WORLD WAR II 1941-45 Fought Axis forces for three years; first nuclear war, against Japan. GREECE 1947-49 Supports and directs extreme right in civil war. PHILIPPINES 1948-54 CIA directs war against leftist Huk Rebellion. PUERTO RICO 1950 Nationalist insurrection challenges American occupation; US command operation puts down rebellion. KOREAN WAR 1950-53 Joins South Korea and other allies to fight China and North Korea. IRAN 1953 CIA directs overthrow of elected left-leaning government, installs Shah. GUATEMALA 1954 CIA directs exile invasion and overthrow of leftist government; military junta installed. LEBANON 1958 US occupation ends under UN Observer Group. VIETNAM WAR 1960-75 Fought South Vietnam rebels and North Vietnam forces; 1-2 million killed. CUBA 1961 CIA-directed "Bay of Pigs" invasion. LAOS 1962 Green Berets active in training, military buildup, support of rightist forces during guerrilla war. PANAMA 1964 Control of Panama Canal Zone challenged; rioting against US forces. INDONESIA 1965 Army coup assisted to an unknown degree by CIA; left-leaning elected government toppled; between 250,000 to 1,000,000 lives lost. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1965-66 Troops invade during election as pre-emptive action against leftist rebellion or communist government. GUATEMALA 1966-67 Command operation; Green Berets aid in combat against leftist rebels. CAMBODIA 1969-75 War against leftist forces; intense bombing; up to 2 million killed. OMAN 1970 US directs Iranian invasion in support of Omani government against Marxist "Dhufar rebellion." LAOS 1971-73 US directs South Vietnamese invasion. CHILE 1973 CIA-backed coup ousts elected leftist president; rightist dictator installed. ANGOLA 1976-92 CIA assists South African-backed rebels. EL SALVADOR 1981-92 Advisors aid government forces against leftist rebels. NICARAGUA 1981-90 US directs guerrilla exile invasion ("Contra war") against revolutionary government; US forces plant mines. LEBANON 1982-84 Marines help police negotiated evacuation of Palestine Liberation Organization; US forces combat Muslim and Syrian fighters in support of Christian government. HONDURAS 1983-89 Military bases established for US-backed "Contra war" with Nicaragua. GRENADA 1983-84 US troops topple pro-Cuban government. LIBYA 1986 Air strikes against nationalist government with terrorist links. BOLIVIA 1986 Operation Blast Furnace; US troops and Bolivian police face peasant resistance in cocaine-producing regions. IRAN 1987-88 Intervention on side of Iraq in war against Iran. U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS 1989 Troops restore order after civil unrest spurred by Hurricane Hugo. PHILIPPINES 1989 Armed US aircraft support constitutional government against failed coup. PANAMA 1989-90 Nationalist government ousted by 27,000 US soldiers; more than 2,000 people killed. GULF WAR 1990- Operation Desert Storm drives Iraq out of Kuwait; 200,000+ killed. No-fly zone ongoing; periodic bombing. SOMALIA 1992-94 US-led United Nations occupation during civil war. YUGOSLAVIA 1992-94 US troops in NATO operation to enforce sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro. BOSNIA 1993-95 Operation Deny Flight patrols civil war no-fly zone; air combat, Serbs bombed. HAITI 1994-96 Troops restore elected leftist president to office three years after coup. CROATIA 1995 American and NATO forces attack Bosnian Serb airfields prior to Croatian offensive. SUDAN 1998 Pharmaceutical factory with terrorist links bombed; retaliation for terrorist attacks on US embassies in Africa. AFGHANISTAN 1998 Bombing of Islamic fundamentalist military camps; retaliation for terrorist attacks on US embassies in Africa. YUGOSLAVIA 1999 US aircraft play the key role in heavy NATO air strikes against Serbian forces in Kosovo. COLOMBIA 2000 Special Forces train anti-narcotics and anti-rebel battalions, supply combat aircraft. MACEDONIA 2001 US forces in NATO's Operation Essential Harvest partially disarm Albanian rebels. AFGHANISTAN 2001 In retaliation for terrorist attacks in US, forces attempt ouster of Afghanistan's Taliban government, attack bases linked to Islamic militant Osama bin Laden.