arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

UNICEF: 400.000 kinderen in levensgevaar in Basra.
by Dirk adriaensens Wednesday March 26, 2003 at 11:20 PM

De alarmklok wordt door diverse hulporganisaties geluid. De Yankees hebben wel geld gevonden om hun smerige unilaterale piraterij uit te voeren, maar aan de humanitaitre consequenties, daar hebben ze niet aan gedacht. Een schande. We moeten alles doen wat mogelijk is om de Yankees uit Irak te krijgen en we moeten consequent het verzet van de Iraki's steunen.

UNICEF: "in Basra there is the very real possibility now of child deaths, from the conflict, but also from diarrhoea and dehydration. We estimate that at least 100,000 children under the age of five are at risk." (UNICEF Communications Officer Geoff Keele, daily UN humanitarian briefing, Amman,
24 March 2003)

The below UN and ICRC webpages are worth checking daily. They are valuable primary resources on the living conditions and vulnerability of Iraqi civilians.

UN Iraq Page:
* Includes daily UN humanitarian briefings from Amman
* Includes UN agency (e.g., UNICEF, WHO) Iraq pages
* Includes Secretary-General Iraq statements and briefings
* Includes UN news stories

UNICEF Iraq Page 2:

ReliefWeb (maintained by OCHA) Iraq Page:

ICRC Iraq Page: