SAS storms Tampa. Headline in The Age 30-08-2001 ----------------- Now here the full story, as finally cleared by Australian millitary intelligence, can be told. Location water- and war- front Christmas Island Australia 30-08-2001 Australia with a proud history of battle, such as Gallipoli and France during World War 1, the Kokoda Trail, the Battle of the Coral Sea, Tobruk etc during WW2 is now covering itself in glory with its crack special forces unit the SAS. In a battle which henceforth will go down in the annals [or possibly anals] of Australian history as: The Battle of Christmas Island. It has been sarcastically but wrongly reported in the world\'s press with their warped ideas about the meaning of the word Christmas however as: The Battle of Cop this Australian Christmas. Island edition. The Norwegian container ship Tampa which had rescued 400+ refugees from their sinking fishing boat had been refused entry to an Australian port. The captain expressly ignored orders not to enter Australian ports and steered his ship into Australian waters with the weak excuse his ship was not suitable to go to sea with 400+ refugees on board. This clearly constituted a severe threat of utmost proportions to the security and wealth of our entire Australian Nation and demanded an immediate reponse from our brave and loyal defense forces. Against overwhelming numbers of unarmed humanitarian merchant seamen as well as suffering, ill and pregnant refugees, the SAS fearlessly stormed a defenseless unarmed merchant ship despite being only lightly armed with machine guns, fear creating clothing and ditto expressions and some porta loos. Its only other support was a very poorly equipped National Interest. They did this even without any covering naval ships gunfire. The Australian Navy however was held in reserve for tactical reasons but also to keep the Navy from claiming any credit for what became a significant SAS victory. One SAS officer was heard to grumble that the Navy had so far had all the glory of conquering leaking and sinking fishing boats. \"This will put their naval noses out of joint missing out on such a magnificent victory and that over a big hostile non -leaking ship as well\", he giggled gleefully. The SAS successfully secured this important victory by the clever strategy of getting the guilless Norwegian crew to voluntarily lower the gangway to allow them on board. The action was highly successful and no Australian deaths were reported but several SAS personel were badly hurt by dirty looks from some of the refugees. One sergeant commented: \"They are armed to the teeth with dirty looks, they just as soon give you a dirty look POW right between our eyes as look at you normally. Would you believe even pregnant women and children have been seen to do that to our heroes\". \" And all we wanted was a clean and fair fight\" He sighed \"It is hell out here\". The enormity of the victory is brought home by the latest figures of the overwhelming numbers encountered. Through the unreliability, trickery and treachery of the so-called humane Norwegian seamen and their sneaky, sneaky counter intelligence unit, it was thought by our military intelligence that there were 438 enemy aliens on board. It is now established there was actually the much vaster amount of 460 suffering refugees instead of the earlier meant-to-confuse lower figure. In an aside to me filing this report from the warfront the head of Australian Obsessive Security said: \"These Norwegians maybe Europeans but we should not ever forget they are not even Anglos, let alone dinky di.\" The SAS personel who made the counting breakthrough are to be recommended for a Victoria Cross for services to the good name of Australia as well as counting ability beyond the call of duty and well beyond their normal capabilities. Two of the five of our best men who were given this difficult assignment actually made it through to the final objective now known as Hill 460. Johnnie Howard, Prime Minister of Australia, courageous despite being handicapped both in physique and morality, praised the heroic action of the SAS in a remarkable statesman-like speech and although hampered by his whining voice manfully tried to sound like Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincon and Thomas Jefferson rolled into one: \" My fellow Australians .. and also any wogs with voting rights. The SAS victory has consolidated for my party...ahem..has achieved for the Nation the gratitude of some disaffected rednecks, who thought I did not have their interests at heart. These simple, fearful voters can now see that, even though I may not govern for their personal good and interests, I stand forthright behind their fears and prejudices. I will fight for, exploit and milk to the utmost, those unreasonable emotions. I will fight for the votes of those who hold these false values to be true. Never, let it be said, that one man and my cohorts will not exploit human suffering to the hilt. We will nevah accept the defeatist case for individual human suffering but instead artificially crystallise it into huge amorphous fearful threats to our way of life. We warn any traitorous sympathisers in our midst, who are using the unspeakable weapon called compassion. In fact we say: We spit on your compassion and we we will use our own fair weapons i.e. our unbearable spirit of scorn, negativity, meanness and malevolence. We will negate any sympathy for unfortunate individuals by constantly only referring to abstract fears of a totality of large hordes thundering to our shores. We will liberally sow and exploit that old true, tried and trusted weapon namely the fear of multitudinous faceless hordes bent on conquering Australia and threatening our way of life. A weapon so powerful that it has never failed to completely and literally scare the wits out of the Australian population throughout our entire history. In fact the only thing which has ever frightened our courageous population. That and rabbits that is. Send us your poor and anxious refugees and we will hunt them, courageously capture them, make them into scarecrows, lock them up in isolated places and throw the key to justice and compassion away. We will fight luckless refugees on the beaches, in the detention centres, in the courts and on the ships of more civilised countries. We will hound them in the deserts and the seas. We will sink their miserable little leaking fishing boats. We will hunt them and board, if they lower the gangway that is, large peaceful merchant ships from more civilised but misguided nations, who are maliciously aiding and abetting refugees from their sinking vessels. We will fight them in their misery, in their suffering, in their dysentry and sickness, in pregnancy and hunger strikes while at the same time self-righteously condemning those countries for the terrible conditions from which the refugees were forced to flee\". At this stage the Prime Ministers voice broke and was seen to wipe away large crocodile tears. However he composed himself to end forcefully: \"We will remorselessly and courageously fight to the last man, the last woman and the last child of those defenseless suffering refugees that may struggle to reach our shores\". He raised his voice even louder and bravely shouted: \"One Nation, One Fatherland, One People, One Leader\". \"Wogs of any description need not apply\". Then in his fine-print voice: \" Excepting those with previously attained voting rights or highly skilled applicants with large financial backing and strongly conservative but preferably reactionary and xenophobic values; any application queues can be simply ignored by the latter.\" In a moving moment the Prime Minister subsequently crossed his fingers and prayed: \"May the GST pay for any and all of the expenses of our war effort else I could easily have to reluctantly raise it in the National Interest. Amen\". The Prime Minister left together with the image of Australia. Both fading quickly in the limelight of the television cameras and the entire world opinion. And well may we say: In Australia\'s greatest hour of need may God help him. PS from me to the afore mentioned. By the way if You are listening please send a sign. So far most of the hierarchies of Your representative churches have so far been quiet either way on this subject. regards and longing to hear from You and to receive Your blessings upon Australia\'s greatest post war victory.