> AP World Politics > > Despite poor image, anarchism is catching on among young > activists disillusioned with capitalism > Wed Jan 15, 7:56 PM ET > By MALCOLM FOSTER, Associated Press Writer > > NEW YORK - Brien Gartland goes "Dumpster diving" every day > for his food. He raids the garbage bags outside gourmet > groceries looking for slightly bruised mangos, unopened > containers of rice pudding and the like. > > Known as "Deadbolt," the bearded 21-year-old sleeps in a > vacant building and refuses to get a job because he's > disillusioned with capitalism and Western democracy, systems > he believes exploit the poor and give power to the elite. > > Gartland is an anarchist. He views government or any > hierarchical structure as coercive and ultimately > undemocratic. > > Anarchists have drawn attention in recent years as key > participants in sometimes violent protests at meetings of > international organizations, such as the World Economic > Forum, a gathering of government and business leaders that > begins Thursday in Davos, Switzerland. > > The world would be a better place, Gartland and other > anarchists argue, if everyday people were directly involved > in making decisions through group consensus about their > communities instead of leaving that up to elected lawmakers > and corporate executives. That's true democracy, they say. > > "I don't feel like I have a say in what goes on around me. > My vote doesn't matter," Gartland said recently at Mayday > Books, a tiny anarchist bookstore in Manhattan's East > Village where he volunteers. > > "I believe in working together with people to create a > society that benefits everyone, not just a few." > > He says he tends to avoid demonstrations because he's afraid > of getting beat up by police. Instead, he prefers to play a > supportive role, cooking food for protesters. > > Gartland's lifestyle is extreme even by anarchist standards. > Most try to strike a balance between their disdain for > capitalism and the need to make a living. > > But anarchist views are spreading among young activists, > thanks largely to the anti-globalization movement - or the > global justice movement, as its supporters prefer to call > it. > > Some anarchists have grabbed the spotlight with aggressive > tactics - confronting police and breaking store windows - > from the demonstrations that shut down a World Trade > Organization meeting in Seattle in 1999 to protests in > Quebec City, Prague and Washington. Clashes with riot police > in Genoa, Italy, during a Group of Seven summit in 2001 left > one protester dead, killed by police gunfire. > > Many anti-globalization protesters reject the anarchist > label and condemn combative acts. Yet the protests have been > shaped by anarchism, both in theme - a call to return power > to the local level - and in structure - small groups > cooperating without central authority. > > "Seattle was a large coming-out party for anarchists," said > Mark Lance, a philosophy professor at Georgetown University > and an anarchist. "Anarchism has certainly become much more > visible through the global justice movement." > > It's hard to know if the number of anarchists has risen in > America, particularly because of their disdain of structure. > Even in Europe, where anarchism has a deeper tradition and > is considered less odd than in the United States, they are > well outside the mainstream. > > But Lance and other experts believe anarchism is more > widespread today than at any time since the 1930s, > surpassing its revival during the 1970s anti-nuclear > movement. > > AK Press, a publisher of anarchist and other radical > literature in Oakland, California, said its sales have risen > about 20 percent annually the past several years. > > Food Not Bombs, an anarchist network that serves free > vegetarian food, has grown to about 150 chapters across the > United States, up from 100 a couple of years ago, said Keith > McHenry, who helped found the group in 1980. > > On the academic front, more anarchists are invited to speak > at conferences and more scholarly work about anarchism is > published, said Cindy Milstein, a faculty member at the > Institute of Social Ecology, a small leftist institute in > Plainfield, Vermont. > > "It's OK to call yourself an anarchist now," Milstein said. > > Due to student demand, Lance taught a class on anarchism at > Georgetown last term. In true anarchist fashion, there were > no assignments - at least from the professor. Instead, the > class of 50 used consensus, a key anarchist concept, to > decide on readings, papers and discussion topics. > > "Everyone shows up having done the reading and ready to > discuss the material," he said. "And that's not normal for a > college class." > > Still, anarchists fight an uphill battle for a positive > image. > > Many people equate anarchy - Greek for "no rulers" - with > chaos. Its critics say that removing authority structures, > particularly in this age of global terrorism, would be > disastrous. > > Soviet communism also started with utopian visions of > egalitarianism, but it led to dictatorship, noted Brink > Lindsey, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, a > conservative think tank in Washington. > > Anarchism, he said, is based on a naive understanding of > human nature and would lead to a backward, village-based > society incompatible with the complex division of labor in > the global economy. > > "The sober thinking is that this is a fantasy," Lindsey > said. > [Note the irony of the "free market", "libertarian" Cato > Institute speaking up in favor of "authority > structures".