The following is a reprint, taken from "The Ninth Crusade" by H. Linder, MD--- a non religious philosopher who wrote "80 year lo- crusade...."..... ---* Have you wondered why America has become a police state internally and a lawless rogue state externally? ----- ---------->* If you, without prejudice, apply these some simple common sense to this ongoing, one-sided war between Israel and the Palestinians and between America and the Arab/Islamic world, the answers that emerge are exactly what one would expect. Let me summarize them in brief: 1. America, Britain, and France, by deciding to occupy the Arab world after WWI, impose a Jewish racial state in Palestine, divide the Arabs into manageable states, and impose and maintain their chosen dictators in each state, thereby initiated and have maintained a state of war with the Arab world, and by extension, with the entire Muslim world. This war is the West’s Ninth Crusade to control the Holy Land and the Arab/Islamic world. 2. Israel and America have rejected all Palestinian and Arab state proposals for a two-state settlement of this conflict. Israel and America have chosen to prolong and expand the war, even at the cost of the lives of their own citizens. 3. America, by ousting Britain and France from the area, by supporting Israel’s continuing acts of mass murder and ethnic cleansing, by going to war to destroy Israel’s greatest enemy, Iraq, and by supporting anti-democratic regimes and movements throughout the area, has become the lead protagonist in this war. 4. Britain, America, and Israel, in order to counter regimes that they disliked, stimulated and supported the growth of Islamic fundamentalism and violence. They are thus responsible for creating the very movement and the very “terrorist attacks” that they are using to justify their current “War on Terrorism”. 5. As long as Israeli and American civilians continue to support this war of aggression against the Palestinian people and the entire Arab world, they make themselves legitimate targets of Arab/Muslim fighters. Although our stupid leaders are responsible for this conflict, we are the ones who pay the price. 6. This essentially religious war has produced a vicious cycle of violence, allowing the more powerful parties, the U.S. and Israel, with their armies and air forces, to claim that the victims of their war are irrational, violent, and bent on destroying Israel and the U.S. They use the victim’s self-defensive acts and attitudes to defame the victim’s humanity and religion. The victims’ resort to available weapons, including their suicidal strikes against civilians, are labeled “terrorism” and claimed to be the root of the conflict, while the US and Israel continue their large scale destruction, mass murder, and ethnic cleansing using powerful weapons under the guise of “legitimate self-defense”. 7. This war with its violence, paranoia, and destruction of human values will persist until the stimulating and perpetuating causes no longer exist. The current American/Israeli plan is to drive all Palestinians from the West Bank (genocide), attack each country that is not compliant with American dictates (imperial warfare), and thereby impose a “peace” on the region. This plan is completely immoral and will not work in the long run. 8. Simply put, this war could be ended immediately if the U.S.A. would: a. Insist on an immediate and unconditional Israeli withdrawal from all territories it seized in 1967 and upon Israel allowing the Palestinian refugees to choose between returning to their land or accepting generous restitution. b. If Israel refuses to withdraw, then the USA and world community must insist that the state of Israel reconstitute itself as a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society with equal rights for all citizens. c. Withdraw all American troops from Saudi Arabia. d. End the embargo, overflights, and the bombing of Iraq. Cease and desist from attacking or threatening to attack Iraq. e. Enter into normal diplomatic relationships with all Arab and Islamic states with full recognition of their sovereignty and of the rights of their peoples. *---------------.....____________ * These measures will end the Crusade, and thus the state of war that currently exists. The Arab/Muslim world could then begin to evolve naturally, towards greater freedom and prosperity. The Israelis and Americans would gain peace and security