arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

US troops withdraw from Saudi Arabia
by Sukant Tuesday April 29, 2003 at 04:16 PM

It has been announced that the USA is going to pull out its troops from Saudi Arabia, apart from a few personnel. If this is true, it is a great victory for the oppressed of the world and the Arab people in particular. It is a victory for the resistance of the Arab people, and those patriots‚ popular forces in Palestine and Saudi Arabia.

The resistance forces of Saudi Arabia and other Arab lands have made it impossible for the USA occupation forces to feel safe in that country. It is by the on going popular guerrilla struggle of the people, supported by a political movement which has dogged the US occupation of that country to a withdrawal and defeat.

This is a victory like that won made by the combined patriotic and popular forces (patriotic, Islamic and communist) in Lebanon, which resulted in the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from Lebanon in 1996 (I think 1996?).

Like any withdrawal r defeat that is suffers, the imperialists will try and put on a brave face and distort the truth to hide the fact that they have withdrawn as a result of peoples struggle (as will some misguided people and sell-outs in our movement no doubt!). US Imperialism is being overstretched in the world. They cannot fight confidently on two fronts in the Arab world comfortably ˆ in Iraq and other places which they are occupying, and Saudi is a very weak link in their domination of the area, so they withdraw, try and undercut the resistance‚s capacities in weakening them there, trying to focus on Iraq and pacifying other places such as Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, Korea, Cuba and Philippines. But Imperialism is doomed, it continues to bury itself in its own grave it is itself building; it cannot survive without committing more and more massacres (another massacre of at least 10 people in Iraq today! Massacre after massacre day after day in Colombia, Congo and Palestine), as its drive domination and monopolisation of the
political, cultural and economic assets of the people inspire the people into further resistance. This has been the case in all history. In Iraq, as well as Palestine, as in Colombia, Nepal, Philippines, Congo and many other places, the peoples‚ strugglers and fighters are being massacred, which is, in turn intensifying their-our resistance.

We in Britain have no interest in supporting the imperialists‚ war and aggression. Our houses, jobs, cultural and social facilities are being taken away and we are being plunged further and further into poverty and oppression by the people running this system. We have no freedom to decide our rights except our own choice to struggle for our rights. Anytime that we are strong, the state seeks to weaken us by all their means (see FBU, Miners, 1926 General Strike, uprisings in Southall, Brixton, Toxteth etc).

Any weakening of the imperialist system, is a victory for us as it shows we can struggle to victories, this is true from Ireland to north Korea to Saudi Arabia.

SLP Youth National Student Organiser