arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Globale anti-imperialistische liga?
by Guido Wednesday April 16, 2003 at 12:53 PM

Onderstaande is de feature die nu op staat plus enkele Nederlandstalige vertalingen van berichten over de protesten in Irak tegen de Westere kolonisatie. Lees ook het opiniestuk over Global Anti-Imperialist League.

Globale anti-imperia...
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Media wordt gehinderd om protesten in Irak te tonen.

Protesten in Irak tegen Amerikaanse kolonisatie.

Basra, al drie weken zonder water.

VS-soldaten schieten betogers dood in

al-motu amrikaSf-feature


U.S.A. Lie of the Week: "Today should be always remembered as a day where Iraqis expressed different opinions and weren't shot for it." - Ari Fleischer, White House Propaganda Minister

Twelve Iraqis were killed by US Marines for protesting the US occupation of their home. Sixteen more Iraqis were injured when US soldiers opened fire on a protest in Mosul that happened in response to a speech by US puppet leader Mashaan al-Juburi. To further silence any opposition, the US then buzzed the town with F-14 flyovers, reminding people of the devastating bombings that have killed thousands of Iraqi civilians since the US's forced "liberation" began. Additional protests took place across Iraq as the fabricated media spectacle of joyous Iraqis collides with reality.

Protests Erupt Throughout Iraq, World Against USA
"This is no freedom" chanted protesters in Baghdad as armed US occupation forces watched with guns ready. In Nasiriyah, 20,000 Iraqis poured into the streets to protest the US takeover of their home. Corporate media bias was exposed after images of 40-50 anti-Saddam Iraqis were glorified for days -- and yet, almost no mention of anti-US protests which were easily 1000% bigger. In the past few days, additional protests took place in San Francisco, Vermont, Brazil, Athens, South Korea, Jakarta, Kiev, Manila, Washington DC, Sydney, Istanbul, Caracas and Mexico City. In addition, a call has been made for a Global Anti-Imperialist League to unite the people of the world against the US government, the European governments, and any Arab government which would allow US profit thugs to rape and destroy the world.