HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 17, 2002 version) A T.I.P. (Text In Progress) by ADRIAN MORE Hey Cheney! On Sunday May 19 2002 you reportedly said more terrorist attacks on U.S. targets were "not a matter of if, but when": how do you know? Because U.S. intelligence agents reportedly have intercepted Al Qaeda communications recently, pointing to 911-size or bigger attacks. Now, that "Qaeda" would still be able to mount 911-size or bigger attacks is beyond the pale. Because "U.S. analysts believe" that "given the military setbacks in Afghanistan and recent arrests of Qaeda personnel in Pakistan, North Africa, the Middle East and Europe… ‘morale among bin Laden’s dispersed network has gone relatively low’". All of this according to a "senior administration official". So how the hell can you be ranting, Cheney, that Qaeda is about to mount a 911-size or bigger attack? Unless of course Qaeda is really Arab for "the u.s. establishment & its western allies". Anyway, you gave no specifics, as usual. No time, place or methods. Reportedly, you Cheney don’t know when or where. How reassuring. An anonymous "senior administration official" told the New York Times though that the intercepted intelligence relates to Europe, the Arabian Peninsula or the U.S. So this official is flatly contradicting you, Cheney. Because you said you don’t know where. Your official does. Europe, Arabia, U.S. You don’t. Strange. On June 23, Al Jazeera played a recording, allegedly by Qaeda spokesman Suleiman Abu Ghaith, stating that Osama is ‘alive and well’ and threatening new anti-American attacks. I thought Bush and you, Cheney, had set out to destroy terrorists and those who harbor them. So why haven’t you carpet-bombed Jazeera TV? They are harboring – no, worse – they are mass-broadcasting Qaeda’s terror propaganda. But you’ll never do that. Because Jazeera is nothing but a front for YOUR propaganda. Nothing could help your terrorist tyranny and genocidal wars more than the "Qaeda" monster live on Jazeera. How else can one explain the absurdity that Jazeera, a Qatar (U.S.-puppet, totalitarian state where the media are under total control) TV, would mass-broadcast terrorist stuff? And the other absurdity that Abu Ghaith would announce to the world impending Qaeda strikes – thus risking to find the enemy on high alert and diminishing Qaeda’s own chances of success? Downing Street (=Blair), in its Oct. 4, 2001 statement about 911-related evidence against Bin Laden (source nr 1 below), said that among Qaeda’s features was "ABSENCE OF WARNING": "AL-QAEDA GIVES NO WARNING OF TERRORIST ATTACK." (my caps). Which would be the only logical modus operandi of terrorist plotters. Now instead we see Qaeda allegedly trumpeting its next 911. Who do you think you’re fooling, Cheney? All this becomes plausible ONLY IF JAZEERA + QAEDA + GHAITH + OSAMA & THE REST OF THEM THUGS ARE REALLY WORKING FOR YOU CHENEY – BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR THUGS URGENTLY NEED A NEW 911 (possibly chemical/nuclear/bio) TO JUSTIFY YOUR PLANNED IRAQI HOLOCAUST. Which implies that if Osama’s really behind 911 then you too are, cheney. Is this why you haven’t indicted Osama at all, in absentia, for 911? Where will you hit this time around, Dick? Europe? (There’s too many anti-Iraq-war people still left there); the U.S. again? Both? Europe stands a good chance. Judging from your satellite parrots over there, cheney. Like Italy’s fascist defense minister Antonio Martino: "we know for sure" an attack will come, probably involving germ warfare. Wonder how the hell does HE know. A hotline with Qaeda maybe? Or with you cheney? It’s not just about spreading psychosis/generating mass-consensus for the end of this ghost of freedom. It’s pre-empting post-attack criticism: "See, I told ya. But unfortunately, I couldn’t prevent it – no specifics." A May 2001 Digos (=Italian counterterrorism) report mentioned a Qaeda, Khalifa Moussa Ahmed, spotted casing St. Mark’s in Venice: why wasn’t he arrested there and then? The Digos report cited Qaeda plans to attack the Vatican or Venice, and now Italian "authorities are investigating whether those plans might be revived" – conveniently in time to stir up anti-Arab hatred and justify the 2nd Iraq war. Digos has "an informant" or "informers" according to my source nr 8. So why are these Qaedas in Europe not been busted yet – after a year? So Europe’s next, right Dick? My bet is you’re going to have the next 911 performed by the end of the summer and then attack Iraq in January – a few months in between to pretend you needed time for a military buildup that’s already happening – and has been for months. The alleged Abu Ghaith also allegedly said that "98% of Al Qaeda leaders escaped unhurt", including Osama, Zawahiri and Mullah Omar. In other words, your war on Afghanistan has failed miserably Cheney – 98% failure rate. Why don’t you step down? Your fellow co-terrorist, senator Bob Graham, echoed Abu Ghaith by saying on Fox: "that bin Laden is still alive... That’s best assessment of U.S. intelligence". Graham added that bin Laden is most likely in Western Pakistan. How the hell does Graham know where Osama is? He chairs the senate intelligence committee. So he presumably has evidence. In