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Corporate Conquistadors in Cancun // InvestmentWatch
by corporate observer Monday July 07, 2003 at 05:18 PM

Article about Cancun (WTO summit in september 2003)// Check out a new action website: InvestmentWatch

* Corporate Conquistadors in Cancun - the EU offensive for WTO-Investment negotiations

The ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Cancun, Mexico (September 10th-14th) will decide whether to start negotiations on a multilateral investment agreement. The European Commission (EC) is leading the push for a WTO-Investment agreement, determined to consolidate the expansion of EU-based multinational
corporations. Despite heavy doses of political spin, and assurances that it foresees only a "basic", supposedly "flexible" agreement, there are strong indications that the EC aims for a much more far-reaching corporate-friendly agreement in the longer-term. While civil society remains vehemently opposed, European corporate lobby groups, with a key role in shaping the EC's negotiating goals, are increasingly eager for investment talks to get off the ground.

Read the InvestmentWatch info brief: "Corporate Conquistadors in Cancun - the EU offensive for WTO-Investment negotiations":

* InvestmentWatch website - news and resources for campaigning against WTO-Investment

CEO is assisting the campaigns against a WTO-Investment agreement by maintaining the website, a frequently-updated
resource which includes action updates, statements and briefings by civil society groups, intelligence on government and industry positions, a comprehensive news section and a detailed events diary.

InvestmentWatch for instance covers the decentralised actions in around ten cities around Europe on July 3-4, at the occasion of the EU trade ministers meeting in Palermo this weekend.
