arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Sarah Bracke en feministische fundamentalismebestudering
by crazy dogfriend Sunday June 15, 2003 at 01:11 PM

Sarah Bracke is een Belgische feministische studente die o.a religieus fundamentalisme bestudeert. PhD Student vakgroep Vrouwenstudies / Women's studies workplace: Media & Re/presentation

Current Projects and Research Interests

PhD research project:

Women countering secularisation in an age of globalisation. Three case-studies in a European context.

This research project is concerned with the engagement of women in certaing kinds of contemporary religious 'revivalist' groups or movements, more specifically those tendendies that are easily referred to as 'fundamentalist'. Women's involvement in such movements has been treated in the literature as a theoretically and politically sensitive issue that remains difficult to account for. The research project aims to account for women's subjectivity in these particular cases, through looking at women's live stories. In theoretical terms, the phenomenon of current religious revival and 'fundamentalism' is considered in the context of 'the crisis of modernity', which will be elaborated in a three layered way (namely through the lenses of and scholarship on postindustrialism, postcolonialism and postcommunism). The case-studies take place in Kazan (Tatarstan, the Russian Federation), in Milan (Italy) and in Amsterdam/Utrecht (the Netherlands), where concrete examples within Christian (Catholic and Protestant) and Islamic religious traditions are studied.

Recent Publications
Scientific publications I: scientific journals / Wetenschappelijke publicaties: tijdschriften

Bracke, Sarah (2003) Author(iz)ing Agency. Feminist Scholars Making Sense of Women's Involvement in Religious 'Fundamentalist' Movements. In: European Journal of Women's Studies, vol. 10, n. 3.
Bracke, Sarah and María Puig de la Bellacasa (2002) Who's afraid of standpoint feminism? In: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, jr. 5, nr. 2.
Bracke, Sarah (2002) Windows on the lives of Muslim Women. In: European Journal of Women's Studies, vol. 9, n. 2.
Bracke, Sarah (2001) 'Transition' and Undermining Hegemonic Accounts. In: European Journal of Women's Studies, vol. 8, n. 2.
Scientific publications II: chapters in books / Wetenschappelijke publicaties: hoofdstukken in boeken

Bracke, Sarah and María Puig de la Bellacasa (forthcoming) Building Standpoints. In: Sandra Harding (ed.) The Feminist Standpoint Reader. New York: Routledge.
Bracke, Sarah and Stef Jansen (1995) Dread in Babylon: An Explorative Field Study of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. In: Robert Towler (ed.) New Religions and the New Europe. Aarhus University Press.
Vakliteratuur & aktivisme

Andrijasevic, Rutvica & Sarah Bracke (2003) Venir à la connaissance, venir à la politique. Réflexion sur des pratiques féministes du réseau NextGENDERation. In: Multitudes, nr. 12. (féminismes, queer, multitudes). (Engelse versie op NextGENDERation website)
Bracke, Sarah (2002) Het verschil kennen. Feministische denkwegen uit neoliberale hallucinaties. In: Yang, jg. 38, n. 2.
Bracke, Sarah (2000) Is Liberalism bad for women? Is ethnocentrism bad for men? Is culture bad for the ozon layer? The art of asking (bad) questions. In: Leggendaria, n.23. (ook in Italiaanse vertaling)
Bracke, Sarah en Patriek Dooms (1999) Feministische landschappen van de toekomst. Kroniek van de vrouwenbeweging anno 1999. In: CGSO Jaarboek 2000 Seksualiteit Relaties Geboorteregeling. Gent: CGSO.
Bracke, Sarah (1999) Girls, politiek en spelen met blokjes. In: Pandora, jg. 14, nr. 2.
Bracke, Sarah (1999) Girls just wanna have fun. In: Schoppenvrouw, jg. 21, nr. 100.

