arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Deheishe: IDF Opens Fire on Diplomatic Caravan
by gkd (posted by bart) Friday April 05, 2002 at 03:54 PM

Information on the second international diplomatic caravan leaving Bethlehem today. This is the French/Swiss/Italian caravan. Full details below the picture.

Deheishe: IDF Opens ...
idfattackscaravan.jpg, image/jpeg, 613x260

Friday, April 5 2002


A group of about 30 Italians, 15 French & Swiss, a couple Americans and random European corporate media have been holed up in Ibda'a social center for a few days now, because Bethlehem is a closed military zone with a 24-hour curfew. Since the new invasion of Bethlehem began a few days ago, the streets outside of Ibda'a have been a total warzone. Palestinian shebab have been using kerosene bombs in the streets, buried under trash. As IDF APCs and tanks roll by, they shoot from 100 yards away to explode the bombs. Therefore, the sound of very close automatic gunfire has been heard almost 24 hours a day at Deheishe, as well as huge explosions. In addition, errant gunshots have hit the building and gone through windows and walls. As well, at least one IDF sniper has targeted journalists who were filming from inside Deheishe. This morning, a woman was rushed to the UN Clinic next door after a bullet came into her bedroom window, hitting her bed and showering her face with broken glass. In the past two days, there have been about 15 sniper incidents like this.

The group had been negotiating an embassy-escorted departure from Deheishe to Jerusalem. They tried to negotiate that (1) Red Cross ambulances take part in the "humanitarian corridor" and (2) there would be no IDF escort to accompany them, in solidarity with the Palestinians, to whom the IDF tanks represent death and oppression.

After an intense attack by IDF which included detonating a kerosene bomb, the international caravan arrived. It was comprised of at least 10 international diplomatic bulletproof vehicles, as well as armored corporate media vehicles. A French television station was on the scene. The internationals were gathered outside, tearfully saying goodbye to their new Palestinian friends. Also, they were in negotiation with the delegation to meet the aforementioned conditions for their departure.

Suddenly, we saw APCs and tanks rolling down the street. And then the deafening sound of automatic gunfire came, and we realized that IDF was firing upon us and the diplomatic caravan. Many people ran for the diplomatic cars (which are bulletproof). Others ran back into Ibda'a, as the sound of bullets whizzed past our ears. The Palestinians sprinted back into the safety of Deheishe camp.

The people who ran into Ibda'a hit the floor as the firing continued. The dipomatic caravan sped off down Hebron Road. When the shooting subsided a bit, a few of us ran out into a Palestinian media vehicle and sped down Hebron Road away from Deheishe. We didn't know if IDF would keep firing on us or not, so we sped away quickly. Several members of the international delegation were left at Ibda'a. At this point we do not know their condition, and hope to send a car to pick them up and bring them to a safe location.

We do not know why IDF opened fire on an international diplomatic delegation which they were aware of and in co-ordination with. We can only assume it was to scare people into leaving, to terrorize the Palestinians, and in general to get back at the internationals who have embarrassed them so thoroughly during this latest invasion. All we know is that terrorism is most commonly found in the practices of tyrannical state entities, and not in the actions of desperate people in the streets.