Meneer Yo, Heel tof uw oproep tot eenheid in diversiteit. En ik find het heel fijn dat u het niet leuk vindt dat mensen ruzie maken. Maar uw eenheid zal er niet gauw komen als u in hetzelfde stukje proza begint te schelden met oersimplismen ("geen massabeweging", "mensen die naar niemand willen luisteren", "geen alternatief te bieden"). Volgens mij bent u heel slecht bezig in het opbouwen van een eenheid. Ik nodig u bij wijze van oefening uit om het platform van de anarchistische betoging even door te nemen, dat zal u beter in staat stellen uw medemens te begrijpen. U vond het opduiken van het grote gelijk toch ook heel ergerlijk? Lees het volgende dan ook als een mogelijk alternatief, niet als het grote gelijk. Ik hoop dat u snel vorderingen maakt, want ik ben ervan overtuigd dat u wellicht heel zinnige argumenten voor uw visie kan naar voor brengen, maar een beetje inlevingsvermogen in alle potentiele deelnemers aan de eenheid (of mag ik niet meespelen?) kan nooit kwaad. << pamflet van de betoging op d15 >> On the occasion of the Summit of Laeken (Brussels), the European Anarchist Organisations call for a demonstration on Saturday 15th December at 1.30 p.m. Hieronder het platform van de anarchistische betoging FOR ANOTHER VISION ON EUROPE AND THE WORLD For the power to manage our lives ourselves. We are all capable to take personal decisions on what concerns us personally, to decide collectively on what concerns us as a collective and to exchange our arguments in free and open assemblies. The only real democracy is direct democracy; the only organisation on a larger scale that respects all individuals is a federation of local autonomous assemblies. For a collective property and managment of the riches of the world Natural resources are the common good of humanity today and in the future, and no invidual or group has the right to claim them. The managment of these resources must guarantee their transmission to future generations, this implicates giving up an economy that is based on productivism and profit. For a society without domination or exploitation. We don't recognize any form of domination, whether it is political, economical, military, religious, technocratical, racist or sexist, nor do we recognize any form of exploitation. There is no such thing as a "capitalism with a human face" because capitalism is founded on the exploitation of one human being by another. This is why we fight for a solidary economy, based on the principal of: "everybody contributes according to their means, everybody receives according to their needs". For the globalisation of solidarity We are not anti-globalists; we demand the end of the pillaging of the third world and an organisation of trade on basis of equality, to guarantee to all the use of all goods. We refuse Fortress Europe, of which the fronteers are only opened to the whims of bosses in search of certain professional categories and taking advantage of clandestine immigrants working in black. For an education aimed at the autonomy and freedom of the individual Children must not learn to obey and adults need to unlearn it. We need the space to experience forms of collective deliberation and individual responsability. We shall understand that individual freedom is only made stronger by the freedom of the other, that squashing opponents has no extra value compared to mutual aid and that melting oneself into a crude conformism violates our individuality. For a globalisation of disarmement It has been clear before and it is clear now: war serves the interests of the political and economical elites. We pay for it, we serve in the armies, we are brainwashed to approve, we kill and we get killed. For once and for all: NO MORE WAR! If you agree with this view on society, join us on December 15th under the black flags! The European Anarchist Organisations Contact: Centre Libertaire, Zuidstraat 65, 1000 BXL,