arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Call for an anti-capitalist coalition against the meeting of the IADB (BID)
by Anti-BID coalition Wednesday February 13, 2002 at 09:06 PM


Call for an anti-cap...
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In March of this year, a summit meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank will be held in Brazil, in the city of Fortaleza, State of Ceará.

We know that this finance agency is using its resources to attract the autonomous movements into its system of logic: it finances "alternative means of development and of combating poverty" as laid out by the international organs of capitalism. It is not by chance that this bank is the main source of cash for governments of the official left which claim to be "popular and democratic".

We believe that we should try to develop coordinated protest actions against this meeting, the first of its kind on the land occupied by the Brazilian State. Our actions should be extensions of our daily resistance to the domination of Capital, of its States and its international organizations.

We believe that the autonomous, anti-hierarchic, anti-party and direct action character which we built up during the global action days in Brazil, and the search to integrate protest into all areas of our everyday lives (factories, schools, neighborhoods, universities etc) should be the tonic used, in the attempt to coordinate protest actions around the March gathering.

To our fellow strugglers in the fight against capitalism, hierarchy, and authoritarianism: we hope that this message will help to launch a discussion about ways, means and possibilities to coordinate common actions against the IADB summit.

Ação Global dos Povos (Global People's Action) is a worldwide coordination of grassroot organizations which has been a driving force behind anti-capitalist demonstrations all over the planet, (Seattle, Prague, Genova...).

In September of last year, in its most recent World Congress, held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Ação Global dos Povos approved a call to global action against the IABD in Fortaleza.

So, while we demonstrate here in Fortaleza, thousands of companions, from many countries will be with us.

Once again we declare: Our resistance shall be as global as their economy!

Come to Fortaleza and unite with us for the social revolution!

March 11 to 13, 2002
Centro de Convenções do Ceará (Ceara Convention Center)
Fortaleza, Ceará - Brazil


-Coletivo Acrático Proposta (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
-Círculo de Cultura e Organização Proletária (Fortaleza, Brasil)
-Coletivo Trincheira Libertária (Fortaleza, Brasil)
-Do contra (São Paulo, Brasil)
-Manifesto Anarquista - Zine (Fortaleza, Brasil)
-Movimento Ambiental Revolucionário (Brasil)
-Movimento Escaramuça (Fortaleza, Brasil)
-Heresia! (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
-Projeto Periferia (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
-Proletarizad@s Contra-a-corrente (Fortaleza, Brasil)
-Rádio Muda (Campinas, Brasil)
-Acao Local por Justica Global (São Paulo, Brasil)
-OLA - RIMA - Reunião de indivíduos do Movimento Anarquista (Pelotas, Brasil)
-Bloco Independente Apartidário - BIA (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
-Ação & Reação 26/Setembro (Mogi das Cruzes, Brasil)
-Coletivo Periferia (São Paulo, Brasil)
-Lésbicas Gays Bissexuais e Trangêneros-Radical (Brasil)
-Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brasil)
-Associação dos Educadores da Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brasil)
-Coletivo Libertinas (São Paulo, Brasil)
-Absoluto Editorial (Pirenópolis, Brasil)
-Grupo Anarco-Comunista (Pedro Leopoldo, Brasil)
-Grupo de estudo Libertário Flor de Lotus (Fortaleza, Brasil)
-Associação Cultural Cearense do Rock (Fortaleza, Brasil)
-Diretório Central dos Estudantes da UFAL (Maceió, Brasil)
-Grupo Afim (Natal, Brasil)
-Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda
-Tendência Autonomia Operária (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
-Rede de Entidades Culturais Autônomas (Brasil)
-Punks Carnívoros (São Paulo, Brasil)

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action against the IABD!

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