De Helden van de Natie gaan op de vuist met de politie. De New-Yorkse brandweerlui pikken het niet dat ze moeten zoeken naar "waardevolle grondstoffen" in het puin in plaats van naar de duizenden slachtoffers die men nog niet terugvond. Ze pikken het nog minder dat om besparingsredenen de zoektocht naar stoffelijke overschotten wordt gestaakt. Wat begon als een vreedzame betoging van enkele honderden brandweerlui om te protesteren tegen de inkrimping van het aantal brandweerlui dat nog mag meewerken aan de opbergingswerken van de WTC torens liep uit op een regelrecht handgemeen tussen de brandweer en de politie. Een mars van meer dan twee uur eindigde aan het Stadhuis, waar tientallen gehelmde agenten zich klaarmaakten voor mogelijke rellen. "Breng onze broeders thuis" zongen de honderden brandweerlui, daarmee verwezen naar de meer dan 250 brandweerlui die nog steeds niet teruggevonden werden. Er waren reeds herhaaldelijk spanningen omdat de werken er hoe langer hoe meer op gericht zijn om de resten goud en zilver op te sporen in plaats van overschotten van de duizenden mensen die zich in het puin bevinden. Nu lijkt het er ook op dat het stadsbestuur van New York "ground zero" eigenlijk wil erkennen als een bouwterrein, opdat men dan speurtocht naar menselijk overschotten kan staken en de grote middelen kan inzetten. Het lijkt erop dat de stad wil dat eind december de plek volledig ontruimd is zodat men snel werk kan maken van de nieuwe bestemming. Toen de brandweerlui besloten om het niet enkel bij een symbolische actie te houden, maar ook de graafwerken met buldozers wilden stillegen, kwam hert tot rellen met de plaatselijke politie. Het moet een vreemd zicht zijn geweest daar heel wat agenten er eigenlijk voor kozen om te verbroederen met hun kolegas van deze brandweer. Voor volledig verslag lees het artikel hieronder van Indymedia New York THE FIREFIGHTERS Firefighters in Angry Scuffle With Police at Trade Center By DAN BARRY and KEVIN FLYNN A brief but emotionally wrenching scuffle broke out yesterday morning between New York City firefighters and police officers at the World Trade Center disaster site. A dozen firefighters were arrested and five police officers were injured in the incident, which rattled the city's top officials and laid bare the frustrations of the living who are unable to bury their dead. What began as a demonstration by several hundred firefighters to protest a reduction in the number of firefighters permitted at the site turned into a jagged succession of awkward moments - some ugly, some poignant. One moment punches were being thrown in a melee between firefighters and police officers; the next, hundreds of firefighters were chanting their appreciation for the very officers they had just grappled with. The two-hour protest concluded outside City Hall, where dozens of helmeted police officers, some on horseback, prepared for more trouble as firefighters called for the ousters of Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen and demanded the right to retrieve the remains of dead colleagues. Later, Mr. Giuliani emphasized that few bodies remained to be recovered. "Bring our brothers home!" they shouted, referring to the 250 firefighters still buried in the rubble after the Sept. 11 attack. "Bring our brothers home!" The shoving match between the firefighting force, which lost 343 of its members on Sept. 11, and the police force, which lost 23 in the same awful event, was like the eruption of a familial brawl at a never-ending wake. Commissioner Von Essen apologized; Police Commissioner Bernard B. Kerik bristled; and Mayor Giuliani was the understanding but determined father. After acknowledging that "emotions are very, very high for all of us," and noting that "we all have lost people that we love," the mayor called the firefighters' actions unacceptable. "You can't hit police officers," he said. "You can't disobey the law, and you have to have enough professionalism and dignity about yourself to not conduct yourself in that way. No matter how bad you feel, no matter how much you feel like crying, and no matter how much you feel like venting your emotions." Last night, the bickering among the city's uniformed officers had not abated, and the potential for further confrontation remained. Seven firefighters, four ranking fire officers and one fire marshal were being held at the 28th Precinct station house in central Harlem. As of early today, charges that included trespassing, disorderly conduct and obstruction of governmental administration had been prepared against 10 of those arrested, according to the Barbara Thompson, a spokeswoman for the Manhattan district attorney's office. She said that no charges were being filed against the other two. At the center of the emotions and frustrations exposed yesterday is the site itself: the slowly diminishing pile of rubble, acres wide and several floors deep. Thousands of people are believed to have died, many of them apparently reduced to dust, when the terrorist attack caused the twin towers to collapse. It is a construction site, but it is also a grave site. In the beginning, the Fire Department was in charge of the site, and its members had complete access; they put out fires and searched for survivors who were never found. The search-and-rescue operations eventually ended, though, and firefighters dedicated themselves to finding the remains of their dead colleagues and carrying them away with dignity. It is part of their code. But the Giuliani administration, heeding the advice of safety experts, has been reducing the number of firefighters permitted at the site, where swinging girders and rumbling backhoes pose a danger, and where many workers have developed chronic chest pains and coughing fits. On Wednesday, the city announced that only 25 firefighters would be assigned to the recovery of remains, down from 64 at the time. Officials for the two unions that represent uniformed firefighters