arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

De VS moeten de schade voor de plunderingen betalen !
by Dirk Adriaensens Sunday April 13, 2003 at 05:49 PM

Onderstaand pleidooi komt van een Iraakse balling. In 1991, na de Golfoorlog moest Irak compensaties en schadevergoeding betalen voor de plunderingen die de bevolking na Desert Storm beging. In dezelfde logica moeten de VS/VK dus, overeenkomstig de conventie van Genève, nu de schade betalen die door de plunderingen werd gemaakt(met hun eigen geld !!) omdat zij verantwoordelijk zijn voor de ordehandhaving.

During the 1990 Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, and especially on the first days, chaos prevailed with a complete collapse of law and order. Very much like what happens now in Iraq.
At that time, offices, shops and houses were looted.
Quite a lot of the looting was done by Kuwaitis, Arabs
working in Kuwait, Asian workers and Iraqi soldiers.
Borders were open without supervisions, and stolen goods (including cars) passed through Iraq, the Jordanian border and to the world... Baghdad was filled with parked cars, with people knocking on doors selling VCRs, TVs and house appliances..

After the end of Iraq's destruction, Iraq was ordered to pay compenastions for losses, including those done by looters. The legal stand was that Iraq was obligated, under the Geneva Conventions as the occupying power to keep law and order and prevent looting.

The US/Uk armies, the forces of occupation in Iraq now, have the same responsibilities. Regardless of whether or not the US was behind the looting or encouraged it or stood watching it happen, the occupation forces are legally responsible for compensations to be paid to people and enterprises suffering losses because of those actions.

How can the US/UK be held responsible for those acts of pillaging, and how can they be forced to pay compensations (from their money, not from Iraq's oil money)??