Sophia (Belgisch netwerk voor de promotie van Vrouwenstudies)
Bracke, Sarah (2003) De universiteit herdenken in actie. In gespek met Ingrid Robeyns (eerste coördinator VAP werkgroep Vrouw en Universiteit, KULeuven). In: Sophia Nieuwsbrief.
Bracke, Sarah en María Puig de la Bellacasa (2001) Vrouwenstudies en het gelijke kansenbeleid: welke verhoudingen? Achtergrondtekst bij de interventie in het ronde tafel debat 'Vrouwenstudies en het gelijkekansenbeleid'. In: Sophia, Akten van het Colloquium. Brussel. (ook in Franse versie)

Lover. Tijdschrift over feminisme, cultuur en wetenschap
Bracke, Sarah (2002) De gedachte dat het anders kan. Over globalisering, kapitalisme en verzet. In: Lover, jg. 29, n. 2.
Bracke, Sarah (2001) Met kaarten en kompas. Over feministische beweeglijkheid. In: Lover, jg. 28, n. 1.
Bracke, Sarah (2001) De wortels van het feminisme. In: Lover, jg. 28, n. 2.

Cyberfeminisme project (vzw Constant)
Bracke, Sarah (2001) Technologieën van het nomadisme of een epistemologie van het kraken In: Laurence Rassel (red.) Cyberfeminisme. Brussel: Constant.
vertaling Sarah Bracke en Marleen Johanna Pas (2001) van Rosi Braidotti Cyberfeminisme met een verschil. In: Laurence Rassel (red.) Cyberfeminisme. Brussel: Constant.
vertaling Sarah Bracke en Marleen Johanna Pas (2001) van Starhawk Een heks bij de Wereldhandelsorganistie. In: Laurence Rassel (red.) Cyberfeminisme. Brussel: Constant.

NextGENDERation network: publications
Andrijasevic, Rutvica & Sarah Bracke (2003) Coming to Knowlegde, Coming to Politics. A reflection on feminist practices from the NextGENDERation network. (English version of an article published by Multitudes.
Bracke, Sarah (2002) The NextGENDERation Network and (a) Her-story of the Creation of Collective Spaces. In: Rosi Braidotti, Janny Nieboer & Sanne Hirs (eds.) The Making of European Women's Studies. A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. Volume 4. Utrecht/ATHENA.
Bracke, Sarah (2000) Feminist knowledge and/in the university. [part of a collective performance text] In: Rosi Braidotti, Esther Vonk & Sonja van Wichelen (eds.) The Making of European Women's Studies. A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. Volume 2. Utrecht/ ATHENA.
Bracke, Sarah (2000) Global resistance against capitalism. [part of a collective performance text] In: Rosi Braidotti, Esther Vonk & Sonja van Wichelen (eds.) The Making of European Women's Studies. A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. Volume 2. Utrecht/ ATHENA.
Anders, Diana, Sarah Bracke & Esther Vonk (2000) An introduction to the NextGENDERation Network. In: Rosi Braidotti & Esther Vonk (eds.) The Making of Women's Studies. A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues. Volume 1. Utrecht/ ATHENA.

De Fabel van de illegaal
Bracke, Sarah (2002) Anti-nationalistische vrouwen in Israël en Palestina. In: De Fabel van de illegaal, nr. 52/53.
Bracke, Sarah (2002) Vechten voor de fundamenten van het geloof. In: De Fabel van de illegaal, nr. 50/51.
Bracke, Sarah (2001) Racistische ondertonen in debat rond imam In: De Fabel van de illegaal, n. 46/47.

Women's Studies Utrecht:
co-teaching Feminist Theory 2002-2003 (blok 4)
guest lectures (Introductiecursus Vrouwenstudies, Historiography of Feminist Ideas, Eros and Pathos, Feminist Theory)
Noise European Summer School in Women's Studies From Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Diasporic Identities and Medi@ted Cultures: Gender, Power, Representations.
Organising tutor trainings and teaching at
Summer School September 2000, Università di Pisa.
Summer School September 2001, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Guest lectures (Cultural Diversity in a Global Perspective: the International Classroom, University of Maastricht)

Engaged in
Autonoom Feministisch OnderzoeksKollektief (AFOK)
The NextGENDERation Network
Sophia, Belgisch netwerk voor de promotie van Vrouwenstudies (gewoon lid)