said this latest reduction set off feelings of hurt and betrayal among many firefighters. They felt that the city was treating hallowed ground as just another construction site, the officials said; that the mayor wanted the site tidied up by Dec. 31, when his tenure ends; that city officials seem to care more about removing the hoards of gold and silver underneath the trade center than they do about removing human remains. Mr. Giuliani said he felt "really, really bad" that his efforts to ensure safety at the site had been distorted by "certain people." He also emphasized that firefighters and police officers would continue to be assigned to the site, and that the city was determined to "recover the maximum number of human remains that we can recover." On Thursday afternoon, Deputy Mayor Anthony P. Coles and the leaders of the two firefighters' unions, representing about 11,500 men and women, met at City Hall to discuss the growing tensions, but little was resolved. Fire Capt. Peter L. Gorman, the president of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association, recalled telling Mr. Coles that firefighters and grieving families were very upset, and that a demonstration was going to take place with or without union support. "I told them the prudent thing to do was to prevent it," Mr. Coles said yesterday. That night, the union leaders faxed a notice to their members: there would be a demonstration on Friday morning to protest the city's decision to turn the trade center site into what one union announcement called a "full-time construction scoop and dump operation." Shortly before midnight Thursday, Mr. Von Essen received a call from Mayor Giuliani, who was at the World Series but wondering about talk of a demonstration. "I told him they jacked up a lot of families and they're going to have a demonstration at the site," Mr. Von Essen recalled. City officials said yesterday that they knew the approaching protest would be uncomfortable but did not expect violence. In fact, police officials said they had been assured by union officials that the protesters would remain behind the barricades surrounding the disaster site. The demonstration, which began at the corner of West and Chambers Streets, could have been just another airing of union gripes if it were not for that central issue of death and missing human remains. Mike Heffernan, a firefighter, told the crowd of the great relief that comes when a family recovers the body of a loved one - as his did on Oct. 1 when the remains of John Heffernan, his brother and a firefighter, were found and buried. Then Bill Butler, a retired fire captain, spoke. "My son Tommy, from Squad 1, is still in that building, and we haven't gotten to him yet," he said, urging everyone to challenge the decision to cut back on the Fire Department presence at the site. Soon the streets resounded with chants. "Bring Tommy home!" "Bring the brothers home!" "They took the gold out!" And, in an appeal to halt work at the site in deference to the firefighters: "Shut 'em down, shut 'em down!" Kevin E. Gallagher, the president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, raised his bullhorn and addressed the dozens of police officers who had been casually watching the protest unfold. "Please allow us to walk to the site in a dignified manner," he said. "Some of you officers have also lost brothers. Walk with us, and we'll go peacefully." The protesters pushed aside a steel fence and began marching south down West Street, closer to the disaster site, while police officers watched, as if taken aback. It was not until the protesters pressed against a second barricade that matters turned ugly. Punches were thrown, profanities exchanged. People either fell or were pushed to the ground. Police officers grabbed whom they could and, after brief struggles, slapped on handcuffs. Then the scuffling ended almost as quickly as it had begun, and the police officers stepped aside. Mr. Gallagher also thanked the police, but not before vowing to rouse thousands more protesters - including "brothers from other cities" - if the protests were ignored. The protesters then filed out of the restricted area, through an impromptu honor guard created by dozens of applauding construction workers. Hundreds of protesters continued on to City Hall, where dozens of police officers were gathering. Nervous city officials watched from behind the fences that surround City Hall. "Rudy must go!" the firefighters shouted. And "Tom must go!" And "Bring our brothers home!" By 12:30 p.m., the protest had petered out. Some firefighters went to a bar on Nassau Street; others headed to work. On the J train bound for Queens, for example, Larry Mooney tried to explain the emotions. "They want to pull out people with cranes," he said. "We want to bring back the brothers with dignity. They think the quicker they can clean it, the better they look. We've got friends there, brothers and family. We've known these guys for years. This goes very deep." Such sentiments did little to mollify Mr. Kerik, who said fire union officials had assured the police that they were planning a peaceful protest. "We didn't anticipate that they would pick up and flip the barricades on top of the cops," he said, sounding betrayed. "We didn't anticipate that they would punch police officers in the face. We didn't anticipate the behavior that came out of the demonstration. As a result, we have five police officers injured; two with black eyes and trauma to the face, three with neck, shoulder and back injuries." Last night, union officials snapped back. They said police supervisors at the scene had provoked the scuffling. "Unfortunately, not everybody's cooler heads prevailed, all right?" Mr. Gallagher said. "It was over 1,000 firefighters there; they were emotionally strained. They were drained from what they've been doing over the last seven and eight weeks. Basically, all they want to do is what's right for the