Cincinnati March for Justice.

Printable Flyer

March Schedule & Speakers

Educational Events

Transporation from Major Cities

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Offer Housing

11:00 am at Fountain Square (5th and Vine)
Downtown Cincinnati
Calendar of Events

Weds, May 30
6pm - Monitor/Videographer Training
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church (3025 Walter Ave)

Thurs, May 31
6-10pm - Education Program I
St Mark Church (3500 Montgomery Rd. in Evanston)

Fri, June 1
6-10pm - Education Program II
New Prospect Baptist Church (1829 Elm St)

Sat, June 2
11am - March for Justice
Fountain Square (5th and Vine)

We are a coalition of organizations and individuals who are organizing for three days of education and peaceful protest to demand justice in Cincinnati from the police department and the city government. We will have a series of educational events and peaceful protests on June 1 - 3, with a mass, legal, peaceful march for justice on June 2 at the center of these events. We invite the residents of Cincinnati and people from around the country to come to Cincinnati to protest the killing of Timothy Thomas.

The March for Justice calls on the city to:

Stop police killings and the abuse of police power.

End the police department\'s racist patterns and practices.

Build social and economic justice.

We invite all who agree with the protest and the goals to join us in this effort. Check back soon for details about the event.

If you would like to endorse the march or participate in the planning of this event, please email us at or call us at (513) 588-8883.

For background information on the current struggle for racial justice in Cincinnati, see Citybeat\'s "Unrest in Cincinnati" archives.

Cincinnati, OH March for Justice Endorsed by:

Global Exchange

International Action Center, NY

Labor Notes, Detroit

John Gilligan - former Ohio governor

Rev Mendle Adams, St. Peters UCC*


AFGE Local 3840

Alliance for Democracy - Cincinnati

Alliance for Leadership and Interconnection

Prof. Ron Arundell, College of Mt. St. Joseph

American Indian Movement Support Group

Black Community Crusade for Children

Black Youth Coalition Against Civil Injustice

Center for Advanced Democracy

Children\'s Defense Fund

Cincinnati NOW

Cincinnati Women Studies Graduate Student Organization

Cincinnati Radical Youth

Cincinnati Zapatista Coalition

Coalition for a Humane Economy

Contact Center

Crazy Ladies Center

Rev Edward L Culver, Pastor Emeritus of St. John United Church of Christ, Reading OH

Drop Inn Center

Environmental Community Organization (ECO)

Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO

Findlay St. Marianist Community

Cincinnati FLOC Support Committee

Faith Walk Missionary Baptist Church, Rev Ronald Sherman

Food Not Bombs, Cincinnati

Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless

Rev. Keith Haithcock, St. John’s UCC, Bellevue, Ky

Karla Irvine - Housing Opportunities Made Equal*

International Socialist Organization - Cincinnati

Jewish Action Network

Carrie Johnson, Pres. Over the Rhine Comm. Council*

Michigan Independent Media Center

National Lawyers Guild, UC College of Law, Student Chapter

Ohio Citizen Action

Ohio State Labor Party

Over the Rhine Housing Network

Cincinnati Refuse and Resist

Rohs Hardware, 1403 Vine St.

St. John’s Unitarian Church, Board and Rev. L. Annie Foerster

St. Mark Catholic Church

Jackie Shropshire, member and officer West End CC, BUF*

SEIU - District 1199 (Wv. Ky. Oh.)

SEIU District 925

Southwest Ohio Green Party

Stand Up 4 Democracy

Rev Steve Van Kuiken, Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church*

Univ. of Cincinnati Women\'s Center

United Electrical Wokers Local 767

United Electrical Workers District 7

Voices of Blue American Citizens Coalition

Welfare Rights Coalition

West End Community Council

Association of Black Students, Univ. of Louisville

Citizens Against Police Abuse, Louisville

League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Justice Action Coalition

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Peoples Fightback Center, Cleveland

Solidarity, Detroit

* Organizations listed for identification purposes only