Follow-up Bush behind 911? Part one: Part two: Dutch: Aanval Irak voor of op 911?: Main conclusions former articles: Bush delayed a plan to fight Al Qaeda and wanted to completely eliminate them. The final plan was approved by Bush just before September 11th. But how could such a total-war plan be put into practice without the terrorist attacks that shocked the world? Wasn’t the ‘how to get support’-issue part of another Bush plan? Bush government knew about a major attack, didn’t he let this happen? Also, the guy accused of sending Anthrax letters, works at a CIA-laboratory. In my opinion, more clues point towards high ranking CIA officials next to Bush responsibility for those letters than towards this guy (on his own). How could he know September 11th was going to happen? Pure coincidence, although this looks like a copy of the CIA-Cuba plan, Kennedy blocked (and was murdered afterwards), to get support? Sending those letters to merely democrats gave support to Bush his total war plan. Follow-up special extract Time “The Secret History” August 12th 2002: Northern Alliance leader Ahmed Shah Massoud knew something big was going on against the Americans and warned them, asking for enough financial support to fight the Taliban. “We told the Americans –we told everyone- that Al-Qaeda was set upon a transnational program”, a former close aid says. Also Peter Tomsen, a retired ambassador, was on a ‘private’ mission in Afghanistan “to begin an armed struggle in the southeast”. Massoud gave Tomsen all the intelligence he had on Al Qaeda. But (officially) he wasn’t heard enough by the American security agencies; at least not supported enough and killed on September 9th, also a few days before 911. Mark: according to other information from two separate sources, one thing the CIA succeeded, was to speak to Osama Bin Laden in an American hospital in Dubai, a few months before 911, where he was treated for his kidneys. Seems logically; do you remember the US knew about his weak kidneys? see: Early 2000, Clinton ordered two US navy submarines to stay in the northern Arabian Sea, waiting to launch missiles. Waiting for the CIA to give the coordinates. But the CIA couldn’t -Mark: or didn’t- give the coordinates and Clinton became furious about this lack of info. Furthermore, White House aides were sure Bin Laden would be tipped by the Pakistanis, as soon as they detected a missile coming over their territory. Mark: so support was needed from countries like Pakistan; on this high level there must be a lot of secret support plans. Couldn’t something like 911 be one of those support plans that were developed? Berger and Clarke wanted something more robust: “boots on the ground” –US special-ops forces to search-and-destroy Bin Laden. But most were against this; too many risks, like the 1980 fiasco in which special-ops commandos crashed in Iran. Clarke argued that Massoud should be given the resources to develop a viable fighting force. A counter terrorism official: “You keep them on the front lines in Afghanistan…and they’re not leaving Afghanistan to plot terrorist operations”. But the Bush team didn’t seem very interested and had other priorities, being obsessed with a national missile defense system. Mark: Bush sr, James Baker and the Bin Laden family are till 911 together in the Carlyle-group; a VIP defense investment company and defense subcontractor that has investments in rocket technology. But after Bush told he was interested in a plan to eliminate Al Qaeda instead of swatting at flies, on April 30th 2001 the new plan was presented by Clarke. Richard Armitage was enthusiastic about this plan, but the CIA (John McLaughlin) was gun-shy. Also there were some problems with the predator spy-plane. CIA decided together with the Pentagon not to use the predator. Mark: So CIA blocked some things, because, by definition, they had other thoughts; what thoughts? Did the CIA develop their own plan? After independence day 2001without terrorist attacks happening, Clarke asked Ben Bonk, deputy director CIA counter-terrorism center, to brief on Bin Laden’s plans. Bonk’s evidence that Al Qaeda was planning something spectacular, was very gripping. Released report: “ Threat of Impending Al-Qaeda Attack to Continue Indefinitely”. Mid-July, George Tenet, director CIA, briefed that there was going to be a major attack. So at the Genoa-meeting, frogman were put in the harbor and the town ringed with antiaircraft guns. The date for Clarke’s plan was delayed to September 4th. The CIA supported European countries with intelligence to arrest terrorists, early in 2001. In many countries people were arrested and attacks were stopped, some with help of CIA. This made some people think the attack would be overseas and not in the USA. Mark: But what did the CIA know and think, that had much more info than other officials? August 6th, Bush got the warning about a possible Al-Qaeda attack in the