Feel free to pass on this message and links widely. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisaction/message/665 January 18 2003. 200,000 at San Francisco rally. Overhead PHOTOS by helicopter! More links posted. Posted on 2 websites now. Awesome overhead helicopter photos of January 18 2003 peace rally in San Francisco. http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/1562069 or http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/1562069.php Helicopter Pictures of SF Demo by Peter Maiden • Sunday January 19, 2003 at 05:48 AM pmaiden@pacbell.net An excerpt from the top of the page: "...It was shoulder to shoulder in the Civic Center and back nearly to the foot of Market Street." One of the photos (in thumbnail form) is on the San Francisco Indymedia homepage: http://sf.indymedia.org Click the thumbnail photo to go to the compilation page of all 6 photos and comments. The 6 photos are also posted here: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/thread.shtml?1x45328x0 ---------- Here are direct links below to the 6 photos. On the first photo one can see the curved building on the corner where people were turning onto the long march route on Market Street, I believe. See the 6th photo to see that curved building, I believe. First photo was labeled: cityhall_26skyline.jpg, JPG image, 360x546 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/cityhall_26skyline.jpg URL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45328.jpg Second photo was labeled: cityhall.jpg, JPG image, 539x360 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/cityhall.jpg URL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45330.jpg 3rd photo was labeled: cityhallangle.jpg, JPG image, 550x360 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/cityhallangle.jpg URL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45332.jpg 4th photo was labeled: crowdspilling.jpg, JPG image, 550x360 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/crowdspilling.jpg URL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45333.jpg 5th photo was labeled: marketclose.jpg, JPG image, 360x546 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/marketclose.jpg URL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45334.jpg 6th photo was labeled: marketstreet.jpgd65088.jpg, JPG image, 360x544 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/marketstreet.jpgd65088.jpg URL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45336.jpg ----------------- One of the comments added to the original page: http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/1562069_comment.php#1562374 The pics prove my own numbers to me... by Jim Severdia • Sunday January 19, 2003 at 07:00 PM nvmtnman@yahoo.com I agree with the estimates of this writer [125,000+] --as minimums. The mainstream media has it way too low... The march began at 12:10 PM at around 6th and Taylor--where I stationed myself to watch the procession pass--not trusting the media to come up with any real numbers. The march participants at that point stretched all the way back to the foot of Market Street--a distance of about 6300 feet--and that did not include the people in and around Justin Herman Plaza, the side streets and those who went direct to Civic Center. It is not unreasonable, given the width of Market Street to assume that, on average (the street was packed!) 15 people abreast were waiting to walk to the route. Assuming also that the loose "rows" of people were spaced about 2 feet apart, then simple arithmetic says that 15 X 3150 or 47250 people were there waiting alone to march. However, in addition to that mental number, I stood at the starting point and allowed the entire march to pass, periodically estimating the flow by me, in people per minute, to arrive at an estimate of 68,000 - 88,000 people who passed by me! The march took 2 hours and thirty minutes to pass. The first 80 minutes seemed fairly uniform, allowing me to refine my initial estimates of people per minute passing me by to 400-600 ppm. Then for twenty minutes, the march picked up a little speed, as well as stretching almost unbroken across all of Market Street, plus one sidewalk--for that 20 minutes it seemed almost a continuous tight 30 people wide--as opposed to the nearer to 15-20 wide average when it was confined to the 4 lanes of the street. I felt that I now had a good grasp of the estimating of the numbers and for the next 50 minutes my every 10 minute sample gave rates of 600, then 400, then 300, 400, and 300ppm. This produces the numbers of 68K - 88K as the number who *passed by me*. It does not include the numbers who may have been on side streets paralleling the march, nor the ones who went direct to Civic Center--and at least one account indicates Civic Center as being half full before the march began--a number I will attribute to be from 10,000 - 30,000. Another person said to me that the Center was full half an hour after the march started arriving (30 minutes @ the 400-600ppm initial passing rate is 12,000 to 18,000 people) which also explains why the end of the march found it so difficult to enter the Center from McCallister, when it finally arrived at 3:00PM. People were left half a block out on the sidestreets such as Larkin and Hyde, unable to reach the Center, until the earlier masses had begun to filter away. Civic Center and its adjacent streets form a rectangular box 600 x 750 feet in dimension. 450,000 square feet. Assuming a density of one person per square yard, and three for every two yards *minimum* is more likely from the pics--the numbers would be 50-75,000 in the Center alone... Who is the media really reporting for...hmm? ----end of comment---- -------------- Short excerpt from another comment: http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/1562069_comment.php#1562585 Jan. 18 demonstration by Barbara • Monday January 20, 2003 at 12:52 AM ... To offer another measure of the size of the crowd: I was at the Embarcadero and in the line of march for almost four hours before reaching the Civic Center, and people continued arriving for about half an hour after that. ... ----end of comment excerpt---- -------------- There are many more rally articles, photos, video, comments, etc. at San Francisco Bay Area Indymedia: http://sf.indymedia.org