arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Fadlullah calls for drawing deposits and accounts from USA
by zonalibre Saturday August 31, 2002 at 12:56 PM

He invited Mohammad Hussain Fadl Allah the Shiite reference in lebanon Arab and Muslim to drawing their accounts from the United states avoidance to her stagnation within the framework of the American campaign to struggle naming him the terrorism .

-- e-translation by arabic 2 english ---

He invited Mohammad Hussain Fadl Allah the Shiite reference in lebanon Arab and Muslim to drawing their accounts from the United states avoidance to her stagnation within the framework of the American campaign to struggle naming him the terrorism . And caution Fadl Allah in the friday sermon the American movement against iraq he stop at limits Iraqi land .

And Fadl Allah said he and it is a must that the mental change have the arabs and the Muslim in the political treatment and the economic and security with the United states and trait by means of withdrawal Arab accounts and the Islamic from the American investments . And proved that the new laws in the United states started representing the seriousness site to more stagnation state or confiscation or except that as reaction on events the one ten september / september .

And confirmed the spiritual guide to the shiites in lebanon that she on the Arab nations and the Islamic studies the latent backgrounds behind the American movement that seeks the control on the strength sites and completion military bases for the sake of the assurance on the American leadership by the oil wells in the area extension to the other springs in the world .

And Fadl Allah added the American cover to israel aggression and the financial support to the military operations against the Palestinian people who is exposed to the organized daily murder . And said " sound he rises in america and from europe from the United nations until the Arab sounds and the Islamic became weak shy by disgraceful form " . And indicated he on the arabs plan situation to the oppression on the American policy ought as do israel by the Jewish oppression groups in the United states .

And the anger in the arabs countries rises from the United states because of her administration supporting to israel that tries the palestinian uprising destruction against the Israeli occupation to west Bank and Ghazza sector