arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Week of the forest in Flanders
by Jan Van Eemeren for FYEG Monday, Oct. 06, 2003 at 11:55 AM

This year Flanders’ week of the forest takes place from the 5th untill the 12th of October. The activities are organised by local non-profit organisations who receive subsidies from the Flemish government. The coordination and promotion is done by the “Flemish forest association” (VBV).

The VBV started with the week of the forest 25 years ago. They had some clear and ambitious demands:
- Conservation and protection of Flemish forests
- Expansion of the forest
- Responsible management and suitable use of Flanders’ forest.

They were convinced that these legitimate demands can only be realised if they are supported by the broad public. That’s why they started the public event : week of the forest.

The actual target group of the week of the forest are children. Scouts and other youth organisations participate a lot and since a couple of years schools are involved as well: pupils and teachers go into the forest during schooltime. Of course, parents and grandparents are very welcome too.

This summer, the federation of young european greens - FYEG organised a summer camp on forests: No forest - no future in the Sumava mountains in the Czech Republic.
There we initiated the International week of the forest, which is being set up now. If your youth organisation wants to participate in our project, please contact me or FYEG!

In Ravels

Ravels is the most northern village in Flanders and hosts a 830ha. state owned forest. The forest is open for the public on foot, by bike and by horse.

Today’s week of the forest activities included:
- For the children: A clown show, a creative workshop with wood, make-up and a photo search contest.
- For young and old: A walk guided by professional forest guides or a ride in a covered wagon pulled by a traditional Flemish draught-horse. Both follow a trajectory by stalls where you can taste forest drinks, pancakes with herbs (not narcotic) and nettle soup. Also there was a little educational forest theatre for and by children.
- There was an open garden with information about native plants, pool animals and insects.
- For the hungry ones, a huge swine was roasted on a fire.

All the activities were for free except for the roast.
A lot of scouting groups and children with their parents were present, so obviously the target group is being reached.
There was a very good atmosphere, partly created by a Belgian, sweet “forest beer”, called “bosbier”.
Personally, I had a very enjoyable afternoon and will certainly return next year!

Finally, here are the recipes for nettle soup and herbal pancakes:

Nettle soup

Pick two large hands full of green young stinging nettles (10 to 20 cm height)(Urtica dioica.
Don’t worry, they are not endangered species.
Blanch the nettles, pour off the water and mix them in the cooking pot.
Heat 1,5l of milk and 0,5l of water untill it boils, add two blocks of bouillon, the nettles and some nutmeg mace.
Season with salt and black pepper and enjoy!

Herbal pancakes

For 15 pancakes you need:
¼ Liter of milk, 300 gr. of flower, 2 eggs, a bit of salt, 25 cl. dark (Belgian) beer, 1 spoon of oil,
30 gr. of nettles (Urtica dioica), 25 gr. of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) (leaves and closed buds only),
20 gr. of chickweed (Stellaria media), 20 gr. of milfoil (Achillea millefolium),
10 gr. of sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella).

Wash the herbs and chop them as fine as you can.
Make the pancake paste as usual, then add the beer and the herbs. Bake the pancakes.
Serve with brown sugar, candy syrop or marmelade.

For FYEG by Jan – Jong Agalev – Belgium