arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Forbidden Party at Havelange, it won't happen again...
by tof Tuesday April 29, 2003 at 10:29 PM

After seeing our multi-cultural event (planned for the 19th of April) cancelled for absurd reasons (it had been advertised on!!) by J-M Polet, mayor of Havelange, we have decided to stand up so such things won’t happen anymore.

We’re going to put pressure on Havelange’s deciders, with two goals : to retrieve the funds lost because of the cancellation, but most importantly to get back our right to freedom of expression and make electronic music, and other new forms of art, accepted as what they are… art. We hope, in this process, to put an end to an attitude that forces those new forms of artistic expression to remain in the shadows, and allow their free “broadcasting”.
Our dear mayor and his kind, probably are still afraid of the few french rave parties that happened in Belgium last summer, use the media-created fear of those events to simply forbid any other electronic (or simply unusual) events, such as was our “Artisanale Electrolyse” meant to be. It would have mixed local craftsmanship, music (instrumental and electronic), and visual arts (vjaying, sculptures, pictures,…).

This cancellation is an attack on our freedom of expression, and is a bad blow for our region, where nothing alike ever happens. Furthermore, it certainly doesn’t solve the problem of illegal parties. We must all together bring them to understand that the presence of this type of music is NOT a valid argument for cancellation, as long as we follow their rules.

You can very simply support us by mailing your opinion on this to the mayor of Havelange ( Just tell them what you feel about the attitude they have and it will be a great help to us.

You can also become a member of Soul Laboratory (non-profit organization) by sending us ( your name, and any other personal information you don’t mind sharing with us (birth date, job,...) You will then be informed on the next events, and whether we did manage to make ourselves heard. The longest our members list is, the biggest impact we will have.
If you still have flyers of our event, you can also send them to the townhall at 99, Rue de la Station, 5370 Havelange. Just add a little word to let them know we’re not just a couple of freaks willing to break their so precious quietness.

If you know anyone who works in the media field and who could help us to let it all be known, do feel free to tell us about it. This is not over yet! Please take the time to do one of those small things that will help us going as far as possible into this action, which will hopefully lead to a cultural evolution in our region without discrimnation.

Thank you