Give back what land. Israel existed 1500 years before Muhammad was born. There was never in history any state called Palestine. The Palestinians never governed or controlled any land. To make it simple. Please tell me one Palestinian President before 1948? Keep Thinking. How about the Arabs give all the land they stole the the 7th century. Besides Saudi Arabia and Egypt, every country in the Mideast and North Africa in the 7th century was never Arab. Muhammad invaded and stole the entire Mideast and North Africa from the native people's. Muhammad then forced everyone to convert to Islam. Anyone that didn't convert, had there heads cut off. When do you think the Palestinians will realize that murdering pizza-eaters, dance-club people, school kids and sleeping five-year-olds is barbaric. Do you think the Palestinians are murdering Israeli civilians for the 72 virgins or the thrill to kill Jewish children? It is becoming increasingly obvious, that the followers of Muhammed are not human beings. Over the past two years, we've seen what the Palestinians have done with the autonomy generously granted to them by Israel. They've slaughtered Israeli grandmothers and toddlers, pregnant women and elderly rabbis. They've set off their nail-studded, rat poison-laced bombs in shopping malls, disco's, pizzeria's, cafe's and university cafeterias. They've turned school buses into blazing infernos, invaded home and shot mothers and children in their beds. They've dragged 13-year-old boys to caves and stoned them to death. Those who don't actually pull the triggers, detonate the bombs against Israeli civilians, then celebrate the atrocities in the streets of Ramallah and Jenin, as they danced in those same streets when other Arabs crashed two planes into the World Trade Center. These sadists even built an exhibition celebrating the Sbarros massacre last August. With yesterday's horrific massacres of Jews by Arab terrorists in Kenya and Israel, we find out on Arafat's PLO site, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jaffa are listed as Palestinian cities. All these massacres by Palestinian terrorists against Israeli civilians, show how Arafat is trying to implement his phase by phase plan to ethnic clease the Jews. Following the murderous terrorist attack on Kibbutz Metzer, the PLO cold-bloodedly stated on its official website, "We will continue to strike in any place, targeting their children as well." Five innocent Israelis, including a mother and her two little boys, were butchered in that attack, all of them, Fatah said, "Zionist colonizers" killed in a "qualitative operation in the settlement of Metzer." The PLO said in June after the bus massacre that massacred 18 Israeli civilians by a Palestinian homicide bomber. The PLO put out similar comments on there site supporting this butchery. Somewhere a "Palestinian" watches the BBC and sees a kibbutz, called Metzer, which is getting along with its nearby Arab villages. This cannot be permitted to continue, so two attacks are planned against the place in one day. The first is foiled but the second does the trick. The terrorist bursts into the bedroom where a mother is putting her seven and nine year old sons to sleep. First he shoots the boys in the head to make sure their mother dies in agony, then he finishes her off. But that's still not cruel enough, so the Palestinians come up with a better plan. At 7:30 in the morning, Israeli school kids crowd the number 20 bus in Jerusalem. A Palestinian homicide bomber gets on the bus and sits exactly where the Israeli children are seated. A second later the homicide bomber blows himself up and 11 Israeli school children are butchered to pieces. CNN interviewed the father of the homicide bomber, who expained his pride and how he encouraged his son to kill the Jews. When CNN asked him, how he felt that he murdered Israeli school kids? He said how proud he was of his son's actions. On a recent Shabbos morning, Palestinian terrorists burst into the bedroom of Shiri Shefi, took aim, and sprayed her and her three children with bullets using M-16 assault rifles. Mrs. Shefi, her 4-year-old son Uriel, and her 2-year-old son Eliad were wounded. Five-year-old Danielle, who was shot in the head, was killed. Last year, a Palestinian sniper trained his high-powered rifle on 10-month-old Shalhevet Pass and killed the little girl in her father's arms. Six months earlier, Vadim Novesche and Yosef Avrahami, two Israeli reserve officers abducted by Palestinian police, were beaten until their heads were unrecognizable pulp and were then disemboweled by a waiting crowd outside the Palestinian Authority's Ramallah headquarters -- who then danced, entrails in hand, through the city's streets. After the Disco massacre in June 2001, which murdered 21 Israeli teens, Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Madi, a PA religious leader, said on Palestinian television, We will blow them up in Hadera, we will blow them up in Tel-Aviv and in Netanya. We will fight against them and rule over them until the Jew will hide behind the trees and stones and the tree and stone will say: 'Muslim! Servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, kill him.' We will enter Jerusalem as conquerors, and Jaffa as conquerors, and Haifa as conquerors and Ashkelon as conquerors." On June 27, PA television broadcast documentary called, Children who love their motherland and die martyrs. The theme of the documentary was to teach Palestinian children to become suicide bombers and murder Israelis, so they'll be rewarded with 72 virgins. In the documentary, Sheikh Ibrahim Mattsai said, "Muslim Brothers in Palestine, do not have any mercy neither compassion on the Jews, their blood, their money, their flesh. Why don't you enslave their women? Why don't you wage jihad? Why don't you pillage them?" Mattsai goes on to say. "How excited I was to hear a Palestinian child tell me that when he is 14 years old he will blow himself up and become a martyr... I praise those sons of Allah who give you and me martyrdom." The hate the Arabs teach there society against Israel is shocking. Egyptian Television produced a 30 part series, featuring a cast of 400 which aired during Ramadan, "dramatizing" the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Arab viewers were also recently treated to a popular political satire showing Ariel Sharon drinking the blood of Palestinian children. The myth that Jews sprinkle the blood of Arab children into their matzah is graphically described in "The Matzah of Zion," published in 1983 by the current Syrian Defense Minister, Mustafa Tlas. The Egyptian mass circulation daily al-Ahram also recently reported "many cases of the bodies of [Palestinian] children who had disappeared being found, torn to pieces, without a single drop of blood. The most reasonable explanation is that the blood was taken to be kneaded into the dough of extremist Jews." And of course this Purim we were treated to an article in the Saudi government daily, Al-Riyadh, describing in great detail the Jewish method of draining the blood of Muslim children to be used in baking Hamantashen.