US. First warning the FBI got was on July 10th: Agent Kenneth Williams, experienced in international terrorism, detailing suspicions about Islamic radicals who had been on flying lessons in Arizona. Williams proposed an investigation to see if Al-Qaeda was using flight schools nationwide. He submitted his plans to headquarters and two field offices; all three died. Five weeks later a second warning came in from another FBI-office and once again headquarters bungled the case. The early knowledge of the case of Moussaoui, one of the hijackers. Also French intelligence warned the FBI headquarters about him. He got into detention without further investigation; no warrant for his PC, etc. No information was passed to the White House about radical Moslems attending fly schools. A White House antiterrorism official: “Do you think, that if Dick Clarke had known the FBI had in custody a foreigner who was learning to fly a plane in midair, he wouldn’t have done something?” Strange coincidence: O’Neill FBI New York, started a new job as head of security at the World Trade Center, after a burn-out, getting not enough money in August for the counter terrorism program. Ashcroft was the one who turned this down. In Afghanistan, the Taliban build-up a huge force to the Northern Alliance, but didn’t attack. The attack came on September 9th, after Massoud died in a attack from Arab reporters from England, that carried a bomb in their camera. September 11th, O’Neill died in the World Trade Center. Clarke lost his former partner as well as the man that was the spill in his plans to combat Al-Qaeda, by attacks from them. Mark: What a strange coincidence those two friends of Clarke. I have no more clues than that and see no important reason yet for CIA or other high ranking intelligence people, that might make it an American conspiracy to tackle Clarke. Yes, they didn’t like Clarke, but now it was Clarke’s plan finally approved together with the Bush plan of eliminating them. Or did O’Neill know to much? Or did Massoud know to much? Couldn’t they, or one of them, be used in the new plan? It’s possible, but for now no clues and motives yet in that direction, except a very strange coincidence. Yes. Maybe Bush was obsessed with his family and other government officials business deals with the Bin Laden family in the Carlyle group; about the national missile defense system. Maybe it’s pure coincidence that the other Bin Laden family members, are his business partners. Maybe it was pure to protect a friend, when he gave order to the FBI not to bother on of the Bin Laden’s in Boston. That man that collected money for good Moslem education, but his organization forbidden in Pakistan and or India, due to terrorism support. A plane was chartered for the Bin Laden family to leaf the country after 911. Also, the White House says that the Bin Laden family has withdrawn from the Carlyle group. But the according to other countries, terrorist money collecting foundation from this Bin Laden family member, wasn’t on the list of foundations to block their bank accounts. Almost in the same street where this guy lived, four of the hijackers lived and died for good Moslem values. Coincidence exists. But take all the facts together. Just forget you to know Bush and his government. Just act like this is some far away story, report, movie or documentary. Almost all readers and viewers come to the conclusion that Bush almost for sure must be the spill in these attacks. According to some, coincidence doesn’t exist and is part of a higher plan. Maybe our Holy New World Leader knows more about this higher plan? Maybe the higher plan only consisted of primary drives about earning money, that let this happen? They let it happen, there’s no question about that anymore. For sure: All kinds of financial reasons, partly personal, are the cause of this let happen. But was this done in a full conscious way, or just the way the unconsciousness mind of Bush and others worked together to let this happen? Anyway: their military company Carlyle, probably earns a lot of money out of this war. Furthermore: Afghanistan is taken and the oil/gas pipeline from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan, is secured (Unocol and possibly Enron gave money for this to Taleban). Also: CIA and FBI probably get more power and finance, they lost under Clinton. And Bush achieves a form of war powers and has not much to do with democracy anymore, after his first coup by his brother Ted Bush in Florida and stealing the elections, having just a few less votes than Al Gore. Yes; Al Gore didn’t have enough of this higher drive, belonging to what some call a higher plan, explaining some sorts of coincidences. The drive to make personal money and power out of everything. The drive of ‘economic fascism’ The same drive behind WWII, where Rockefeller, Dupont and other high society American families built-up Hitler’s war-industry.