Athens-Greece, Solidarity action for Brussels by anarchists From "anar anar" Date Sat, 15 Dec 2001 19:34:15 -0500 (EST) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________ A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E ________________________________________________ Athens-Greece. Yesterday, December 14th, an action for counter-information and solidarity with the international mobilization against the EU summit in Brussels, took place by anarchists outside the Polytechinic school in the center of the city. In this action participated 30 to 40 comrades. It lasted 5 hours and there was music, solidarity messages, posters, photos and banners such as ``Insurrectional action against global domination and reformism international`` and ``Athens, Seattle, Prague, Genova, Brussels... The struggle against the dictatorship of State and Capital continues``. Leaflets about the war, state murders, international mobilizations, counter-terrorist law etc were distributed and slides from previous revolt events (Athens, Prague, Quebec, Gotenburg, Genova) were projected. Also, there were graffiti such as ``Honor to our comrade Carlo Giuliani`` and ``We are all foreigners``. The following text was distributed in this action: These days, form 14 to 16 December, is being held in Brussels the EU leaders’ summit. Their target is the farther promotion of their plans... ...for Europe-fortress of unhindered exploitation , poverty and social exclusion of proletarians, jobless, immigrants ...for Europe-prison of total control an repression of every subversive word and action ...for Europe-base of their operations for the looting and destruction of entire areas of the planet. This summit of the bosses is being held in a period when the empire of the West, attempting to reinstate the image of its omnipotence after the blow to its own heart with the attack of the September 11th, and besieged by the rage of those who are excluded from the privileges of its prosperity, falls upon the field of developments by accelerating its criminal purposes against humanity. Thus, this summit is to ratify institutionally (euro-army, euro-counterterrorist law...) the recruitment of Europe with American allies to the «war against terrorism», a war which is carried out against the people of the so-called «third» world, as much as inside the metropolis of the West. >From the bombarded Afghanistan and Palestine, where the Zionist state of Israel is straining its attempt to eliminate the Palestinian resistance... To the developed countries of the West which are being armored to confront with those who threaten its security and prosperity: the revolted, the excluded, the refuges. For us, who suffocate in this nightmarish reality -a reality which is being escalating in front of the Olympic games in 2004 (in Athens) and which is expressed with ,state murders of gypsies, young people, immigrants, with the massive expulsions and continuous deaths of refuges in the borders of the country- every chance of counterattack to the criminal plans of domination is a moment of life and freedom. These days, thousands of people will meet in Brussels to demonstrate against the EU summit. After the revolt in Genoa, after the murder of our comrade C. Giuliani, the anarchists we are once again present, this time in the streets of Brussels in the direction of development of an «opponent awe» against the escalating attack of the dominants. Against the global domination of State and Capital and against every attempt of its beautification from those who compromise with it. From the passage from social protest to revolt. For the globalization of resistance, self-organization, solidarity. For a world with no states and bosses, no oppression and exploitation... THE STRUGGLE AGAINST GLOBAL DICTOTORSHIP OF STATE AND CAPITAL CONTINUES... Anarchists from Athens -------