Merchants of Death Seize Power, Threaten Entire World (News at 11?) ********************************************************** Beze Z. Bromo Pu\'u Huluhulu, Hawai\'i (MMN) July 18, 2001 ATTN Allies, Editors, Emissaries: \"When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and we knew exactly who \'They\' were. It was \'Us versus Them,\' and it was clear who \'Them\' was. Today, we\'re not so sure who the \'They\' are, but we know \'They\'re\' there.\" George W. Bush January, 2001 Children of the world, a warning from beneath the boot of America! Leaders of the world, hear this cry for justice, at this historic moment! We are staring down the barrel of the most deadly holocaust in history, absurdly embodied in George Bush, Jr. Although it may appear a joke, this is in fact the most earth-shaking challenge of our lives, from which the entire world may never recover. You may have noticed over the past decades that the \"United States\" is being run by a rogue pack of politicians and militarists, for the benefit of giant corporations out to \"globalize\" every corner of the world, for profit, power, and better golfing. What you may not fully realize is that a CIA-BACKED COUP has taken place in the U.S.A.! The New York Times has confirmed it in a recent recount: the military, represented by their corporate cohorts, jammed the polls in Florida at the last moment, seizing the Executive branch even though their party should have lost the election. This is defined in the dictionary as a \"coup,\" an unelected military-takeover of a formerly democratic government. Although you may want to dismiss this assessment as \"radical rhetoric,\" please consider the evidence: The Bush brothers (sons of former CIA Chief & VP Bush) claim to have \"won\" Florida, thanks to fraudulent maneuvers by Bush\'s campaign manager in Florida (the Secretary of State!), and the elder Bush\'s appointee on the Supreme Court (violating the U.S. Constitution). A legal examination of this \"election\" reveals Bush to be at best an \"appointee,\" and not an \"elected official\" at all! Now consider the math: The Republicans claim to have \"won\" by less than one one-hundredth of one percent of the votes in Florida (~500!), the state run by Jeb Bush. Yet Al Gore won the COUNTRY by half a million votes! Now the NY and LA Times have shown the stacking of fraudulent military absentee ballots (the Republican margin of \"victory\") while the Florida Sec.of State and a Republican judge blocked a hand recount of ballots (that would have given Gore +~5000). These are the facts of the most dubious democratic process in the history of the West. But why would the U.S. military and CIA destroy a democracy? Politicians of the world, consider the true motives of this \"President,\" appointed by the Pentagon and a Republican judge! Rather than representing the American people, he is a salesman for the giant oil and weapons corporations, as is his robot-hearted Vice-President, who happens to be CEO of Halliburton Industries, one of the largest military contractors on the planet. The Bushes and Cheney have set themselves (and their cohorts in the oil and military corporations) up for a massive diversion of the U.S. economy, represented at the moment by Bush\'s \"Strategic Missile Defense\" program. So the cash-flow, being drained from social programs, now goes directly from the desk of the President into the accounts of the Bush family and their friends, growing rich arming themselves against the rest of the world. Current projections of Pentagon spending have been increased to over $300 billion per year, dwarfing all the other countries in the world combined. As a comparison, the U.S. spends less than $250 billion on all other government and social programs combined. If this isn\'t an Orwell novel, it\'s surely the most expensive tyranny in history! One of these bogus \"missile tests\" could finance a University, a hospital, a solar power array for an entire city. And then bigger ones are built, and blown up. One Trident submarine or aircraft carrier consumes as much energy and resources, produces more pollution than an entire city! The U.S. has hundreds of these roving \"Death Star\" platforms, missiles polished, ready to launch unspeakable Hiroshimas of vengeance on \"the enemy.\" This is the most deadly racket ever devised, and it may cost humanity the entire living surface of planet Earth! That\'s why these same industrialists have built for themselves massively-shielded underground cities beneath the U.S., more black-budget billions down the drain. Consider for a moment what \"Strategic Missile Defense\" actually implies for the rest of the world. Quite simply, it is a \"shield\" for offensive weaponry, on a planet-wide scale, which can also be used offensively, in a first-strike capacity. In other words, this is a system designed for total GLOBAL DOMINATION! Every megalomaniac\'s dream! Combined with cruise missiles and first-strike nuclear submarines deployed throughout the world, one can project that the warlords at the Pentagon are financing global GAS OVENS, to unleash Hell on Earth. Now, instead of hauling the victims to the ovens, the CIA can accomplish an entire genocide with the push of a few buttons. The merchants of death expect your cooperation, or at least your acquiescense. But at what price? Hear this warning well, children of the world, these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY are only the tip of the iceberg of the fraud and genocide that the Bush family are charged with. Examine the evidence: \"Gulf War Syndrome\" caused by biowar-tainted vaccines sold by the Bush family, traffic in cocaine from Central America and the CIA, support of death squads in South America and Central America, financing of white-supremacist organizations from Germany to Argentina, involvement in ongoing oil and energy price gouging, the CIA-gestapo \"Drug War\" against their own citizens. Pull the lid off the assassination of John Kennedy, and you\'ll find an elder Bush right there in Dallas, in the CIA\'s anti-Castro operations. Pull the cover off Hitler\'s Third Reich, and you\'ll find another elder Bush helping finance the Nazis. One of George Bush, Sr.