September 13th, 2001 U.S. FASHIONISM! (The #1 national story in the USA- I saw today was; "In spite of everything, we're getting fatter"; by Lindsey Tanner; The associated Press.) U.S. FASHIONISM! US Declares WAR! THIS IS WAR! The Democratic WAR! The WAR for freedom! The WAR for economic Justice! The WAR for what is Right! The WAR for US! The Drug War! The Drug WAR is failing, - time to start a new one! The Terrorist's WAR! The WAR of Control! WAR has been declared by the US! Kill the terrorists! Kill the terrorists! Kill the terrorists! Kill them! This is WAR! Buildings blown up in New York; 1000's of civilians are killed in "collateral damage" from "jetliners" used as bombs. Reminiscent of world WAR two kamikaze pilots, the WAR has begun! The "new" SUV-T (plus) is in showrooms now! Made complete in the USA! The big new "Sport Utilitarian Vehicle for Terror"! The new SUV-T! The big new vehicle for the USA!! - and WARS of "surgical killing" and terror! Pinpoint accuracy and devastating payload makes the new SUV-T (plus) the most comfortable and secure way to drive around your fear! Get yours today! WAR has been declared! STOP JETLINERS FROM FLYING INTO BUILDINGS TODAY AND NOW! Put the "Middle East" on a "jetliner" and send them out to sea - on "autopilot" - without enough fuel to get home! Fish food and "organic" "surgical killing" - without nuclear aftershocks! A WITNESS TO HUMAN TERROR AND TRAUMA - WAR.. WHY? The Trail of Conscience. The Trial of Conscience. A Human Feeling Justice. The Communication Chain (Prison) of Conscious Feeling Experience Evolves In Human Individuals, Humans call it "Humanity", While Terrorists Call It WAR. Terrorists Want to Stop This Feeling Of Judgment You Feel, and Create A WAR So You Will Feel Their Judgment. Intimidation and Fear of Political Dissent, The "NEW" U.S. "Freedom". TERRORISM Created By Americans; Will create more terrorism and the need to survey it. This "surveillance" of control will create more arrests for the "United States Prison Industrial Complex" that is being created from the dying "Military Industrial Complex". I feel that is what the United States desires to evolve through its paranoia and fear of "militaristic defense" of "freedom"; TERRORISM. (Terrorism and abuse worked so well for my dad! WHY not a whole country!) From "WARS" to "Prisons" is not the way to evolve humanity; no matter how many Americans feel that way or are making a profit from it. This is WAR! Kill them! Kill Them! Kill them! KILL US! The "Lady Liberty" Drama Queen! From military-economic evolution, to prison-industrial evolution, and now into the evolution of terrorism! The USA is Entertainment! The USA, Seattle, and Kenn; "In A Nutshell". The United States Culture in the Petri dish of the USA. A "terrorist" (bad virus) attacks one side of the culture in the Petri dish. The "other" side of the culture feels this "attack". The "battle" to save life begins. The hard choice here is; "Whose side of the culture are you on?". If you believe in "sides" and "choice" when it comes to the cultures survival, I do not. I choose and feel life. I do not feel the terrorist will win, unless we decide, the terrorist is the winner. The United States can create this culture of terror - from the trauma of the human death we have witnessed, but the United States will be creating the death of its culture. US declares WAR! Execution, Suicide, and Terrorism; Individual and Cultural. Intolerance, Discrimination, and Racism. The more aggressive, we do not want to face the problem; "Terrorists WAR"! New and improved from "Drug WAR" experience! We have even filmed ourselves murdering people (Mardi Gras) evolving our new philosophy and WAR!! We are the Terrorists! Media Discrimination. We created the terror of Oklahoma City, Littleton Colorado, or Kuwait-Iraq, and we blame "others". This "blame" for terror creates terrorism, and someone will take responsibility - the "TERRORIST" will take the responsibility for human feeling and kill with their judgment of the "guilty". The "MEDIA" will create the "guilty". Like in Oklahoma City, the media "experts" will blame anyone but ourselves. MEDIA DISCRIMINATION and the Oppression of Human Feeling; Creates terrorism. Killing people is not love, compassion, freedom, good, or anything positive towards human beings and their existence. Killing people in WAR or state sanctioned execution of any kind, is the "evil" our president and the people of the US are so willing to create in declaring WAR on ???? Drugs? Terrorists? People? Humans? WHY? Why create terrorism, WAR, and Destruction? Kill them! This is WAR! Buildings blown up in New York; 1000's of civilians are killed in "collateral damage" from "jetliners" used as bombs. Reminiscent of world WAR two kamikaze pilots, the WAR has begun! The "Lady Liberty" Drama Queen! "Better" than a bad movie, because it's real! Grow up US! Stop creating blame and terrorism! TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! GROW UP USA! (The #1 national story in the USA- I saw today was; "In spite of everything, we're getting fatter"; by Lindsey Tanner; The associated Press.) Today; I am exercising! (Around the world - at the speed of light!) (Only I have the opposite problem of most Americans, I need to put on fifteen pounds, I am so skinny - I do not feel it is healthy! Today - I am slowing down my exercise. I need my energy to pack up and move from Seattle this weekend - after I finish my work at the Seattle Peace Park!!) The "virus" of terrorism and human created death, has been growing well in the United States culture for quite some time. I now feel the survival of United States culture - depends on whether or not the United States keeps killing people through WAR and "other" state sanctioned executions of human beings; or the United States decides to stop being a militaristic and over-consuming nation. Sincerely, Kenn Kenneth G. Dzaman JUST-is as JUST-does + WITNESS SOCIETY OF SEATTLE. PO BOX 85503 SEA WA 98145-1503 206-271-8562