 1441 steunden.

"Syria, the only Arab nation on the UN Security Council, backed Resolution 1441 calling on Iraq to account for and destroy its weapons of mass destruction. But it has nonetheless warned that imposing a US military regime on Iraq would have dangerous repercussions in the region."Asian Times

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De koloniale opmars naar Syrië en Iran

P.S., een doordenker

"Syria, a country on the US State Department's list of states that allegedly sponsor terrorism by hosting radical Palestinian groups and supporting Lebanese Hezbollah." Asian Times

Conflict with Iraq: Battle near Syrian border designed to protect Israel Saturday, April 12, 2003