\'s own Generals even blew the whistle on him, in the book, \"Immaculate Deception : The Bush Crime Family Exposed,\" yet the corporate media has ignored this evidence, a crime of complicity itself. You can forget all that \"freedom of the press\" crap that the politicians love to trumpet about the U.S. The mainstream U.S. media, especially television, is almost entirely censored and controlled by vast corporations, out to sell bigger war games and more expensive toy guns. Look at the blunt and bloated \"Pearl Harbor\" they\'re selling to the world right now: racist warmongering, brainwashing, serving up the Pentagon\'s story to glorify \"good Americans,\" and sell more jets. If there were true \"press freedom\" in the U.S.A., the Bush family would be on trial, and not holding the nuclear buttons! We are sending you this message from occupied Hawai\'i, where Hawaiian sacred lands are routinely bombed and wasted by the U.S. military, while they refuse to stop bombing Vieques Island in Puerto Rico. This is a measure of the calculated genocide which the U.S. is responsible for: one monster nation, under martial law. When the SS was dissolved and the CIA created, they simply transferred their \"Master\" operations across the ocean. Over the past 20 years, the global gameboard has been set by Ronald Reagan and CIA Chief George Bush, Sr. (who the CIA Headquarters are named for!), preparing for \"total domination.\" Final Solution, American Style, or Fourth Reich? Wake up, world, the holocausts are now on hair-trigger! The world cannot afford to minimize the dangers of a \"Bush Administration\" : of the CIA, for Texaco, by the Pentagon! The entire world must demand disarmament now and forever, and oppose all funding for new mass-murder weaponry! The U.S. has now become the most deadly \"rogue nation\" in history. Pollution, profit, and power are what drives its massive military \"doomsday\" machine. That\'s why all the historic treaties are being blocked or broken, one of Bush and Cheney\'s prime directives. Demand that George Bush step down from the office of \"Commander-in-Chief\"! He has demonstrated, in a most embarrassing fashion, just how foolish fraud can appear, with all the world as witness. Stop George Bush, stop first-strike weaponry. America is at war, the question is \"with who?\" First they come for the natives and the wilderness, then the herbalists and the wise women, then the environmentalists and the radicals. Then they will come for you. That is a lesson we should have learned by now, throbbing like a weeping wound into the NEW millennium. Never Forget! The holocausts that haunt us. You may wonder why George Jr. always looks so flustered and distracted in front of the TV cameras. It\'s not because he\'s \"undereducated.\" It\'s not even all the drug and alcohol abuse earlier in life. It\'s because, from somewhere beneath him, he hears the moans of all the millions who have died in order for him to stand where he is standing. The screams of the victims of CIA death squads, the ghosts of the Kennedy brothers, the dying groans of Gulf War veterans, the skulls staring from the mass graves his father hid away in Panama. Now this man claims the right to carry \"the football\" (military code for the Presidential nuclear launch buttons)...but pointed at whom? Does he even know? If you analyze the implications of a CIA-corporate coup in the U.S., and their targets: controlling resources, consuming energy, building weapons, \"neutralizing\" political opposition, you may come to a disturbing conclusion. The most likely war of the future, if these right-wing rogues are allowed to run their course, will not be with China or Russia, as commonly supposed. No, Bush and Cheney are the direct counterparts of the corrupt dictators of the Communist regimes. The CIA, the KGB, the Red Army, all play on the same board game, using the same \"general\" values. No, if you look at the way the Republicans are waging war against their own countrymen, demonizing herbalists, women, environmentalists, non-Christians, putting more citizens in prison (concentration camps!) than China or Russia, cutting education and health care, raping the last wild places, defrauding the workers with military taxes and inflated energy prices, poisoning the waters, you don\'t have to look very far for \"security threats\" to their schemes. Considering the progressive politics and liberation now unfolding both in Canada and in Mexico, one must assume that the Republican regime in D.C. is actually arming itself against its neighbors! The truth is, the arch-conservatives are