arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Ariel Sharon speaks! (by Latuff)
by Latuff Thursday, May. 20, 2004 at 10:30 AM

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed Israhell's ethnic cleasing.

Ariel Sharon speaks!...
sharon.jpg, image/jpeg, 470x340

In October 1943, Heinrich Himmler told a group of SS officers:

"Among ourselves let us for once be quite frank.... I mean the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people.... Most of you know what it means to have a hundred corpses lying together, of five hundred, or a thousand. To live through this and at the same time ... remain decent, that made us hard. This is a noteworthy page in our history."

Just change "Jews" and "Jewish people" for "Palestinians" and "Palestinian people" and voila!
You have now a typical speech by Ariel SSharon...