The AEL published this article last year. It seems ironic that this association jumps on any opportunity to denounce the terrible 'zionist conspracy' and the inadequate thought given to the poor ignored muslims living in this country and in Europe in general. What appears to be a fact today, is that the Sharon trial will continue, which ultimately makes all the AEL's claims null and void. Oh, and do please observe the violence of the comments made concerning the establishment, the legal order, and the powerful zionists (not so powerful it seems). To me and maybe to others, it appears that there is nothing less than incitment to hatred or violence or anti-establishment feelings. You know, Hitler did the same, he played on issues of poverty, social-exclusion, the need to re-establish the citizens self-respect and honour and as a consequence the need to find a good bouc emmissaire or scape goat to blame it all on...Sounds familiar. I personally feel that I have made a point today for all those reading this article and I think it a good idea for Han of the editorial team to think again about marching with the AEL, because let us be truthful, the AEL is not just anti-zionist it is purely anti-semitic point finale!!! And I doubt that Han wants to be associated with such a truth, because that amounts to just hating someone for what he is not by choice but because one was born either, black, muslim, jewish, asian... I think I have provided some good material to those of you willing to open your minds to other ideas and to those of you who have become good little 'SS' followers of Abou JahJah the fantastic freedom fighter. To be honest I would like to be ruled no less by Abou Jah Jah than by the Vlaams Blok, because ultimately they represent the same thing: opportunistic entities that grow and feed on hatred and feelings of exclusion. The AEL should take more hesitation when blindly castigating the entire Belgian legal and political system. Anyhow the system here is a stretch better than that instored in his own country Lebanon,ever asked him why he decided to desert his Mother Patry? nLet him return to his own people and his own distraught legal and political system before he dares to come to this Great Country to instore hatred and lies in the mouths of some poor and I do say poor ignorant and influencable peoples mouths and minds. Best Regards (don't censure, no point, respect me like you apparently respect the AEL, my words have the same strength as theirs, as I am an individual and have the right to express myself to those readers interesting in knowing another truth.) DOUBLE STANDARDS AND IMPUNITY CONFIRMED: BELGIUM WILL NOT INDICT SHARON Press release 26 06 2002 Brussels- Whoever had illusions left can now be sure, separation of powers in Belgium is a relative thing and can be suspended to serve the political interest of the state and its friends. After more than a year of struggle, the Sharon case in Belgium has been killed today. The hopes of the plaintiffs to get any form of justice or recognition of their suffering and to see the guilty people receive their punishment faded away. Since the start of this complaint the 18th of June of last year, the Belgian establishment tried to find ways to destroy it to appease Israeli criticism and indignation. First they tried to change the law of 1993/1999 that gave Belgium universal jurisdiction, when that proved to be tricky and too direct to hide the political intentions behind such a move they changed their strategy. Israel did not spare an effort to put Belgium under pressure and used its internal allies of the Zionist lobby to achieve its aim. All of a sudden the law of 1993/1999 was considered to be a burden on behalf of Belgium while it was cheered when it was used to condemn some Rwandan nuns. An archaic law from 1850 (article 12 of the penal law) has been considered to be superior to the Belgian law of 1993/1999 and stating that no person who is present outside of Belgium can be pursued by Belgian courts, which is a complete contradiction of the law of 1993 giving Belgium universal jurisdiction. The blunt truth is clear; law is there to serve the interests of the strong against the week and of the rich against the poor, and the white against the colored. Sharon and Israel are untouchable by law, not because they are innocent, actually everybody is convinced that they are guilty, but because they are connected and protected and they can abuse all western guilt complexes for the century of centuries to blackmail the world and justify their abhorrent continuous crimes against humanity. While Milosevic is facing trial, Sharon knows that no trial against him can be organized neither on the international nor on the local level, and thus he can continue his genocide policies against the Palestinians in inpunity. In the impossibility of an international specialized tribunal on Israeli crimes because such a tribunal would necessitate an international political consensus and American support, internal law like the universal jurisdiction law of Belgium was the only hope to get justice by the way of legal action. Now that even this way is sabotaged, Arabs and all justice loving people should take the right lessons and conclusions. First lesson: The state of law in the west is as relative as in other parts of the world, it has its limitations and it is subdued to political interest and to the balance of power. Second lesson: When it comes to Israel and its crimes the attitude of the west is based on nothing but hypocrisies and double standards. Third lesson: We shouldn’t waist our time trying to use dead-ends like legal action against a violent oppressor; our energy would be better used in defending and supporting the resistance by all means necessary against that oppressor. Fourth lesson: Palestine will only be liberated by Arabs and Muslims, and it will only be liberated by military, economical and political struggle and not by negotiation. In order to liberate Palestine Israel has to be defeated, and only after an Israeli defeat negotiations can lead to a solution because only then the balance of power will be changed. Anyone suggesting otherwise is either misled or trying to mislead our people. The Arab European League is aware that this case against Sharon which was initiated by the AEL and CODIP and some individuals was not a complete failure because of two reasons: First: it did expose the real face of Israel and Sharon and it did bring awareness to segments of the public opinion in the west regarding the real nature of Israel . Second: It allowed us to learn the above sited lessons and to see them applied in practice which left no doubt in our minds on the nature of the struggle and the means that should be used in it. Long live the resistance of the Palestinian people, THE ONLY WAY TO JUSTICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE