I have recently posted a story explaining BBC misrepresentation of the student protest movement in Iran here -> http://www.awitness.org/news/october_2001/iran_protest_student.html Well this afternoon (THE 25TH) the BBC is at it again... Riot police baton charge thousands of rampaging football fans http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/middle_east/newsid_1620000/1620636.stm Thousands of football fans have clashed with riot police in the Iranian capital, Tehran, following the national team's latest World Cup qualifying match. Shots were fired and tear gas was discharged to try to break up crowds after celebrations degenerated into anti-government protests. Note the language 'degenerated into anti-government protests' actually the protests are planned events and gathering at football games to launch pro democracy and anti mullah protests is the ONLY WAY dissenters can gather in one place to protest without automatically getting their heads kicked in by the religious police (read the previous post for more details) and maybe the BBC reporter might want to spend a little time living under despotism anywhere in the world it is present, and then perhaps consider becoming one of those 'degenerates' who engage in anti-government protests. I was thinking that several hundred years ago people faced burning at the stake torture and severe oppression for protesting against the oppressive religious mullahs of the time in the Vatican. While I am sure that those who engaged in the protests (including such lights as Spinoza who fled for his life from the mullahs) would have been reported as 'degenerates' by the BBC reporter of the day on the scene, but today more nice words are used to describe that time, such as 'reformation', the time of 'reform', and the 'renaissance' of learning, and out of that bviiolent and bloody time of struggle came the doctrine of separation of church and state, also considered a highly good thing now, although I am sure at the time the conservative press would have considered that concept to be blashemous and the slogan of degenerates as well as for those mullahs, people have been using the electoral process to send those unelected heads of the police squads a message they don't want to here and that unrest is spreading in the streets using the tactic of the crowds gathered at football games is no big surprise...I think given the landslide votes for a reform candidate under the idea of 'anybody as long as its not one of those reactionary mullahs', and all the vote comprimises people make on purpose just to make sure the vote doesn't get split and one of those conservative clerics can come up the middle, well given the electoral politicing and results in Iran I think we could say that those entrenched and unelectable mullahs might find it hard to get elected to the post of dog catcher in Iran in the present time, something that BBC reporter might want to keep in mind before bashing those students who are only protesting for DEMOCRACY after all, for God's sake, and freedom from religious tyranny over the state (hardly the goals of 'degenerates') as well it takes courage to stand up to a furious oppression band of baton wielding religious cops, something that BBC reporter might want to try before producing that kind of worthless propaganda masquerading as news on the BBC site And speaking of disinformation see -> falsified satellite images page one http://www.awitness.org/news/october_2001/falsified_satellite_eden.html and falsified sat images page two http://www.awitness.org/news/october_2001/falsified_satellite_eden2.html and the related page 'Earth Day 2001 Eden Wing' for a good example of 'unfurling a banner' in protest at the Summit of Americas this spring... http://www.awitness.org/eden_wing/wing_pic.html