AIR FARCE ONE (June 17, 2002 version) A T.I.P. (Text In Progress) by ADRIAN MORE According to: 1. CBS Evening News (6:30pm ET) – CBS, Sept.14, 2001, online at: 2. The New York Times, Sept.15, 2001: ‘Pentagon Tracked Deadly Jet But Found No Way To Stop It’, by Matthew L.Wald, online at: ; 3. Ilarion Bykov and Jared Israel: ‘Guilty for 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers’, posted Nov. 14, 2001, updated Nov.17, 2001, online at: ; 4. George Szamuely: ‘9-11: Ho-Hum, Nothing Urgent’, posted Jan. 9, 2002, online at: ; 5. The Associated Press, March 11, 9:49 ET: ‘Timeline of Events on 9/11’; [Warning: the above article is anonymous, but has at the bottom: ‘Sources: AP wire reports, North American Aerospace Defense Command’; in other words, this is the official story] 6. VisionTV Insight: transcript of Mon., Feb.18, 2002 Broadcast, online at: 7. International Herald Tribune, Apr.12, 2002, p.3: ‘Bush Approves Sweeping Change at Top of Military’, by Thomas E. Ricks (The Washington Post): SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 "7:59a.m. – 8:14a.m.": all 4 doomed planes leave their airports. 8:20am: source nr 2: "CONTROLLERS IN NEW ENGLAND KNEW ABOUT 8:20am THAT AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 11, BOUND FROM BOSTON TO LOS ANGELES, HAD PROBABLY BEEN HIJACKED [my caps]… AND WITHIN A FEW MINUTES MORE, CONTROLLERS WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT BOTH UNITED 175 (THE SECOND PLANE TO ALLEGEDLY HIT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER) AND AMERICAN 77 (WHICH ALLEGEDLY HIT THE PENTAGON) HAD PROBABLY BEEN HIJACKED. [caps mine]" Source nr 5: "BY 8:20, ACCORDING TO ITS OWN OFFICIAL REPORT [my caps] …the FAA is fully aware". "8:40a.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] notifies the North East Air Defense Sector…(a division of North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD) that Flight 11 may have been hijacked". Now, Flight 11 allegedly would crash 6 minutes later (8:46am) into the WTC. It reportedly had been the first of the 4 to leave, at 7:59am. One first remark: Since the hijacking of Flight 11 must have started long before 8:40 (the hijackers couldn’t possibly have done it all in 6 minutes); that is, since Flight 11 must have strayed from its course before 8:40; and since, according to source nr 2 quoted above, "controllers… knew about 8:20am that Flight 11… had probably been hijacked": 1 - why did it take the FAA until "8:40" to notify NORAD? That is, WHY DID IT TAKE THE FAA 20 MINUTES TO NOTIFY NORAD? ‘Bureaucratic’-delay alibis make no sense at all, because emergency procedures ARE DEVICED PRIMARILY TO BYPASS BUREAUCRACY AND DEAL WITH URGENT PROBLEMS FAST. This was 2001. But even as early as 1941, army chief of staff G. Marshall had a scrambler phone THAT HE DELIBERATELY CHOSE NOT TO USE IN TIME TO ALERT HAWAII COMMANDERS OF THE UPCOMING (BUT STILL HOURS AWAY) PEARL HARBOR RAID, AS CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRIES ASCERTAINED. One would hope the FAA had better and faster means available to alert NORAD in 2001. Moreover, the looming catastrophe WAS NEITHER UNPRECEDENTED NOR UNEXPECTABLE: 1 – kamikazes using jets as bombs are in the U.S. defense’s gene pool ever since WWII; 2 – since the 1995 confession of the Qaida Murad, suicide hijacking using jets as bombs had been taken into account as A VERY REAL THREAT: A KNOWN LOOMING POSSIBILITY SINCE 1995; 3 – January 5, 2001: the U.S. embassy in Rome shuts down for 3 days on U.S. orders because of a feared "attack from the sky, a missile or something else"; 4 – Echelon had warned MONTHS before Sept.11 of jet-as-bomb plans; 5 – July 11, 2001: Italian intelligence (Sisde) report nr "2001ter0011183": islamist extremists in London are plotting to use "PLANES" to kill Bush at the Genova G8 summit. Wherefore