--DC] > > Anarchists counter that terrorism, war and poverty are a > direct result of the inequities created by capitalism and > political systems that give power to just a few. The whole > system is corrupt and needs overhauling, they say. > > Chaos is not what they're after but a purer form of > democracy - "direct democracy" rather than the > representative form. > > "Capitalism isn't asking, 'Is it right?', but, 'Can we make > a profit?'" said Milstein. "I get these false choices > between Coke and Pepsi, but I don't really get to determine > what my community is going to look like." > > Using a model developed by anarchists during the Spanish > Civil War in the 1930s, today's anarchists function in > autonomous "affinity groups." > > These groups interact through "spokescouncils," particularly > leading up to and during demonstrations. Delegates - known > as "spokes," a rotating post with no decision-making > authority - relay information between affinity groups and > the council. Decisions are made by the group as whole. > > Kate Crane, 27, was drawn to anarchism's emphasis on > egalitarianism and community. > > "I want a society that's not authoritarian, where everyone's > voice is important," said Crane, who has joined protests in > New York and Washington. She now works as a copy writer in > New York and volunteers with a group that promotes community > gardens and other public spaces. > > Amy, a 27-year-old who declined to give her last name, > learned about anarchism during protests at last year's World > Economic Forum in New York and liked its emphasis on > communal aid and group consensus. > > "I'm still learning about anarchism, but I like the idea > that there are no leaders," she said. > > Amy helped form a mothers' group to oppose the proposed > closure of a birthing center near her. > > Noam Chomsky, probably the most prominent American > anarchist, believes the philosophy's appeal comes from the > "discontent of people feeling they have no control over the > decisions that concern them." He points to declining voter > turnout over the years as evidence. > > Chomsky, a linguistics professor at the Massachusetts > Institute of Technology, describes anarchists as "radical > democrats" who constantly question the legitimacy of > hierarchical structures. > > "If it doesn't meet the burden of justifying itself, it > should be dismantled," he said. > > Still, very few anarchists today advocate overthrowing the > government, Milstein and others say. > > That wasn't the case at the turn of the last century, when > anarchists committed numerous violent acts, including the > assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. > > Today, most anarchists say they strive to transform society > from within, working toward a day when government will > shrivel and disappear. > > "You have to build the new society in the shell of the old," > said Eric Laursen, 42, from New York. > [It should be noted that this phrase dates from the > nineteenth century.--DC] > > As for the window-breaking, many anarchists defend such acts > as a way to draw attention to bigger problems. They define > violence as harm done to people - which they disavow. > > Damaging the buildings of major institutions doesn't hurt > anyone, they say. Corporations, governments and financial > institutions are guilty of committing violence against > humanity, they argue. > > Here Chomsky disagrees to some extent. > > "Breaking a window is violence. We all know that," he said. > "Like any form of violence, it requires justification. You > need to have a good reason for that act." > > Anarchists also wrestle with their participation in an > economic system they oppose. Lance, the Georgetown > professor, concedes he participates in capitalism "in a > million ways." > > "I'm not crazy about that, but I have a kid to take care > of," he says. > > More unusual is Gartland, who says he "eats well" on food > from the trash and estimates he lives on about $4 a month. > > Unbound to any job, he spends much of his time helping out > with a Food Not Bombs group in Manhattan and compiling a > monthly pamphlet on free events in New York City. > > "I just don't want to work for something I don't believe > in," he says.