Independent Media Center Anti-War Direct Action Update: Lockheed Martin Lock Down Monday 17 Feb 2003 author: Indy Media summary Anti-War Direct Action Update: Lockheed Martin Lock Down - Feb 17th, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This morning a group of eight anti-war activists entered the office of Lockheed Martin in Dartmouth, NS. Once inside, the eight broke into two groups and held the two main doors, for the people arriving in the bus. At around 9:45 am a busload of approximately 40 people arrived at the office complex, and entered the office and halls of Lockheed Martin. The staff refused to vacated their office and other people from the bus joined in the peaceful sit in of the leading software designer of missile guidance system of Canada. Approximately, 13 people sat in the office of Lockheed Martin and refused to leave, with another 25-30 people outside the office in the mall hallways. People outside the office were lively chanting, “Lockheed kills kids for deed”. The cops were then inside the office complex and entered the office of Lockheed Martin to talk to those inside and check out the situation. The police said they were going to arrest anyone who didn’t leave and charge them with “mischief against the enjoyment of property”. Meanwhile police stopped Chris A, and two Indy media reporters outside the complex door. The two officers asked Chris for ID and when he refused, which is his legal right, they threatened to arrest him. The two officers addressed him by his name and advised Chris that they had seen him instructing people to enter the office. Chris immediately denied this allegation. Then the police said “we’ve seen your talking to people, your under arrest”. Chris was searched and lead to the back of a police wagon. The other media reporters circled him, and surprisingly the cops just stood there while Chris gave a speech to the cameras. They later proceeded to put him into the back of a paddywagon. He sat there until a squad car arrived and he was then transferred and taken away. 10:42am Inside the police were advising the people in the hallways that they were not breaking the law, but if they interfered with the arrest of the people inside the office, they would be arrested and charged with obstruction. The tactical officer arrived and started to remove the un-locked down protestors. People in the hallways started chanting “So So so, solidarity” as a young womyn, Caroline, was removed and almost dropped on her head while three other police officers stood aside and watched. After every one who was not in a locking device was arrested and removed, the police started to remove the lockdown people. Mike and Adam were both dragged out of the office in extreme pain, enough to force Mike to remove his lock so his arm would not break. Adam, now free from his comrade Mike refused to remove the lockbox from his arm. The police dragged him out side and lay him on the snowy pavement as they pulled at one of his arms to try to get it out of the lockbox. He was very vocal about being in pain yet they kept on pulling at the one arm and trying to cut him free with a set of keys. They then got his arm mostly out and cut the ties on his wrist with a knife. They then loaded him in the van. At this time they were searching Mike and putting him in the van as well. Next to be dragged out were Ben, Cassandra, Aaron, and Ellen, all still locked together and obviously in pain. The police dragged them out side while all were vocal about the amount of pain they were in. The cops were successful at removing the lockboxes after a few minutes. The womin were then put into a separate paddy wagon with Caroline, and the men loaded with the others males. People outside were shouting, “shame” and “no justice, no doughnuts” some cops laughed. Scott and Chris (another Chris) were dragged out and left laying on the cold ground for 15 minutes until they could be loaded into the police van. After every one was loaded into the police vehicles and a little van rocking had occurred, the police head for the station. The other people left climbed into the rented van and followed the police to the station. Were they met by riot cops? Nope, by warm, hot, tasty vegan food cooked by an amazing group of volunteers. At this time, 3:30 people are beginning to be released from police custody. Chris A is still being held for breach of bail conditions. More updates to follow…