Italian interior minister Scajola has "antiaircraft batteries" installed at the Genova airport for the G8 and closes Genova’s airspace for 5 days; 6 – authorities knew since the Aug.16 arrest of Zacarias Moussaoui (the alleged ‘20th hijacker’) that a plot to use jets as bombs was a very real possibility. (Please read my essay ‘ZAC IN THE BUSH’ for sourcing/discussion of the above 6 points). THEREFORE ONLY LIARS COULD STILL REPEAT THAT 9/11 WAS "UNPRECEDENTED" OR UNEXPECTABLE/UNEXPECTED. Quite the contrary: the recent Echelon warnings + Genova threats + arrest of Moussaoui should have warranted a state of high alert. What’s missing from my AP source is an exact timeline of known events on Flight 11 between 7:59 and 8:40: FAA boss Jane Garvey, will you please testify, over 9 months later? 2 – Even more importantly: did NORAD really need the FAA "8:40" notification to learn of the hijacking of Flight 11? In other words: is NORAD unable to monitor/defend U.S. air space without the FAA? Again: isn’t NORAD supposed to have (and use 24 hrs. a day) the best radar system in the world? And isn’t NORAD supposed to routinely, daily send out air patrols, including Awacs (special radar-equipped planes), to monitor/protect U.S. air space from all sorts of dangers? FAA/NORAD collaboration is welcome but – is NORAD lost without FAA input? Repeating: if the FAA person in charge of the "8:40" notification had been in the bathroom instead, would NORAD have waited to learn of the hijacking of Flight 11 from CNN? Once more: IF FLIGHT 11 HAD BEEN A CHINESE BOMBER CARRYING A PAYLOAD OF NUCLEAR BOMBS, WOULD NORAD HAVE SLEPT ON UNTIL 8:40, WAITING FOR THE FAA TO CALL? WHO THE HELL IS SUPPOSED TO MONITOR/DEFEND U.S. AIR SPACE, NORAD (WITH WELCOME, BUT NOT INDISPENSABLE HELP FROM THE FAA) OR THE FAA? WHAT WERE FAA AND NORAD’S RADAR OPERATORS DOING BETWEEN 7:59 AND 8:40am ON 9/11? WILL THEY ALL FINALLY TESTIFY UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS AFTER OVER 8 MONTHS, TOGETHER WITH ALL AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND OTHER STAFF INVOLVED? Recapping/refocusing: 1 - Flight 11 must have been hijacked well before "8:40am" – so exactly why did it take the FAA so long to notify NORAD? What did the FAA use, a public phone? A carrier-pigeon? 2 - Who the hell cares anyway: isn’t NORAD supposed to be monitoring/defending U.S. airspace through round-the-clock radar surveillance, quite independently of the FAA? NORAD HEAD, GENERAL RALPH EBERHART: TESTIFY! Back to the AP propaganda parrots: "8:46am – The North East Defense Sector notifies Otis Air National Guard Base at Falmouth, Mass., on Cape Cod that Flight 11 may have been hijacked." Another precious 6 minutes reportedly lost by NORAD just to NOTIFY Otis. Reader please note: a crucial bit of info is missing from the AP report at this point: by "8:46am" FAA/NORAD must have learned of at least a 2nd alleged hijacking in progress: that of Flight 175, departed at 8:14, and which would crash into the WTC at 9:03. It is logical to assume that Flight 175 too had been hijacked already by 8:46. But the AP is silent over FAA notification to NORAD of the hijacking of Flight 175. Anyway: what happens now, reportedly? "8:52am – Two F-15s are scrambled from Otis." Repeat, for the astonished: "TWO F-15s". At (long) last: NORAD/Otis, confronted with the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil ever (Flight 11 reportedly had crashed into the WTC at "8:46", 6 minutes earlier); NORAD/Otis, I say, most arguably knowing by 8:52 that there’s another hijacked plane around (United Flight 175) – again, NORAD/Otis, that is, the best air force on the planet, responds by scrambling... ONLY "2" MEAGER F15s; 2 F15s, YOU DIG? WITHOUT EVEN ONE AWACS PLANE FOR BETTER RADAR DETECTION! ONE WOULD HAVE EXPECTED THE AIR FORCE TO SCRAMBLE WHOLE SQUADRONS OF FIGHTERS TO RESPOND TO THE WORST ATTACK ON THE U.S. IN ITS HISTORY! WHAT IS THIS, ANDORRA? "TWO" F-15s!!! I’M ONLY JUST STARTED, BUT IT SHOULD ALREADY BE SUPERCRYSTAL-CLEAR BY NOW TO ANYONE WHO’S NOT A LIAR-FOR-A-LIVING OR A COMPLETE IDIOT THAT THE "2 – F15s" STORY, IF TRUE, OUGHT TO HAVE GOTTEN THE HEAD OF NORAD RALPH EBERHART FIRED ON THE SPOT! BECAUSE: EITHER THE HEAD OF NORAD RALPH EBERHART ON 9/11 WAS A RETARD (UNLIKELY); OR HE WAS A TRAITOR UNDER ORDERS FROM BUSH TO ALLOW 9/11 TO HAPPEN UNTIL ITS MOST VISIBLE/LETHAL CONSEQUENCES (MOST LIKELY). ONLY THE LATTER OPTION COULD POSSIBLY JUSTIFY THE OTHERWISE ASTONISHING NEWS ITEM REPORTED BY SOURCE NR 7: THAT "GENERAL RALPH EBERHART... HAS BEEN CHOSEN TO RUN THE NEW NORTHERN COMMAND, WHICH IS BEING CREATED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES ITSELF"! THE FAITHFUL SERVANT TRAITOR REWARDED (FOR ALLOWING 911 TO HAPPEN) BY THE 911 MASTERMIND, CHIEF BUSH: YEAH, THAT MAKES SENSE! Pause. Once more, let’s recap and refocus: - hey FAA boss jane garvey: when exactly, at what exact time did the FAA learn of the hijacking/changing course of Flight 175? And at what exact time did the FAA notify NORAD of the hijacking of Flight 175? What was the emergency communication system used for the notifications? TESTIFY UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS RIGHT NOW, YOU AND ALL FAA FLIGHT CONTROLLERS AND OTHER STAFF INVOLVED, lest we should think that you too, FAA boss jane garvey, were an accomplice in the 9/11 massmurders; - hey NORAD head on 9/11 Ralph Eberhart: what about NORAD’s radar surveillance? And what about the GPS system, and satellites that can trace and monitor far-distant, fast-moving asteroids millions of miles from Earth, but allegedly can’t tell us about 4 off-course planes? And: WHY FOR HEAVENSSAKE DID YOU ALLEGEDLY SCRAMBLE ONLY 2 F-15s WITH NO AWACS AT 8:52am ON 9/11? And: WHY COULDN’T FAA + NORAD RADARS TRACK DOWN IN TIME FLIGHTS 175 (CRASH TIME: 9:03) and FLIGHT 77 (PENTAGON; CRASH TIME: 9:43)? Let’s proceed with the amazing official story. 9:03am: while the 2 F15s from Otis (Cape Cod) reportedly still haven’t reached Manhattan, Flight 175 crashes into the 2nd Twin Tower. At this point (9:03am) you would have expected, as a minimum precautionary measure, the entire U.S. air force on or near U.S. territory to scramble, accompanied by all available Awacs for prompter radar detection – BUT NO! INCREDIBLY, ASTONISHINGLY NO OTHER PLANE IS SCRAMBLED UNTIL "9:30am"!!! And no Awacs will be scrambled at all, until after the Pentagon crash. Back to the AP sheep. "9:24am – FAA notifies the North East Air Defense Sector that controllers have lost contact with Flight 77." American Flight 77, which allegedly would crash into the Pentagon at "9:43am", had left Washington at "8:10am". Again: the hijacking + changing course of Flight 77 must have started long before 9:24am. Source nr 2 again: "Flight 77, which took off from Dulles International Airport outside Washington shortly after 8am, stayed aloft until 9:45am. AND WOULD HAVE BEEN VISIBLE ON THE FAA’S RADAR SYSTEM AS IT REVERSED COURSE IN THE MIDWEST AN HOUR LATER [that is, shortly after 9am] TO FLY BACK TO WASHINGTON. THE RADARS WOULD HAVE OBSERVED IT EVEN THOUGH ITS TRACKING BEACON HAD BEEN TURNED OFF [my caps]". So again, jane garvey of the FAA: - if you notified NORAD at 9:24 about Flight 77, when exactly had your controllers lost contact/realized things were wrong? Why did your radar operators waste another 20 minutes before alerting NORAD – and this after TWO suicide crashes had already occurred (8:48 + 9:03, Twin Towers)? - NORAD’s head general Eberhart: what do FAA + NORAD radar surveillance records tell us about Flight 77 between 8:10 and 9:24 on 9/11? TESTIFY! PRODUCE ALL INVOLVED RADAR OPERATORS + RECORDS! On with the show. "9:30am – Three F16s are