arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Conflict of interest at the White house
by yannindy Friday March 21, 2003 at 10:03 AM

This is an extract of a press conference at the white house.


Ari is Ari Fleischer, the spokesman for President Dubya

Richard Perle is a hawk of the Bush administration. Let's bet we will hear more from him in the near future.


QUESTION: Ari, Richard Perle is the Chairman of the Defense Policy Board and the lead public advocate for war on Iraq. In the New Yorker Magazine this week, Seymour Hirsch reports that Perle is also managing partner of a venture capital company, Trireme Partners, and is positioned to profit from a war in Iraq. The Federal Code of Conduct, which governs Perle in this matter, prohibits conflict of interest. Henry Kissinger resigned from the 9/11 Commission because of similar business conflicts. When asked on Sunday by Wolf Blitzer about the New Yorker article, Perle called Hirsch "the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist."

Two questions. Given Perle's conflict of interest, and given the widespread public belief that this war is being driven by corporate interests -- war for oil, and war for defense contracts, war for construction companies -- does the President believe --

MR. FLEISCHER: Who's informed judgment is that?

QUESTION: Widespread public belief.

MR. FLEISCHER: Widespread? Or just that chair?

QUESTION: No, widespread. Does the President believe that Richard Perle should resign from the Defense Policy Board? And second question, do you agree with Richard Perle that Hirsch is the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist?

MR. FLEISCHER: Russell, there's absolutely no basis to your own individual and personal statement about what may lead to war. If anything leads to war, it's the fact that Saddam Hussein has refused to disarm. And I think you do an injustice to people -- no matter what their background -- if you believe that people believe that Saddam Hussein should be disarmed for any reason that suggests personal profit.

QUESTION: Okay, what about the question, Ari? Should he resign and is he a terrorist?

MR. FLEISCHER: Russell, you've had your -- you've made your speech.

QUESTION: You didn't answer the question.

MR. FLEISCHER: You've made your speech.

Really interesting how Mr Fleischer replies to questions. That's the policy of the White House: if you're not with us, we will treat you as a terrorist.