arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

It's due to him. Thank you Georgo Hynkel!
by Tuesday September 17, 2002 at 10:07 AM

The official website of the holy empire USamania and his emperor Georgo W. Hynkel is online now.

It's due to him. Tha...
heil_hynkel.jpg, image/jpeg, 373x549

For those who are not really convinced of the political statements by George W. Bush the
Hynkel party finally presents the official website of emperor Georgo W. Hynkel and his empire.
Hynkel explains detailed how this empire works and how the foreign-language back-stabbing abroad, which he can't appreciate, is spreading a faked rumor again and again to discredit Hinkel and his inhabitants. It's clear as daylight.

From now on you will be totally convinced!