arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Pardagach Action Week: 1st Action
by Libby Monday June 30, 2003 at 06:01 PM

This morning Patdagach and friends held their first action. A blockade of both the landfill dump and the sand quarry.

Pardagach Action Wee...
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At ten o' clock three teams of activists went to the entrance of "Le Radar" and both entrances to the "Mont de Rhodes" to stop any truck from entering either the dump or the quarry.

This time the police didn't stop the trucks on the main road. They didn't check any of the trucks either.

As usual, most trucks were filled with unsorted waste. Some of the truck drivers were very aggressive, two attempted to break through the human barricade. One was taking pictures of the activists claiming he would file a complaint against them. (your honour, you must fine these people, the prevented me from dumping illegal Flemish waste at an illegal dump.

In the mean time, Mr. Fort lost his temper at the main entrance of the quarry. He smacked an activist in the face (the youngest one there, he sure knows how to pick his opponents, kicked the activists lunch all across the street and thrashed a couple of drums the activists used to keep up moral in the pouring rain.

At 15.30 the blockades at the quarry broke up, a group of activists kept blocking the entrance to "Le Radar" until well after five o' clock.

by Libby Monday June 30, 2003 at 06:01 PM

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A line of trucks parked along the main road in d'Hoppe.

What now?
by Libby Monday June 30, 2003 at 06:01 PM

What now?...
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Mr. Fort stops in the middle of the road to discuss the situation with some of the truck drivers.

by Libby Monday June 30, 2003 at 06:01 PM

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A truck filled with debris wants to enter the quarry.

by Libby Monday June 30, 2003 at 06:01 PM

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The driver, who was agressive at first, but turned out to be someone that was willing to listen and talk, said he just wanted to go and park his truck.

by Libby Monday June 30, 2003 at 06:01 PM

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This man said he wants to file a complaint against the activsts that stopped him from illegally dumping illegal waste. he took the pictures of the people talking to him.

Unsorted waste
by Libby Monday June 30, 2003 at 06:01 PM

Unsorted waste...
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One of the trucks that were stopped from entering.

Mister crusher
by Libby Monday June 30, 2003 at 06:01 PM

Mister crusher...
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TRhis man tried to force his way into the dump in a very aggressive and intimidating manner. He tried to force the human barricade three times, he even backed up a bit so he could speed up a little trying to force his way through. He did not get into the dump.