arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Dernières Nouvelles
by Kent Tuesday November 19, 2002 at 10:16 AM

- The United Nations chief weapons inspector, Hans Blix, yesterday accused hawks in Washington of conducting a smear campaign against him. - BRITAIN and US deliberately bombed German civilians during the war. - What did Dubya do in the war, daddy? - War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler

Tuesday November 19, 2002
The Guardian
The United Nations chief weapons inspector, Hans Blix, yesterday accused hawks in Washington, who are bent on going to war with Iraq, of conducting a smear campaign against him.,2763,842962,00.html

"The arrival of the UN team coincided with air attacks on Iraqi defensive positions. The Iraqis fired back, a move the US insists contravenes the UN resolution passed this month."

Non seulement hypocrite, mais ridicule. Et ces gens là s'étonnent de l'anti-américanisme gallopant ?

BRITAIN deliberately bombed German civilians during the war, setting ablaze cities, schools and churches, according to a new book that shatters a 50-year taboo in Germany "Terrible crimes were committed, yet no one could talk about them," the historian Jörg Friedrich, author of Der Brand (The Fire), says. "How could we raise these issues when weighed against the German-inflicted horrors of the concentration camps? How could we point a finger at the British and Americans who were feeding us and teaching us democracy?"
The book, serialised in the mass circulation Bild newspaper and promoted with television interviews, has now broken that silence.
Dr Friedrich, who has published several books on Nazi aggression, trawled through the archives of 70 cities to piece together the misery inflicted by the Allied bombing campaign. More than one million tonnes of explosives were dropped on 1,000 German towns and villages during the war; 635,000 people died, most burnt to death or suffocated by toxic fumes.

Ze book:
"Der Brand"

What did Dubya do in the war, daddy?

"Bush was catapulted to the front of 500 other applicants after a friend of his father, then a wealthy Houston congressman, phoned the Speaker of the Texas House, according to the Boston Globe..."
Linda McQuaig is a Toronto-based author and political commentator


War Is A Racket
By Major General Smedley Butler