I certainly have this inner violence, but I prefer to put it to better use! An anarchist friend of mine (yes) said it this way: there is a difference between power and strength. Power is given to you by others and corrupts, strength comes from within and is more honest. I agree to this. Everybody is, in his inner soul, a warrior and a wolf, not a dog. Society has polished us over, but this true human being still exists! I believe that is the supreme task of the anarchist vision to tell the world that they can be free. I believe that this is what you are saying to me. I can tell you: I am trying. At least, my eyes are open to this fact. I just do not see why I should destroy when I could also build. BUT! This is a totally different topic! I detest the way many banks play with the money and the lives of people, just as you do. But anyway, I have a bank account too (mostly empty), and, hell - you use money too! The inner wolf of every man is more honest than to first destroy a bank, and then buy some beer in a supermarket. It does not feel alright with destroying a car after coming to Belgium in a car! Or does it? I dare to say that the people who act like this, are not true to their vision. I have seen lots and lots of anarchists who are in your demo's too, and who squatt just as well, but whose inner strength is much more consequent. And their kind of creative direct action delivers! What does destroying a bank mean? Does it even hurt it, with their billions of dollars? Do you even know the background and the sympathies of the owner of the car you destroy? Perhaps he is even a friend! So what is the value of it? The streetparty was a very strong psychological message to the world. If you were there, you have seen the ordinary people dancing along, understanding! They want a peaceful life, and they do not deserve the society they get or the people who lead it. They know at least that! Just look at election results! Your enemy - please tell me exactly who it is you are aiming at and why - does not play fair. It is not stupid. It controls advertisement and PR and keeps the people you want to free locked up in a pseudo world, buying shit and eating shit, leading a shitty life, kept docile and controllable. These ordinary people are NOT your enemy. They buy the cars you destroy and go to the banks you bust. They have never seen us protest for peace, solidarity, freedom - whatever - because its has never been shown to them. They have never understood what you try to say, but they do not like violence in the streets. But in these masses, there is diversity, with totally blunt minds next to free-spirited people. Who - and this may perhaps shock you - have multiple reasons not to like what you are doing. As is clearly shown: we are being criminalized. The media shows you and your friends fighting, destroying, and happily ignores the message of the other thousands. Me and the others are driven into your camp, so that one day, if we do not stop you, you may have you war. I will - against my longing for FREEDOM (know this feeling???) - be forced to either walk away or fight along. A war we will lose, instead of win. And even if we win, the ways of it would not suit me. Why? The people whose cars and banks you destroy, they too do not like being lied to, they too have had dreams that were blanked out by society, they too have been careless children who were told to shut up when the adults spoke. They are the ones who are the police, the media, the soldiers. They do not MAKE the orders, they FOLLOW them. Against us, because you turn them into enemies, since you give your enemy the chance to ignore the things the masses could use to wake up! It is a psychological warfare, which also needs - in my eyes - inner violence and strength to win. But most of all, it needs resolution, resilience, strength of will, intelligence and lots of honest communication. The people who were watching the d14 march were sympathetic towards us, one after the other, until they saw you rampaging through their city... I know - I spoke to them. I dare to say: we cannot win without these people. Because you know what? A person who suddenly realizes he has been lied to all his life is freed, but someone who is conquered into seeing he has been lied to, is enslaved. And I will not have you conquer them. They must wake up themselves. Unless a debate is being dealt with openly and honestly, I will stick to my former statement that not the PEOPLE but the BLACK BLOCK is the enemy of freedom. We can fight together - do not start a war we people who love peace and freedom do not want to fight. You will be on your own then, and if you don't win it, the world will be a smothering ruin in two generations. Thanks for your reaction. I hope this debate is possible.