which case: HOW COME OSAMA HASN’T BEEN CAPTURED OR KILLED YET? SENATOR GRAHAM, TESTIFY! UNDER OATH AND ON PRIME TIME FOX! Graham has his own pet German parrot: August Hanning, the head of Germany’s foreign intelligence, bleated that Osama’s alive, resides between Afghanistan and Pakistan, "moves around little" and in secret. So much so that you know about it, Hanning – God knows why you can’t do anything. Hanning added "we must be prepared" for new attacks because there’s over 5,000 Qaedas and Talibans left in Afghanistan and Pakistan plotting with Osama. How did you count them, Hanning? Let’s translate: "We, the Western establishment, have planned the next sensational 911-size attack, this time in Europe, Germany Italy at least. It’s comin’ up so shit yourselves. We’ll pin it on Qaeda again so we can keep on occupying Afghanistan. We’ll do it nuclear/bio/chemical so we can justify Bush’s paranoid crap about preemptive attacks against alleged holders of weapons of mass destruction and attack Iraq in January". In any case: what are you cheney (pretending to be) doing to prevent these future qaeda massmurders? Your official said: "There’s just a lot of chatter in the system again. We are actively pursuing it". What does that mean? Anyway, you Dick have already given up hope of prevention: "It’s not a matter of if, but when" you said. You are sure it’s going to happen. You are sure it’s not preventable. God knows why. Well, you are a liar cheney. And a traitor. Because if what you’re saying is true and not just a scarecrow diversion from recent attacks on Bush for failing to heed 911 warnings – then there IS something you and your henchmen could do – if you only cared. Qaeda is reportedly being "intercepted": this implies U.S. intelligence is able to pinpoint the LOCATION of the Qaedas talking about future attacks. How are they talking? "Interception" is the word being used by U.S. intelligence: that is, they’re eavesdropping on phone, email or radio messages. Well, computers have IP addresses: we may know where these alleged terrorists are, or at least where they are emailing from. And who they are emailing to. Electronic surveillance of both senders’ and addresses’ mailboxes could start. Cell-phone users are pinpointable too. And phone numbers can be monitored and connected to subscribers/owners. Radio signals of all kinds are traceable to their sources. I won’t even mention private analog phones because if you’re listening to those it means you’re tapping the lines so you know exactly who and where these people are. In other words – IF YOUR AGENTS ARE REALLY "INTERCEPTING" TALKS OF QAEDAS PLANNING THE NEXT 911: WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT IN JAIL YET OR AT LEAST WHY HAVEN’T YOU LOCATED WHERE EXACTLY THEY ARE CALLING/EMAILING FROM? OR HAVE YOU? IT’S BEEN "MONTHS". Was it snail mail or messengers? Because if that’s what you’ve been intercepting, it means you’ve made arrests or you have infiltrated Qaeda: again, you’d know exactly WHO and WHERE they are. One more time: if you have intercepts, then you must have suspects or at least their locations you could place under surveillance: why are these alleged Qaedas, allegedly planning for the next slaughter of Americans, not in jail yet? Or maybe should I ask: WHY ARE YOU, CRIMINAL DICK, AND THE REST OF YOUR GOVERNMENT OF TRAITORS AND STATE TERRORISTS NOT IN JAIL YET? It’s not the allegedly "vague" details that "hamper defensive action" – it’s you cheney and your cohorts. Do us all a favor. Have a last stroke & die. Adrian More poet/songwriter-singer/essayist July 17, 2002 version. I wrote the first version on May 21-22, 2002. Sources: 1. BBC News, October 4, 2001, 12:25 GMT 13:25 UK: ‘The UK’s Bin Laden dossier in full’, online: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk_politics/newsid_1579000/1579043.stm 2. International Herald Tribune, May 20, 2002: ‘Bush’s critics backing off on Sept.11 clues’, by Brian Knowlton, online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58255.html 3. International Herald Tribune, May 20, 2002, p.3: ‘U.S. intercepts talks of new Qaeda attack’, by James Risen and David Johnston (The New York Times), online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58250.html 4. International Herald Tribune, June 24, 2002, p.3: ‘Bin Laden alive and well, aide says on TV’, a compilation of AFP, NYT, AP news reports, online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/62331.html 5. International Herald Tribune, June 27, 2002, p.4: ‘U.S. believes Qaeda tape is authentic’, by Walter Pincus (The Washington Post), online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/62717.html 6. Italy Daily, June 27, 2002, p.2: ‘Terror warning is branded as alarmist’, by Reuters 7. International Herald Tribune, July 6, 2002, p.1: ‘U.S. drafting 3-front attack against Iraq’, by Eric Schmitt (The New York Times), online: http://www.iht.com/articles/63672.html 8. Italy Daily, July 11, 2002, p.1: ‘Digos says Al Qaeda wanted to strike Italy?, by Associated Press; 9. Italy Daily, July 12, 2002, p.1: ‘Terror patrol guards Venice Ghetto’, by Anne Ruderman; 10. Associated Press, July 14, 2002, 00:19 ET: ‘German Spies Say Bin Laden Is Alive’, No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author.