mortally panicked by the Zapatista uprising and the WTO protests, and are feeling DESPERATE, vulnerable, hearts clenched and racing. Hear the true HEARTBEAT of America: Al Gore should be President! We MUST get rid of holocaust weaponry! Oil and nuclear power CAN be immediately replaced with renewable energy! We should be talking about replanting forests and cleaning up rivers, not protecting polluters destroying the last of our atmosphere. That\'s what the WILL OF THE PEOPLE voted for in the formerly democratic U.S.A. Half a million citizens\' votes are being DESECRATED by these oily madmen. Over 2 million GREEN votes are being trampled and torn, thrown back in their faces with a cloud of chemical spray. Consider the true price of this coup, my friends. It will cost the entire world a healthy, sane planet to live on. As long as military maniacs and corrupted spies are allowed free reign, there will be no peace on our planet. In fact, today\'s military technology nearly guarantees holocausts of unimaginable proportions, probably sooner than later. At this late date, our ONLY option is disarmament, by any means necessary. Early in the 21st century, it has come down to fighting for human survival, or watching the world be murdered. We\'re asking for your protest, and solidarity. We have so little time. Having read this warning from beneath the boot of the U.S. military machine, you can no longer say that you are \"unaware\" of the dangers posed to you and your children. Please join our protests against George Bush and join a demonstration in a city near you. Send letters of protest to your leaders, and copies to the press. Tell them who the real \"terrorists\" are. Never stop believing that those with good hearts will triumph over the murderous, in the end. Fall in love with the world. P.S. : Pray to the Goddess, send postcards to President Al Gore (c/o the White House), wish Hillary good luck, & email the White House ::: Erupting in Solidarity and Compassion, Beze Z. Bromo, M.C. Revolutionary Elements Volcano Outpost 2002 Pu\'u Huluhulu, Hawai\'I Nui (c/o MMN ::: Mutagenii Media Network) GaiaCore E-Com ::: звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзв Revolutionary Convergence in Washington D.C. ************************************** September 28-October 4, 2001 The bi-annual meeting of the IMF and the World Bank, and you are invited!!! A joyous festival of resistance will disrupt \"business as usual,\" in solidarity with uprisings around the world. More Info ::: звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзв Was the Missile Shoot Down a Rigged PR Stunt? 2 MIT Physicists Say Yes.: \"The real scandal is that the defense being developed won\'t work - and few in Washington seem to know or care.\" звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзв Bush Administration Like a Sharp Stick In Your Eye Published on Tuesday, July 10, 2001 in Newsday How the \'Ethical\' Administration Lies About Contra War by Marie Cocco звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзв The Immaculate Deception : The Bush Crime Family Exposed ****************************************************** by Russell S. Bowen Book Description This is perhaps the most shocking book written this century about treason committed by the highest leaders within the U.S. Government. This disturbing and thought provoking expose, which few american know about, shows the truth about the drug running activities in behalf of the \"secret\" government\". You will learn about the unsavory past of George Bush and his family, and well as the uncrupulous activities in which he has been involved. About the Author General Bowen is a retired Brigadier General who position with the Office of Security Services (OSS) and his drug running activities in behalf of the government and who has courageously come foward with the truth about his association. Getting Away With Treason , July 20, 2000 Reviewer from Murfreesboro, Tennessee United States Smoke a joint, harming no one, and you may spend years in jail, but betray your country, and get elected to high office! Bowen exposes the criminal history of the Bush family, from passing our military secrets to Nazi Germany during World War 2 to George Bush\'s clandestine deal with Iran to delay the return of American hostages until after the 1980 election. Like Hatfield\'s \"Fortunate Son\" and Ivins\' \"Shrub,\" this is a must read. звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзв The Mafia, CIA and George Bush ************************************* by Pete Brewton Synopsis An investigative reporter exposes President Bush\'s business ties with the Mafia, detailing the crimes of Bush\'s sons, Jeb and Neil, Bush\'s link to the BCCI scandal, and the CIA\'s involvement in disguising that involvement. A Very Important Book Reviewer: A reader from Sacramento, CA This is one of the two most important books published in this country this century. The other is \"Dark Alliance\" by Gary Webb. Brewton is a journalist par excellence. He makes the goose-steppers at the New York Times, LA Times and Washington Post look like the complacent wimps they really are. Yes, Virginia, the S&L \"crisis\" was a $160 billion ripoff by the mob, the CIA and George Bush and Sons. Read it and weep, America! звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзв Rigged Elections & the \"Bush Brain Trust\" ************************************************ \"In the beginning, much of the machinery of national security was directed at adversaries abroad. The CIA, in particular, was given the mission of manipulating the internal affairs of other countries, from rigging elections to engineering coups. But it is not possible to create an invisible government, a world of secret agents and covert operators, without using those resources sooner or later against the American people. \"CIA covert operations, from rigging elections abroad to overthrowing governments and instituting political assassinations, should be specifically barred by law in peacetime. It has been amply demonstrated by now that the cost of covert operations to our own system is too high.