arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Conference on globalistion nov 26 Leuven - call for action
by Attac-Leuven Wednesday November 20, 2002 at 12:32 PM 0486696927 (David)

Invitation for the actions of nov 26th when prime minster guy verhofstadt is holding a "conference" on globalisation.

Conference on global...
verhofstadt2002nov26.jpg, image/jpeg, 515x731

On november 26th prime minister Guy Verhofstadt organises for the second time a conference on globalisation, in Leuven. It is presented as a dialogue but in reality this is nothing more than a personal PR-stunt. That is why Attac-Leuven calls for action! [Poster in attachment!]
Antiglobalists are not against dialogue, why should we? We do have a lot of propositions and ideas. Last year we learned that most Belgian antiglobalists were not invited on Verhofstadts conference and that those who were there could sit en not talk. Dialogue? Nothing more than a big publicity stunt!
On top of all that, Verhofstadts policy is the opposite of the goals of the antiglobalists. In his letter he defends a globalism of an ethical kind, but at the same time he and his government approve of weapendeliveries to a country in civil war, Nepal etc. We of Attac want to resist this hypocrisy. We are activists for another world and now we call for action against this PR-stunt of Verhofstadt. Join in at the Ladeuzeplein on november 26th, 13.30!

Attac-Leuven calls for action under these words:


Globalize ethically? Some suggestions for Guy:

Human Rights: no weapons to Nepal
Peace: No war against Irak, no Belgian participation in it
North-South: Drop the debt
Ecology: No profit before nature: save the lappersbosforest, Doel must stay
Solidarity: Capital levy now! Tobintax!
No Sell-out: Stop privatisation of public services, stop GATS
Agriculture: No Genetically Manipulated Organisms in Belgium

Playful action going to the conference (in PDS)

Thuesday november 26th 2002, 13.30u., Ladeuzeplein, Leuven.
Bring whistles and drumming material because they will hear our voice!

Attac-Leuven calls for all activists and antiglobalists to be present. We can use your support, creativity en combativity! Are you a member of a sambaband, a direct action group or do you juggle? You are more than welcome to do your thing! Some NGOs plan symbolic actions that day, we do call for those too.