arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Urgent Peace Opportunity
by Dominique Friday March 28, 2003 at 11:17 AM

Greenpeace a mis en ligne une cyber-action pour soutenir l'action de la ligue arabe auprès des Nations-Unies

Cette action demande une résolution deu conseil de sécurité pour mettre fin à la guerre en Iraq. Les USA et l'Angleterre vont probablement mettre leur véto à cette résolution. La ligue arabe compte alors invoquer la résolution 377 (Unité pour la paix) et convoquer ainsi une assemblée générale de l'ONU pour statuer sur cette guerre. Dans une telle assemblée, une résolution demandant la fin immédiate de cette guerre bénéficiera vraisemblablement d'un trés large support.

L'action de Greenpeace supporte celle de la ligue arabe, par l'envoi d'un mail auprés de plusieurs gouvernements pour leur demander de supporter cette assemblée générale.

Greenpeace: Urgent Peace Opportunity

Thanks to an initiative from the Arab League, the UN is not hiding its head in
the sand over the war in Iraq. We now have a crucial opportunity for the world
to condemn the war in Iraq.

This is one of a series of irregular campaign updates being sent to our
cyberactivists concerning the war in Iraq. During this critical period we will
be sending more updates than usual. We hope that Greenpeace (and the world!)
will be able to return to a more regular schedule soon.

You can change your email address, cancel Greenpeace activist mailings, or have
a forgotten cybercentre password mailed to you using
the links at the bottom of this message. Please remember to
delete these links before forwarding this message to anyone

On Wednesday, 26 March, there was an 'open session' of the UN Security Council,
and members are expected to put forward a resolution condemning the war and
calling for a ceasefire. The debate is expected to carry on until Thursday, but
it is clear that any such resolution will be vetoed by the US and UK.

Arab League Foreign Ministers, as well as their colleagues in the non-Aligned
Movement, have said that if there is no Security Council resolution, they will
invoke Resolution 377 ('Uniting for Peace'), and call for an Emergency Session
of the UN General Assembly, where a resolution calling for an end to the war
would get overwhelming support.

We have chosen several countries whose support for this move is key to its
success. Any country that puts this forward, will have to be able to withstand
diplomatic and economic blackmail from the US and the UK in order to exercise
their democratic right to speak on behalf of their people.

Please use this link:

to write to the Foreign Ministers of Cuba, South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia,
Nigeria, New Zealand, Switzerland, Fiji, Mexico, Chile, Germany, Russia, and
France, and ask them to support 'Uniting for Peace'.

You can discuss the campaign for a 'Uniting for Peace' resolution here:


Please don't forget to visit the Greenpeace Cyberactivist Community at: