arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Permanent Peace: How to Stop Terrorism and War, Now and Forever
by Ben Monday April 08, 2002 at 09:14 PM

I think its fair to say that terrorists wouldn't want you to read this book. Neither would militarists in every major nation. But the time has come for peace-loving people everywhere to find out about this long-lost technology of peace. The book describes a practical, proven technology that allows all of us to take world peace into our own hands and thereby protect our families, defend our nation, and preserve our world.

Please visit the book's website today at Here you can explore the book's important message in three ways:
1. Read the eight-page online introduction to "Permanent Peace" to get an idea of the book's content, style, and tone.

2. Download a free, condensed version of the entire text in seconds--a mini-book that contains word-for-word selections from each chapter. You can print out this shorter version, read it, duplicate it for your friends and family, and distribute it as you see fit.

3. Order the complete book online for $19.95 (plus S&H)--and help support the creation of permanent world peace. Ninety percent of your payment will be donated to support the Institute's activities to prevent terrorism and war and to create a lasting state of global peace.

"Permanent Peace: How to Stop Terrorism and War, Now and Forever" provides crucial, comprehensive information about how to end social violence in this generation. Please tell your family and friends about this exciting new book and help us get the word out about a proven, practical technology to secure peace for the world.

The author, Robert Oates, is a senior policy fellow at Dr. Hagelin?s Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy. He is the author of a dozen books, including, "Celebrating the Dawn" and "Freedom from Disease" (with Hari Sharma, M.D.).

Do you know the cause of terrorism,
or how to dissolve terrorism at its root?

If you don't, you're not alone. The conventional response to terrorism is to strike back, to kill people. But as the Middle East has made clear for decades, the vengeful killing of terrorists (and innocent civilians) only gives birth to more terrorists.

Moreover, terrorism?and counterattacks against terrorism?illustrate the religious truth: As you sow, so shall you reap. In the language of physics: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Once the vicious cycle of terrorism has begun?heartless attacks and vengeful retaliations?killers on all sides will be killed, bombers will be bombed, destroyers will be destroyed.

But this cycle of violence CAN be broken. When you read Permanent Peace, you'll find the missing answer to terrorism and war ? in two parts:

1. The overlooked cause: Attacks by individuals and governments do not happen in a vacuum. They have an underlying cause, and that cause is the stress, fear and hostility rampant in the society as a whole. The connection is simple: If stress in the social atmosphere gets too high, violence erupts. The build-up of anxiety and tension, of fear and anger?between factions, nations and religions?finally breaks out as crime, warfare and terrorism.

2. The missing solution: To dissolve the cycle of violence at its root, dissolve stress and disorder in the society as a whole. Super Radiance?the technology of peace?powerfully purifies social stress. That's why it decreases warfare, terrorism, violent crime and other social violence in a dramatic and easily measurable way.

With this profound new approach, military attacks become obsolete. You don't even have to know who the enemy is. By dissolving social stress, you dissolve social violence... like the sun dissolves morning fog.