Friday, Aug 3, 2001 - Start Audio \"for
-00:00 \"picture Noelle Hanrahan: w Puerto Rican activist, Professor Deborah Santana, of Mills College just back from Vieques.. very intense action.. around the clock bombing.. the US Navy sending a rebuke to the voters of Vieques and the results of the recent referendum on the bombing, which was 70%-30% in favor of an immediate cessation of the bombing, in spite of Navy bribes and threats.. shooting rubber bullets and tear gas.. \"warning wounded an AP reporter.. why Navy is using depleted uranium in bombs.. Navy doesn\'t want to leave Vieques because they don\'t want people to learn about the incredible toxicity of their weapons testing.. can Vieques ever be cleaned up?.. maybe, for an estimated $7-8 billion dollars.. more info: or call 787-741-0716
-08:40 Noelle Hanrahan: lockout of workers at Charles Krug winery in St. Helena, California.. w David Bacon, labor reporter for KPFA and Jerry Barlow, president of union local, and one of the locked out workers.. \"Photoworkers being asked to take pay cuts.. a lot of money in the Napa valley, why isn\'t it trickling down to the workers?.. it\'s the story of greed, the wine industry is the creme-de-la-creme of California industry.. what\'s happening here.. the wineries have the money to do this.. wineries have abandoned seasonal housing, letting grape pickers sleep in cars.. it\'s not understandable, this kind of greed.. what you can do.. join their march every Sunday.. from the winery a mile north of St Helena to St. Helena and back.. your support means a lot to the workers.. start 11AM.. also please come to a benefit dinner 6pm this Sunday, for the workers and families who have no unemployment benefits at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 3875 Jefferson at Trower, St. Helena, donation requested, no one turned away
-18:20 Dennis Bernstein: about the Kyoto protocols.. w Ross Gelbspan: author of The Heat is On *.. \"grapha catastrophic scenario.. US responsible for 25% of the world\'s emissions.. a key part of any solution to the problem.. US supposed to have cut their emissions only 7% by 2012.. \"photobut scientists say the world has to cut emissions 70% to stabilize the climate..the negative impact (of the RETREAT from Kyoto) on US industry.. the world absolutely has to, and will, get rewired with solar, wind power, etc.. the US will end up being a buyer, rather than a seller of new technology.. why a voluntary approach won\'t work.. why Bush is behaving so irresponsibly
*(If possible please buy this book from your own local independent bookseller)
-28:40 Noelle Hanrahan: Mumia Abu-Jamal is a journalist who has spent 20 years on death row.. will have a court appearance this August 17th.. \"Mumia w attorney Lynn Washington.. about Judge Sable\'s misconduct in Mumia\'s habeas corpus hearing.. Clinton signed a law in 1996 making it much harder for prisoners to get a fair review.. a cumulative record of misconduct from the trial judges to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.. if what happened in Mumia\'s case, happened instead to an American in China, or France, or England.. the US congress and everyone else would be up in arms.. Amnesty International\'s report buried by the mainstream press.. the three pillars of the case against Mumia.. obviously some police testimony concocted.. (discussion).. it boggles the mind.. judge\'s rulings a bunch of junk..
-46:40 Attorney Washington\'s impressions, memories of Mumia.. "an extraordinary journalist"
-50:40 Excerpts from Mumia latest CD: 175 Progress Drive.. his reporting for \"All Things Considered\" on NPR
-53:38 End today\'s show.. today\'s review by john lionheart
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-produced by Dennis Bernstein
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