\" \"The American Police State ::: The Government Against the People\" David Wise (1976) звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзв \"Sins of the Fathers...and the Sons...and the Brothers\" *************************************************************** \"As this book has shown repeatedly, scandalous intrigues, outright deceptions and downright lying have been the continuing modi operandi of the Bush clan. \"They have established an unmatched and unprecedented history of self-aggrandizement. They have dimmed the dream of their country. That will be their dubious legacy, not only for those Americans who will later chronicle and expand on these events, but also for those of us who have lived through them. Russell Bowen, Brigadier General (US Army, O.S.S., Ret.) \"The Immaculate Deception ::: The Bush Crime Family Exposed\" (1991) Available at $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Check Out the Bush Files ::: The Hitler Projekt **************************************** Download the Unauthorized Bush Family Biography $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fruit of the Shrub::: Same Name, Less Fulfilling ********************************************* \"And this is the great paradox with George W. Bush. This is a man who, had he not been George Herbert Walker Bush\'s son, would not now be the favorite for the Republican presidential nomination. \"Despite attempts to step out of his father\'s intimidating shadow over the years, his life has been one lucky break after another because of their relationship: acceptance and graduation from Ivy League schools; avoidance of serving in Vietnam; the rescue of his failed oil companies in West Texas; the Harken Energy Corporation stock sale; ownership of the Texas Rangers (which transformed him into a multimillionaire when the baseball franchise was sold); and election and subsequent reelection to the governorship of the Lone Star State. \"The pattern continued to persist in mid-1999 when Bush set a new record for presidential campaign fund-raising, due mostly to the wealthy GOP connections of his father, a former chairman of the Republican Party. \"The best investment strategy, of course, is to have a wealthy and influential father. Bush seems aware of that and has acknowledged on occasion that he is a \'blessed person\', but he doesn\'t seem to understand that with a different last name he could be just another Texan who failed in the oil business and now operates a shrimp boat in the Gulf of Mexico. \"\'I was born on second base but got to third on my own\', the fortunate son professed to members of the press during the first summer of his presidential campaign. The next day, however, a poll was released indicating that Bush fared so well in nationwide presidential surveys primarily because respondents erroneously believed that his father was once again running for the White House. \"Attempting to save face, George W. Bush made light of the confusion. \'In politics, an easily recalled name is a very, very important thing.\" \"Fortunate Son ::: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President\" J.H. Hatfield (2000) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ \"I\'m a uniter not a divider. That means when it comes time to sew up your chest cavity, we use stitches as opposed to opening it up.\" - George W. Bush, on David Letterman, March 2, 2000. (the audience booed) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Argentina ::: The Bush-Nazi-CIA Connection ************************************************** \"The involvement of George W. and Neil in Argentina has become something of an m.o. for the Bush brothers in foreign affairs. The sons of the former president have certainly not been shy about using their family name to enrich themselves and their friends. Jeb sold $74 million worth of water pumps to the Nigerian government in 1988. Marvin tried to sell electronic fences to the defense ministry of Kuwait two years after the Gulf War, while Neil sought contracts to provide oil-field anti-pollution equipment. And George W. lent his name to tiny Harken Energy to help secure a huge offshore drilling contract in Bahrain. \"Undoubtedly, the family name will continue to open doors internationally if George W. is elected. Last November, an airplane with Houston registry numbers landed in Buenos Aires; on board was former President Bush, who had arrived to spend the night with his friend, President Menem, 10 days before the end of Menem\'s final term. \"The two men attended a dinner at the home of Argentine banker Jose Rohm, where they were joined by the vice president of Chase Manhattan Bank, the director of Credit Suisse First Boston, the president-elect of Argentina, and the former president of Uruguay. \"What was the purpose of President Bush\'s visit? \'Fishing\', says Michael Dannenhauer, a Bush spokesman. But when a Buenos Aires daily, \'Pagina 12\', asked several of the dinner guests why the president was in town, they smiled and quietly replied, \'Business\'. \"Bush\'s \'real interest\', they added, was to learn how the new government would deal with CEI, an Argentine media company whose former chief had fled the country under investigation for fraud. One of CEI\'s principal investors, the paper noted, is Tom Hicks, \'one of the funders of the presidential campaign of Bush\'s son, George, the governor of Texas\'.\" \"Don\'t Cry for Bush, Argentina\" Louise Dubose and Carmen Coiro, Mother Jones, March/April 2000 звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвз The Ballad of the Texas Hillbillies ******************************** (Sung to the tune of The Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song) Come and listen to my story \'bout a boy name Bush. His IQ was zero and his head was up his tush. He drank like a fish while he drove all about. But that didn\'t matter \'cuz his daddy bailed him out. DUI, that is. Criminal record. Cover-up. Well, the first thing you know little Georgie goes to Yale. He can\'t spell his name but they never let him fail. He spends all his time hangin\' out with student folk. And that\'s when he learns how to snort a line of coke. Blow, that is. White gold. Nose candy. The next thing you know there\'s a war in Vietnam. Kin folks say, \"George, stay at home with Mom.\" Let the common people get maimed and scarred. We\'ll buy you a spot in the Texas Air Guard. Cushy, that is. Country clubs. Nose candy. Twenty years later George gets a little bored. He trades in the booze, says that Jesus is his Lord. He said, \"Now the White House is the place I wanna be.\" So he called his daddy\'s friends and they called the GOP. Gun owners, that is. Falwell. Jesse Helms. Come November 7, the election ran late. Kin folks said \"Jeb, give the boy your state!\" \"Don\'t let those colored folks get into the polls.\" So they put up barricades so they couldn\'t punch their holes. Chads, that is. Duval County. Miami-Dade. Before the votes were counted five Supremes stepped in. Told all the voters \"Hey, we want George to win.\" \"Stop counting votes!\" was their solemn invocation. And that\'s how George finally got his coronation. Rigged, that is. Illegitimate. No moral authority. Y\'all come vote now. Ya hear? *****Paid for by the Katherine Harris Foundation for Corrective Surgery. *:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:*:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_ ,.-:*\' Elect Yourself! ****************** by Neighborhood Party phone: 505-USER-NBR The Neighborhood Party calls on everyone, everywhere to elect themselves, this day or any day, and immediately inaugurate the new \"Citizens\' Administration\" for direct action, universal empowerment and personal integrity and responsibility. ELECT YOURSELF! Neighborhood Party Over 250 million new openings... *:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:*:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_ ,.-:*\' THE COVER-UP OF GULF WAR SYNDROME -- ***************************************************** A QUESTION OF NATIONAL INTEGRITY Read by over 17,000 people in 60 countries. Full Text ::: 0====(::::::::::::::::><:::::::::::::::::]====0 \"Even a monkey, brought up in the right surroundings, can learn the meaning of decency and honesty.\" Ronald Reagan \"Bedtime for Bonzo\" Broken CIA Code NSA HeadQuarters звзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзвзв \"American Indians share a history rich in diversity, integrity, culture and tradition. It is also rich in tragedy, deceit and genocide. As the world learns of these atrocities and cries out for justice for ALL people everywhere, no human being should ever have to fear for his or her life because of their political or religious beliefs. We are in this together, my friends, the rich, the poor, the red, white, black, brown and yellow. We share responsibility for Mother Earth and those who live and breathe upon her. Never forget that.\" --Leonard Peltier \"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.\" Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. *:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:*\'``\'*:-.,_,.-:* \"Be the change you want to see in the world.\" -- Mahatma Gandhi Weird Wonderful Books, CDs, DVDs!!! HumanKind Survival Earth $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ \"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.\" H.G. Wells д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д╫д \"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.\" Dolores Ibarruri (1895-1985) \"The world is now too dangerous for anything less than Utopia.\" Buckminster Fuller еееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееее \"The media\'s the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent, and that\'s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.\" Malcolm X \"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.\" George Orwell \"Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy rotten system.\" Dorothy Day Announcing \"ZAPATISTA\" ::: A BigNoise Film Production < Gaia Core @ Pele\'s Cauldron