Het platform van 10/11, met een aanvraag tot ondertekenen. Doen !!! Je kan ook specifiek de betoging van 10/11 steunen. Daartoe richt je een schrijven aan info@stopusa.be. Dear friends, Can I ask you to sign this appeal, if you have not already done so, and to ask other people or organisations to sign it too? The list of signatures is beginning to look quite impressive! It is very easy to sign. You write a message to sos.irak@skynet.be, and write "I sign" with your name, profession and/or organisation, and your country. And that's it. http://www.irak.be/ned/kalender/signatoriesIPA.htm. Those of you who signed already, I wish to thank you in the name of the Iraqi people, in the name of peace, and sorry for the double posting. For your information, the appeal is at the basis of a demonstration planned in Brussels for November 10 (No War! No Sanctions! Free Palestine!). You are all of course very welcome. More info: www.stopUSA.be Best wishes Dirk Adriaensens. www.irak.be INTERNATIONAL PEACE APPEAL (English) - APPEL INTERNATIONAL POUR LA PAIX (FR) - INTERNATIONALE OPROEP VOOR VREDE (NL) - APPELLO INTERNAZIONALE PER LA PACE (IT) - LLAMADO INTERNACIONAL POR LA PAZ (ESP) - APPELO INTERNACIONAL PARA A PAZ (PORT) - INTERNATIONALER AUFRUF FÜR DEN FRIEDEN (Deutsch) - МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЕ ОБРАЩЕНИЕ ЗА МИР (Russian) http://www.irak.be/ned/kalender/peacepledgeSOSIraq.htm Stop the United States of Aggression! No war against Iraq! Three peace inspectors who visited Iraq last April, launch an international appeal against a new war on Iraq. "We oppose the war policy of the US. On 21 January 2002, US president Bush declared total war on all countries and movements not prepared to submit to world domination by the US. We oppose a new war against Iraq. The US alone spends more on defense than the nine other major powers together. No weapons of mass destruction have caused more victims than the 110,000 air attacks and the twelve years of embargo against Iraq. Iraq has been bled dry, and mourns one and a half million victims. Iraq is a third world country, not considered to be a threat by any of its neighbours. Leading UN weapons inspectors declare that 95% of Iraq’s military power has been destroyed. We want to prevent Bush from igniting the whole Middle East with the sole aim of controlling the region’s oil resources and putting regimes into power which are willing to invest their oil profits in the deeply indebted US economy. Bush is trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein in order to have his hands free to take on the Palestinians, Iran, Syria and even Saudi Arabia, where plunder by the US is encountering more and more resistance. A war against Iraq increases the risk that larger-scale wars will ensue. We oppose the war, because its collateral damages are racism and the breakdown of our democratic rights. National liberation movements are being called ‘terrorists’. Strikes are are declared "unpatriotic" and millions of people are being enlisted to keep an eye on their neighbors. Rebuilding Iraq would cost 50 billion dollars. The US and its allies want to spend double this amount in order to destroy Iraq completely. They will deduct this money from the social security, education, health-care and housing budgets of the allied countries" For all these reasons, we demand: Stop the United States of Aggression! No war against Iraq! Stop bombing! No sanctions! Lift the embargo against Iraq! No foreign interference! Free Palestine! A Palestinian state now! Support the resistance of the Palestinian people! An initiative of: Michel Collon (journalist and writer) - michel.collon@skynet.be Dirk Adriaensens (S.O.S. Iraq Belgium) - sos.irak@skynet.be Luk Brusselaers (S.O.S. Children of Iraq, the Netherlands) - brusselaers@zeelandnet.nl For more information or to sign this appeal on behalf of your association or trade union committee,…Contact sos.irak@skynet.be. version in other languages: http://www.irak.be/ned/kalender/peacepledgeSOSIraq.htm