arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Activists Shut down SF Military Recruitment Center!
by posted by Guido Saturday February 22, 2003 at 12:49 PM

Nine Bay Area activists have locked down in front of the Military Recruitment Center in downtown San Francisco on Broadway and Davis. One activist has locked down to the doors of the building and 8 others are locked to him, effectively blocking entrance to the building.

Nine Bay Area activists have locked down in front of the Military Recruitment Center in downtown San Francisco on Broadway and Davis. One activist has locked down to the doors of the building and 8 others are locked to him, effectively blocking entrance to the building.

This Morning, nine bay area activists have locked down in front of the SF Military Recruitment Center in downtown San Francisco on Broadway and Davis. One activist has locked down to the doors of the building and 8 others are locked to him, effectively blocking entrance to the building. Police are at the scene and are talking to the activists right now who are critical of the military's role in seeking out and enlisting American youth in the increasing campaign to invade the Middle East.

Media support is requested from anyone who can get to that location with a video camera relatively soon.

Update on Action and Arrest
by vicwelle Friday February 21, 2003 at 08:53 PM

I just got off the phone w/ one of the individuals at the action today, here's the latest word:

Nine individuals were arrested this afternoon after locking down in front of the Army Recruiting Station in San Francisco. They shut down the office and posted a sign declaring it a Peace Recruiting Station, as well as hanging banners from a nearby bridge. I was told that police used pain compliance techniques on some of the protesters to break up the lockdown. The one juvenile arrested has been released from police custody, and the other 8 are being held overnight at 850 Bryant. No word on bail or their exact release time. Exact charges are unclear as well, but it's looking like all will be charged w/ trespass and felony conspiracy, and possible resisting arrest.


UPdate on 9 Activists Who Locked Down Recruitment Center
by Rachel Friday February 21, 2003 at 09:36 PM 510-436-9134

Eight of the nine activists who locked down at the military recruitment center at Broadway and Davis in SF are being held overnight at 850 Bryant with $10,000 bail, and at last word are charged with felony conspiracy and (misdemeanor) trespass, and possibly a few may be charged with resisting arrest. The ninth activist, a minor, was released to her parents earlier in the afternoon, and is scheduled to meet with probation on March 7th.

At about 11 AM Friday, 9 activists locked down in front of the front door to the center, one of them was also locked by the neck to the door handles with U-locks. The police arrived almost immediately, and the fire department was later called to begin cutting chains and lock boxes. At about 12, the police began handcuffing and arresting folks. The first 2-3 activists were walked to the police van. Then the police began using pain compliance on the remaining activists, pinching pressure points in at least 2 people's necks and shoulders. Ignoring the witnesses' chants of "SHAME,SHAME!" the arresting officers began roughly pulling the activists apart, kneed an arrestee's ribs, yanked his arms behind his back and held his legs down. He was shoved down onto his stomach, face first onto the sidewalk as they handcuffed him, then dragged him to the police van. One handcuffed arrestee was also paced in the road on his side as a police officer groped/searched him before placing him into the van with the rest. They were then taken to the Vallejo Steet police station where they remained for several hours before being transported to the Sheriff's Department at 850 Bryant around 6:30 or 7 this evening.

No court date for an arraignment has been set yet... It is not yet clear how long they will remain in custody or if charges will be dropped.

To support these activists, get out on MARCH 5th (or before!) and say NO to war!- Walk out, call in sick, lock down, do what you can to STOP THE WAR ON IRAQ!!!