scrambled from Langley Air Force base in Hampton, Va.". [This time around, alleged time lapse between FAA notification (9:24) and scrambling (9:30) is 6 minutes: half of the first time (8:40-8:52: 12 minutes)]. The worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history have just happened at 8:48 and 9:03; at 9:24 the FAA has notified NORAD of a 3rd hijacking in progress; AND ALL NORAD COMES UP WITH IS 3 F16s AT 9:30, WITHOUT AWACS AND CLEARLY WITHOUT RADAR GUIDANCE FROM THE GROUND – BECAUSE THOSE REPORTED 3 FIGHTERS DON’T FIND/INTERCEPT A DAMN THING, AT LEAST NOT UNTIL AFTER 9:43. By the way – source nr 1: "[shortly after the 2nd WTC crash at 9:03] the F15s [the two that had been scrambled from Otis at 8:52 according to the AP; or that "WERE AIRBORNE" at 8:52 according to source nr 1] reached Manhattan and began flying air cover missions over the city." NORAD head Eberhart: why didn’t you divert those 2 F15s at 9:24, after receiving FAA notification about Flight 77? I am being very naïf and pretending you didn’t know about Flight 77’s hijacking long before 9:24. But even assuming you learned about Flight 77 at 9:24 from the FAA; and since you knew of NO other upcoming danger for New York; WHY DIDN’T YOU IMMEDIATELY TELL THE 2 F-15s THAT WERE LOITERING OVER N.Y. TO INSTEAD HUNT DOWN FLIGHT 77? Wherefore... "9:43am – American Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon." 9:55am: 1 more scrambling – it’s Air Force One, whisking away the 911 terrorist mastermind. Hear? The Bushiite wisecrackers are sayin’: "But – suppose we’d intercepted or even shot down the 4 planes, how were we to know we wouldn’t have ended up killing even more people?" Really not hard: 1 - Bush and his terrorist gang most arguably had foreknowledge of the hijackers’ plans (see my essay Moral Ground Zero III, ‘ZAC IN THE BUSH’); 2 - Even assuming (1) isn’t true: IT WAS WORTH INTERCEPTING THE PLANES BECAUSE IF AUTHORITIES REALLY HAD NOT KNOWN BEFOREHAND THAT THIS WAS A SUICIDE HIJACKING WITH JETS-AS-BOMBS, THEN IT COULD HAVE BEEN "TRADITIONAL", NON-SUICIDAL HIJACKINGS, AND THE PLANES COULD HAVE BEEN FOLLOWED, MONITORED, WARNED OR FORCED DOWN – NOONE COULD HAVE FORETOLD THE HIJACKERS’ REACTION TO INTERCEPTION! 3 - ONLY WITH POST-EVENT KNOWLEDGE CAN WE ASSUME (BUT NOT BE CERTAIN!) THAT, SINCE THE HIJACKERS ALLEGEDLY WERE ISLAMIST FANATICS, THEY PROBABLY WOULD HAVE IGNORED THE INTERCEPTORS’ WARNINGS. AND – IN THIS LAST, EXTREME EVENT, EXTREME REMEDY: DOWN THE PLANES. CERTAINLY DO SO WHEN THE HIJACKERS ARE FAST APPROCHING THE TWIN TOWERS OR THE PENTAGON AT 500MPH! AT THAT POINT, YOU WOULD KILL ALL THE PEOPLE ON BOARD – WHO, YOU CAN FORETELL, ARE ABOUT TO DIE ANYWAY. BUT SINCE FIGHTER JETS FIRE MISSILES THAT BLOW UP MOST OF THEIR TARGETS, WHAT WOULD HAVE FALLEN TO THE GROUND WOULD HAVE BEEN SCATTERED DEBRIS, NOT 3 WHOLE PLANES AT HUNDREDS OF MPH! THEREFORE THE NUMBER OF VICTIMS ON THE GROUND COULD HAVE REASONABLY BEEN PROJECTED TO BE WAY INFERIOR TO THE DEATH TOLL CAUSED BY THE INTACT PLANES CRASHING/EXPLODING INTO BUILDINGS - AT HUNDREDS OF MPH! AND: THIS IS NO EASY HINDSIGHT: SOURCE NR 2: "AN F.A.A SPOKESWOMAN SAID… THAT THERE WAS A POLICY FOR SHOOTING DOWN CIVILIAN AIRLINERS BUT WOULD NOT DIVULGE IT." "A POLICY": WHY FOR CHRISSAKE WAS THIS POLICY VIOLATED? EBERHART! – WHY? After over 9 months, the shoot-down policy in place BEFORE 911 has still not been divulged. This has become Stalin’s U.S.S.R. A secret government lurking in the dark like a fuckin’ roach. COULD IT BE THAT BUSH HAD ORDERED FAA/NORAD (THAT IS THEIR TOP BRASS) TO DO THEIR DAMNEDEST TO ALLOW SEPT.11 TO HAPPEN? Shamming the scrambling, you dig? Air Farce One. June 17, 2002 edition. I wrote the first version on April 12-13-14-15, 2002 ADRIAN MORE poet/songwriter-singer/essayist No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author.