arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

CIA geeft het op om Iraakse leiders om te kopen
by Dirk adriaensens Tuesday April 01, 2003 at 09:45 PM

The CIA has stopped trying to persuade Iraqi generals and political leaders to defect after underestimating their "hatred" of America. De VS hebben het Iraakse volk op alle vlakken onderschat. Dat blijkt nu alweer uit een bericht geplukt uit een Irak-nieuwsgroep. Wordt het ook niet eens de hoogste tijd om ernstige vragen te stellen bij de media-intoxicatie over Irak die de afgelopen 13 jaar de hoofden van de Westerse mensen heeft overspoeld? Denk daar maar eens over na.

CIA abandons defection lure for Iraqi leaders

A three-month campaign using telephone calls, e-mails and face-to-face appeals has failed to convince any help overthrow Saddam Hussein.

"We misjudged their tenacity," an American intelligence official has told USA Today.

"These guys are driven by a hatred of the US that we may have underestimated."

Potential defectors were promised asylum, money and a position in a post-war Iraqi government.

Some refused to desert until Saddam was captured or killed because they feared retribution.

Others resisted changing sides because they had been rewarded for their loyalty to the regime with promotions, houses and cars.

Iraqi Major General Ali Musa Ramadan said: "Iraqi people are ready to fight.
We are ready to defend President Saddam Hussein."

He and his colleagues "laugh and hang up" on Iraqi opposition leaders when they made the offers, he said.